

Leo's life changes as he awakens in a new world different from the one he knows. He struggles to find his way back to his home and his younger brother. He soon discovers that the humans in this world all possess "Gates" and it is revealed that Leo also possesses a gate but is ridiculed by everyone once they find out that his gate is the weakest and most abnormal gate to ever appear in this world. The abnormality of Leo's gate eventually changes from a curse to a blessing granting him the power he needs to survive and eventually become the strongest.

Chimasper · Fantasi
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33 Chs


The Chief explained to Leo that an active gate is signified by glowing eyes. He went on to confirm from Leo if his eyes had given off a glow since he got here.

"No. But then, I'm not too sure, because I can't see my own eyes, now can I?"

"Valid response. But with time, you'll know when a gate is active without having to see the glow, whether yours or that of another person."

"All this is starting to sound like magic. What's next? Are you going to tell me that magical powers also exist?"

Leo began laughing at his own joke, but then noticed that the Chief didn't even crack a smile.

"Wait. Are you serious? Magic also exists in this world!?"

"Yes. And everyone is capable of using it."

"Now I see why you guys can fight the Laoshes. With superhuman abilities and magical prowess, they shouldn't even stand a chance."

"Don't be so sure. The magical abilities that everyone possesses are tied to their gates."

Leo didn't understand what that meant and paid attention to understand what the Chief was saying.

A few houses away. Kiva sits in a room where water is poured on a heated rock at intervals to create steam that circulated throughout the entire room. She was sitting on a large rectangular block with nothing on but a tower that she placed on her lap. Her smooth body could be seen through the steam with sweat running from her face to her curvy breast and falling off from the tip of her nipples onto the towel on her lap. Her beauty combined with her body would send any man that saw her into a trance, if only her amour didn't hide most of it away. She was alone but still maintained the sitting posture of a woman, with her legs tightly closed as if not to reveal her punani to the red hot stone. She kept her eyes closed as she basked in the relaxing sensation of the steam.

'Have I made a mistake?'

'I watched his movement from the river where he managed to evade that Shaeyu's attack with his weak body, or was he just lucky. No that's impossible, he did a backflip as it jumped out to grab him and that was all in an instant. Luck can't do that. He was quick to realize that some plants are capable of masking someone's smell and used it to his advantage. But I don't understand what happened between him and that Alpha. I was scared that he was about to be killed, but it just let him go.'

She went through the events that occurred in the jungle as she followed Leo and reassured herself of her decision.

'I'm sure of it, either he is a Menzhu or his gate is almost as powerful.


The shouts of her name from just outside the house forced her eyes open. Her eyebrows now lowered and pulled closer together with her eyelids squinting, she knew that this wonderful sensation was over.

Back in Leo's room, the Chief went on to explain what he meant when he said that magic is tied to gates.

"One's magic cannot be strong if the gate is weak. Your magic draws its power from the energy within your gate."

Leo heard what the Chief said, but his understanding was still vague and the Chief noticed.

"Look at it this way, think of the energy within the gate as water and the gate as the entrance to a water tank. The larger the entrance, the more water that can be let out, and vice versa. This means that the extent of one's power is determined by the size of his gate."

"Ok, I understand what you mean by the whole gate and water stuff, but what does that have to do with magic?"

"It has everything to do with magic. To use magic requires energy, and the energy used is drawn from the gate. The amount of energy you can draw from your gate will determine the power of your magical abilities."

"ok, then what about the physical strength, the one you called innate. Does it have anything to do with the gate?"

"Yes, all though it could be developed through training, the natural speed and strength still depend on the gate."

Leo stood up and began pacing around the room while running his hands through his hair.

"Alright, I think I get it now."

He relaxed and sat back down.

"Shall I go on?"

"Yes sir, I'm listening."

"Majority of the people that appear in this world are weak with gates that allow the passage of only a little bit of energy. But everyone has the capacity to evolve their gate and increase their own power."

"This is good, that means anyone can get strong. I'm guessing that it has to do with some rigorous training or a deadly potion."

"Not exactly, you see the size of the gates are not permanent and can be increased when you expose yourself to danger, no matter how little. The size of the gate will keep growing with the amount of energy-sipping out every time the gate is active also increasing."

Leo became puzzled.

"Just being exposed to danger would make a person's gate enlarge? Then that would mean that everybody on this planet has the potential to become super strong."

"Again, No. First of all, it's not that easy to get stronger, because once the size of your gate grows when you expose yourself to danger, it would only grow again when you expose yourself to something more dangerous than your previous encounter. Many have tried to do this and were eventually killed in the course of Levelling up."

This came as a blow to Leo. But it was expected, nothing can ever be that easy.

"Then secondly, everyone has a limit to which the size of their gate can grow, and this is called the Peak of their gate."

Leo couldn't help but let out a loud sigh.

"It's dangerous to level up and there is a limit to how much one can go in order to get stronger. It's almost as if the weak are meant to remain weak. So what exactly is this peak of gate stuff about."

"I already told you about the 8 gates currently existing on this planet. Well each of those gates has Sub gates and each of those sub gates is divided into five stages. Every one arrived here with similar or different sub gates but they always start at the lowest stage, Stage 1. This means that no matter how strong you are when you arrive, you can always get stronger and the stronger you are on this planet, the more benefits you can enjoy. Now the Peak of one's gate is the 5th stage of the highest sub gate of one's gate and no matter how strong you are, the 5th stage would always be difficult to attain."

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