

The story of Ethan, a man who managed to obtain the favor of God and now travels through the multiverse. Buy me a coffee so I can write more. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mrgabrielwritter First world Game of Thrones.

MrGabriel · Televisi
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21 Chs

Plans for a business

Ethan continued his training routine that night, determined to further improve his sword skills and fitness. He knew that the competition and challenges ahead would require him to be in top shape.

"I should decide on my own style. Using a greatsword is effective but perhaps it would be better for me to wield two swords. Being a more aggressive style will give me more advantage in a fight, and if I combine it with magic I will be an unstoppable force." - thought the young man. "Maybe one sword bigger than the other, to have some play and be able to balance the total weight."

After finishing training in sword art, he spent time doing physical exercises to improve his strength and endurance. He performed push-ups, sit-ups and runs around the house to stay in shape. He knew that a strong and resilient body was essential for future wars.

As the night progressed, Ethan felt satisfied with his training and progress. He knew that each day of preparation brought him one step closer to achieving his goals and becoming a leader capable of leading his house to success in Highgarden and beyond. With that determination in mind, he retired to rest.

Ethan woke up early in the morning with his mind full of ideas, he wanted to improve the status of his house while preparing businesses to start making money. He was thinking about how to take advantage of the region's resources to start a profitable business.

He knew that The Domain was known to be the most fertile land in the entire continent, which meant an abundance of fruits and other agricultural products. An idea that was on his mind was to use these fruits to produce alcohol, an industry that could be very lucrative, especially in these periods of hardship, where people killed their pain through drinking.

"If I can create a good drink, cheap and easy to manage, I could build an empire just from selling alcohol. With all the fields full of fruitful trees it would be a waste not to take advantage of them to make all kinds of alcohol." -Ethan thought, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen to write down his ideas.

"First the fruit picking. Create a network of local suppliers to obtain a constant supply of raw materials. Second, the production process, ferment the fruit and distill it to turn the fruits into high quality alcohol. And finally, the transportation and sale of the product, this step is the easiest, since many will fight to be a seller of my unique products."

After finishing writing the note with the business process, he went down to the kitchen to eat and prepared to leave. At the door, the three hired mercenaries were already there.

"Good morning Boss, we were just going to knock on the door!" - said Leandro while the other two nodded.

"Good morning, today will be a busy day. In two days we have to go to Highgarden for the annual festivities, for today I am going to distribute everyone's tasks. Dario I need you to give me a report on the crops in the nearby fields, I need you to focus especially on the fruit crops." - Ethan said.

"Understood." - Dario responded without taking too long to leave.

"Leandro I want you to go buy some construction materials. I want you to buy 50 logs of refined wood. And you, Elara, I want you to go home and buy 200 locks and iron bars. Here you have a few Silver Stags more than enough to buy all this." - said Ethan - 'With this I will have enough to build large wooden barrels to ferment and test.'

Ethan decided to take a walk around the town while his subordinates took care of the necessary errands. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to interact with the townspeople, learn their opinions and strengthen ties with the community. He will also continue to develop the power to analyze.

As he walked through the streets of the town, he greeted the villagers he met and chatted with some of them. He thanked them for their support and explained his plans for the production of alcohol from local fruits. Most of the villagers seemed excited by the idea and offered their support, some even offering advice on the most suitable fruit varieties for alcohol production.

Ethan also took an interest in the needs of the community and how he could contribute to the development of the town. He listened carefully to the villagers' concerns and took note of areas where he could make a positive difference.

"Establishing a good relationship with the people is key to the future. I don't understand how other rulers take so little into account the power of the people. They will even serve as workers once I start building the factories. Tonight, when I have the supplies to make the barrels I can finally use the Creator ability to build them. In addition, my eyes are adapting wonderfully to the power of analysis, more and more information appears to me." - thought the young man.

After his walk through town Ethan returned to his house. Upon arriving home, he took a moment to relax and reflect on his day. He knew he had a lot of work ahead of him, but he felt motivated and willing to face the challenges ahead.

At his house, the young man closed himself inside the baquet hall to meditate. After a few hours of deep meditation, he began to feel the flow of energy in his body and in the environment around him. He was aware that in this world the nature of magic was mysterious and wild. Difficult to feel even more difficult to master. It was a path that required time and dedication but he was in no hurry, at his age he had all the time in the world to follow the path of magic.

In itself it was a big step to feel the magic inside him, although for now he couldn't use it in any way.

"I will have to study more about this power, maybe in the capital I will find books about it, otherwise I will have to go to another continent to learn more." - the young man finished thinking, somewhat exhausted by the intensity of the exercise.

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Last chapter for today. I hope you like it. I am going little by little so that the novel has a solid base. I like to take my time describing everything, and not rush things. I appreciate your support.

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