
Personnel election

Ethan came home after his announcement at the tavern, and before going to sleep, he decided to spend some time practicing with his sword. Despite his 12 years of experience in the art of the sword, he felt that now, thanks to his first desire to have no limits on his abilities, he must put extra effort into his training.

He took his sword and headed to the backyard of the house. There, under the starry sky, he began to make precise and fluid movements. Every blow, every stop and every movement was executed with great concentration and determination. Ethan was determined to perfect his swordsmanship and reach the highest level on this path.The hours flew by as Ethan trained, and although fatigue began to take its toll on his body, he did not stop. He continued practicing until dawn approached and fatigue finally overcame him.

With a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from his training, he returned home and went to sleep, knowing that his additional effort would take him one step closer to achieving his goals.

In the morning, Ethan began his day drawing water from the well, a daily gesture that connected him to life in the village. The crispness of the morning air and the sound of water falling into the bucket helped him fully awaken, although the cold jolted him more effectively than any cup of coffee.

After filling the bucket with water, he took a quick shower, feeling how the cold water revitalized him and made him momentarily forget the tiredness of the previous night. The feeling of cleanliness and freshness left him ready to face the day ahead.

The lady who cooks prepared breakfast for him. Two fried eggs with sausages, and fresh bread.

After eating and with his mind clear and his body awake, Ethan prepared to receive the potential mercenaries who had shown interest in the offer he had made at the tavern the night before.

Ethan worked hard to prepare his house to receive potential mercenaries interested in joining House Astaroth. In the banquet hall, he arranged tables and chairs, making sure everything was clean and orderly to receive many people. The atmosphere was ready for talks and possible negotiations.

In the courtyard of the house, he organized a training area. He placed several swords, some wooden for practice and others steel for those who wanted to demonstrate his real skills. Ethan knew that it was important to evaluate the talent and skill of potential mercenaries before making a decision.

When noon arrived, fifteen young people showed up in front of Ethan's house, all of them no older than 20 years old. Ethan recognized in their faces the determination and bravery of those who were willing to take a job like the one he offered, knowing that only the least fearful young people or those lacking alternatives would apply for this opportunity.

Ethan invited them all into the banquet room, where they sat and listened attentively as he explained what he was looking for in his future candidates. He explained that House Astaroth was looking for mercenaries willing to serve their noble house and participate in various tasks, from protecting the domains to carrying out special missions. He also emphasized the importance of loyalty and teamwork.

"Thank you all for coming. As I mentioned before, I am looking for mercenaries who are willing to serve House Astaroth. I want to know more about each of you and what skills you can bring to the table. Who wants to start?" -Ethan asked as he tried to begin analyzing those in front of him using the power granted by God.

They all answered quickly, and one by one they introduced themselves.

"I'm Leandro. I grew up in a home where my family works the land, so I have physical strength and endurance. Furthermore, I have hunted in the surrounding forests since I was a child, so I have experience in ranged combat." - said one of them enthusiastically.

"That sounds promising, Leandro. Strength and hunting experience can be useful skills in many situations. Someone else?" - Ethan answered.

So one by one they all introduced themselves.

Straining his eyes a little, Ethan could see how a text began to float above the heads of the others. The text was blurry. Ethan couldn't differentiate any letters or understand any sentences. "This is what God meant when he said that it is a skill that I must train to be useful." - Ethan thought, somewhat tired from the use of magical power.

Ethan acted normally, during his talk he asked the young people questions, trying to learn about their abilities, past experiences, and motivations for joining his cause. He wanted to ensure that those he chose were best suited for the job and shared his vision.

Of the 15 candidates, there was only one woman present among them. Ethan was surprised to see her arrive, he did not expect any woman to come work for him as a mercenary. The other men in the banquet hall were also surprised but said nothing. The woman had a characteristic that made her stand out, very dark hair, similar to the color of coal, and a large scar that ran across her right cheek.

After several hours of talking, Ethan's observation skill increased more and more, managing to see the name and age of the subject being analyzed. After the initial conversation, he invited the youths to test his skills with the swords he had prepared in the courtyard, allowing them to demonstrate their combat prowess. As he watched his performances, Ethan assessed his potential and made mental notes to make informed decisions about who would be chosen to join House Astaroth and accompany him on his journey to Highgarden and the annual festivities.

At the end of the tests he was left with only three candidates. Leandro the first to introduce himself. A robust looking boy, tall as a tree and strong as a wild boar, among all of them he was the strongest physically speaking. Even so, he had a good character, making it easy for them to get along with him.

"I can count on Leandro for any heavy work, he has a body with many possibilities, but he does not have too many lights. It will be easy to keep him happy and manipulate him." - Ethan thought.

The second candidate was Dario, a young man known to Ethan, since his family has worked for them for years. With a fragile body, he had the figure of a merchant or negotiator rather than a fighter, but he knew the surrounding lands better than anyone since he often acted as a guide for the nobles who came to hunt.

And finally, the only woman in the group Elara. The daughter of the town blacksmith, from an early age she began to help her father with her work. She always liked weapons, both forging them and using them.

"His profession is useful, you never know when a blacksmith will be needed these days. He also knows how to defend herself with a sword better than most of the other candidates. the thing that intrigues me, why she has not yet married and is still single, does she have to do with that scar on her face?" - Ethan thought.

The three selected, apart from meeting Ethan's demands, they also have the ability to defend themselves using the weapon of their choice. Leandro with a large ax and has great skill with the bow too. Dario has the least control over weapons, but he is elusive and with a pair of daggers he can do damage and Elara fights very well with sword and shield.

The three accepted Ethan's offer. They did not have to worry about food or accommodation, they would also receive food and a salary in kind according to their usefulness.

Another chapter. If I have time I will upload another one. Thank you and I hope you support me. Comment what you think.

MrGabrielcreators' thoughts
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