
Game of Thrones-Age of Warriors

Ivar Stark.Second born son of Lord Eddard Stark.He has always known his lot in life was to be bellow his twin.And while he has no desire to take what is not his,he started to desire something of his own... I will try to post at least 1 chapter per week,but it is possible for updates to be irregular,due to,well,life... English is not my first language,and while i think i am good at it there is always room to improve.Point any mistake that you see,and i will sort them out,thanks. I plan for this work to contain the worst of GOT.Disgusting acts done even by the MC,so be warned. Disclaimer: I don't own Game of Thrones,A Song of Ice and Fire or Planetos,whatever name you prefer calling the world crated by George R.R. Martin,everything belong's to the author of said universe,this is purely a work for fun that i am not seeking to profit from it in anyway.

Mahesvara98 · Televisi
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11 Chs

What Is Dead May Never Die

General POV

Inside the war room in Seaguard were gathered some of the most powerful Lords of the Realm.Most notable were:King Robert Baratheon,his brother Stannis,Lord Paxter Redwyne of The Arbor,Ser Garth Hightower,who was in command of Oldtown's warships.Ser Jaime of the Kingsguard.Also of the Kingsguard,Ser Barristan Selmy,Lord Eddard Stark and the Lord of the castle,Jason Mallister.They have assembled to finally plan the invasion of The Iron Islands.

"It is settled then.Stannis will lead the invasion of Great Wyk,Ser Barristan will go to Old Wyk.Ser Garth will attack Blacktyde.Harlaw by Lord Redwyne.Lord Paxter,you will have some of your captains ferry Lord Jason Mallister and the other Lords of the Realm who joined us to Saltcliff and Orkmont.And finally Pyke will be attacked by me and Lord Eddard Stark.Kingslayer,you will also be joining us."Said Robert Baratheon in a booming voice.His expression eager,almost gleeful.

"As you wish,Your Grace."Answered Ser Jaime Lannister.The tone when he spoke to the King held a slight mocking tone to it.

If the King noticed,he made no mention of it.

"We will bring Balon to his knees,or to his grave."Said the King to the assembled Lords with a laugh.

"As you command,Your Grace."The other Lords accepted his orders

"That will be all,my Lords.Tomorrow,we attack.Lord Stark,walk with me."Said King Robert to the other Lords before walking out of the door,side by side with the Lord of Winterfell,his two Kingsguards behind him.


Riding down the streets of the somewhat crowded town of Seaguard,was a group of men,at the front of them,two of the men were noticeably distinct from the the others behind.One of them was an absolute giant bear of man,atop a huge horse dressed in fine leathers with a crossed chain with a fur cloak,looking distastefully at the crowds around them.

The other was a man with a fine silk doublet with a clasped fur cloak on his back,riding an equally large horse.Although,unlike the man next to him,the horse was so large,more in order to support his rather large girt,instead of a tall warrior figure as the Lord next to him.He was calmly taking in the sights around him,however.Contrast to the other man's mood.

They were followed by Manderly knight's and mounted Umber warriors,as they slowly made their way through the streets of the crowded town.Before long they reached the gates leading outside of the walls before they began riding faster now on wide green fields.Once they have created a good enough distance from the town,they slowed down to a trot.

"Wait here.Me and Lord Umber have matters to discuss."Commanded Lord Manderly to his knights.Lord Umber also waving at his men to stay behind.

As they have moved away from hearing distance of their men,approaching a small collection of trees,they stopped.Looking around for a moment,Lord Umber spoke in an uncharacteristically quieter voice than usual.

"Still can't believe we are here.I knew it was a long shot,but still.All my pleas hit on a deaf ear.We are here to fight Robert's war for him."Said Lord Umber to his fellow Lord,while looking like a quiet volcano ready to explode.

"Lord Stark is the friend of King Robert,and an honorable man besides.Once he was called to arms by the Iron Throne,there is no way he could have refused the call.I don't know what else did you expect.We are here for war.Deal with it,my Lord Umber."The widely large Lord of White Harbor said to the man next to him in a calm voice.

"Bah.It is not the war that bothers me.I have wanted to disembowel the Ironborn shits and feed them their guts for a long time now.It's the way it is fought that causes me anger.The entire winter they raided The North while the King did nothing.This is a war that should have been done on our term,not the throne's.We could have used the Kings inability to protect The North as a pretext and convinced Ned to invade the Iron Islands ourselves.We were close to convincing him too.I know we were."He spoke resolutely.

"Then we could have forced the Iron Throne to make concessions about their failure to keep the Ironborn in line,or at the very least show Ned the King's apathy for The North.Due to the yet unstable rule of the Baratheon's,the small council would have agreed to a lot.And yet..."At this point GreatJon's temper seemed to flare and he slammed his fist at a tree in anger,the branches rustling a bit at the man's strength,he took a moment to compose himself while Lord Manderly just waited quietly.He then spoke again,still angry.

"These stupid Ironborn c*nts.They couldn't have picked a worse timing to have their little rebellion.I swear,The Gods have turned their eyes away from us,my friend."He said,his expression a combination of anger and helplessness.

"I can't entirely blame them.They have been biding their time and amassing their strength.To some extent they had the same plan as us,they just happened to beat us to it.Seeing how miserably they failed,perhaps we were lucky not to attempt anything first,or it might have been our land being invaded."Said Lord Manderly.

"Bah.They have but a few small pebbles in The Sunset Sea.I can break wind in Great Wyk and a storm would hit Old Wyk.And yet they dare think of themselves as a kingdom.I would like to see the Southrons invade the big and wild North.I would give them such a taste for winter they will lock themselves in their little flowery seat until the bloody Wall melts."Spoke the Lord of Last Hearth with a wild and mocking smile on his face,before continuing.

"Whatever army pass the Reeds or even if they somehow cross Moat Cailin,they will find themselves surrounded by the vastness of The North.The more time they are in our lands,the more men we would be able to assemble,and should the Gods grant us winter,there is no force in the world that can save them.Even if they have the seas,i would like to see how they would keep their ships supplied and operational in The Shivering Sea for long.We need to take advantage of our own strength's."He was growing a bit angry as he reached this point.

"If only Ned agreed to act first,we would have been much better positioned by now,instead..."He left the last words unsaid,not wanting to foul his mood even further.

"Ned agreeing to initiate a war,was a long shot anyways.The most we could have managed to convince him to do,was built a fleet.I could have been happy with that for the moment.Now he would think it's a moot point."Said Lord Manderly with a helpless expression on his face.

"You said you will speak to him regarding that matter again."Lord Umber said to the other man.

"I already have."

"What did he say?"Questioned the giant of Umber.

"He said we can't built a fleet now.Considering the Geyjoy Rebellion that started in similar ways,the small council will be uneasy with another Lord Paramount building a fleet.He doesn't want to appear rebellious,he took an oath to Robert,he says.And now that we are about to humble the Greyjoy's,he thinks we need no ships.I think he is beginning to suspect out thought's regarding the Iron Throne's hold of The North"Spoke Lord Manderly.

"It's that damn oath that is the root of all problems.We should have taken the chance to secede from the Iron Throne.It was the perfect opportunity.Hells.He even had the chance to take the the damn thing.By that point no Lord proclaimed Robert King.There would have been no dishonor to Ned and we were in King's Landing before Robert,we could have dealt with the Lannister's there and then if they dared to raise complaints.We had twice their numbers.The whole war could have been known as Ned's Rebellion just as easily.The Gods know,we had more cause than everyone else."Said GreatJon with a slightly raised voice.

"But even then,let them keep their Red Keep.We should have seceded,i say.My ancestors dreamed of the day we are free from The South and returned to an independent kingdom of The North.As we have always been.For 8 000 years we have repelled invasions,only to have to kneel to those fuckers.And that was only because of their dragons.The dragons are all death now.Why do we bow to a Baratheon and not a Stark?"As he spoke,his voice grew higher and much more agitated.

"When the mad King killed Lord Rickard and Brandon,i thought that the moment had finally come.The whole of The North wanted the war.And yet the perfect chance was missed."He said with a sigh.

"I share your sentiment,my Lord.But our liege Lord made a choice and we are sworn to obey him in all decisions he makes.It does us no good to discuss matters long since resolved.What we can do however,is to think of ways to strengthen The North without causing worry to Lord Stark.But i am yet unsure how.Now that we lost the war with the Greyjoy's to The South our options are limited."He spoke while deep in thought.

"King Robert is Ned's friend.Surely he will allow us to built a fleet if he asks him."Said GreatJon somewhat not confident in his own words.

"Aye,they are friends.And before this farce of a rebellion,we could have done so to a good effect,but now the winds have turned.And while Lord Stark can order us to begin work without leave from Robert,he won't.Especially now.He will not risk worsening relations with the Iron Throne.And while both the King and the Hand trust our Lord,the rest of the snakes will argue against.And even they themselves will see no reason to allow a northern fleet being built."

"Jon Arryn is a man who has maintained the balance of the kingdom's for the entire duration of Robert's reign.He will not risk allowing the tip to fall too much in our favor,regardless of his own thought's on Ned.And as his foster father,he will know how to placate him against such actions even if we by a stroke of luck convinced him somehow."Spoke Lord Manderly while thoughtful.

"The Lannister's however are most likely going to allowed to rebuilt their fleet,considering they had one before the Greyjoy's burned it,or simply don't care for anyone else's wishes but their own.And as the grandson of Tywin is set to be King in the future,they are seen as secure enough,i guess."Added the Lord of White Harbor.

"The damn Greyjoy's have fuck*d us without even knowing it.It has to be some sort of a cruel jape from The Gods.That the petty and bitter Ironborn Wildlings of all people have stopped all our plans before they have even began,is the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen.And they are completely clueless about it.If they knew,would they celebrate at our misery or lament at the help they have done to Robert without him even asking.I honestly can't tell which.Gods be good"If one could see his face,they would note GreatJon spoke with an amused smile and no anger at all,but only if they missed his eyes blazing in fury.

"They have done more bad than you think.If it was merely a normal war,it will still be good."Said with a sigh Lord Manderly.

"It's something else,however,that brings me no small amount of worry.With this war Robert will unite the former Targaryen loyalists in common cause.Robert's reign will be greatly strengthened,Balon has done The South a great favor without meaning to.This little rebellion was doomed from the start,but it has just made the authority of the Iron Throne that much stronger,and whenever The South is at peace,it is The North that suffers instead.I only hope Robert is no Jaehaerys and doesn't listen to his Lannister wife to partition our lands to suit the need of The South.I hear he has no interest in ruling,and if the small council decides something,he just stomps his seal without paying attention to the contents.Having such a man as King is an uneasy thing"The Lord of White Harbor spoke with a worried expression.

"Hah.I will not part with an inch of my land neither on his orders,nor his councils.Even Ned will not agree to that.We should hope they are that stupid as to poke a wolf just because he is quiet.You worry too much."GreatJon said with a loud laugh.

"You are probably right.Surely they are not that foolish."Lord Manderly laughed as well.

"Aaagh...My friend.We are now here to fight a war in someone else's name.I had no problem marching south nine years ago.But now i must watch my men spill their blood for the sake of the damn Southrons.That i can't stand."GreatJon said with an exasperated sigh.

"You are giving up too quickly.You never know what the future will bring,you must learn patience."Said Lord Manderly quietly.

"Have patience,you say.But I think I have been patient enough.If someone should raise against Robert again,what then?How much northern blood must we watch spilled for someone we don't believe in?Sometimes i think,we will never be free from this cycle.I am not growing any younger.Before I die,I want to call a Stark,my King.But I fear I will not live to see that day."The GreatJon said with steel in his voice.After a moment of silence Lord Manderly spoke.

"Early days,my friend."


Ivar Stark POV

I was sitting in my room,dying of boredom.With my father gone and Robb being the acting Lord of Winterfell.I found myself in a cycle of repetitive exercises that grew more and more boring each day.I remember i used to handle them a hell of a lot easier,but nowadays i grew more and more irritated at them.And watching Robb hold court while sitting there quietly is worse than i thought it would be originally,so i decided to simply not go anymore.

With me doing that,i seemed to see less and less of him these days,only breaking fast together and then having supper.And even then,he always seemed busy,constantly speaking with either mother or Ser Rodrick and Maester Luwin,We never used to spend every hour together even when father was here,but now it was as if we were not even in the same castle.Since father left,Jon seemed to make himself scarce as well,avoiding catching my mother's gaze like it could burn.

With my days being spend in such ways,i could not help but think,if this is the way things are going to be when he actually becomes Lord of Winterfell.Him doing his duties and i wasting away,being of no use to anyone,not even myself.Just being there.Existing.Such a miserable fate did not appeal all too much to me.Even though i knew my role would be limited,i did not think it will be so empty.

I could feel my mood turning for the worse,so i tried to push these thought's away,thinking of the new acquaintance that i made.Merlin.

He was from The Rills,his mother died in the winter and his father died from an Ironborn raid.Together with a few other smallfolk he made his way to Wintertown.A rather smart boy my age,he become sort of a friend.I managed to convince Maester Luwin to take him as his page,to assist him with his duties,he quickly settled into his role.It even looks like Maester Luwin was teaching him to read from time to time,something he was picking up pretty fast as well in his service of the Maester.My mother did not approve of me consorting with him very much,being of different stations,but i liked him well enough.

While thinking of him,i thought back to what he said when he arrived.According to him,the Ironborn killed his father two years ago.But if that's the case why is the war only happening now?

Surely my father would not have allowed for this to stand.For thousands of years the Starks have ruled The North,and in that time,we have never failed to make our enemies regret stepping half a foot in our lands.

The Ironborn must have been punished by now.Soon,my father would be back.Arne and Jory too.And everything will be back as it were before.Although i imagine a great many men would have died on the Iron Islands.While thinking of this i got up and walked down the stairs of the keep,making my way to the archery range,to practice a little.Shooting a bow always calmed me down,and Arne said i was getting better at it.According to Jory,i was also getting better at riding,although for some reason i took to horses a little slower than others.

After i reached the range,i picked a bow and began shooting at the straw men and the targets on the different places of the wall.Firing faster and faster as i went.Before long i had shot all of my targets at least twice.In such way the time passed until it got darker and darker and i made my way to the bathhouse to freshen up.


Today my father was returning from the war.The entire castle was bustling with activity,my whole family looked excited as they can be at the safe return of my father back home,though apparently he is coming back with a ward.We got word Balon Greyjoy bend the knee to Robert Baratheon and was spared for it,though he had to surrender his only living son and heir as a guarantee for his loyalty.

Can such guarantees even work against the savages?

Robert Baratheon should have just killed Balon and make the boy,Lord.Maybe marry him to a girl of a House loyal to him and keep him in crown custody until he comes of age,by then he would be half-decent man at least.

Before long the bells announced my fathers arrival with his men and they rode in the castle at a slow pace.I could see some of the other men's banners being of other northern houses,they must have come for a celebratory feast,before heading home.

Once my father reached within a few feet of us he dismounted and come closer,our household bowed to him while my family waited for him to approach.He mentioned them to raise their heads and turned to my mother with a smile on both their faces he held her hands and raised them to kiss her knuckles.

"My Lady,it is good to see you,i hope you have been well."

"My Lord,it is good to see you well,our prayers were heard."My mother replied,her tone and expression clearly relieved.

"The Gods were good,my Lady."He said with a smile and then turned to us,coming to me and Robb,he patted our heads and spoke.

"And my sons.Have you been well?"He asked while looking at us kindly.

"We have father,everything was well in your absence."Robb spoke while looking somewhat eagerly.I also nodded back to my father with a smile of my own.

"I knew it would be.My sons will not slack off in their duties."My father said while looking at us proudly.He then when to Sansa and picked her in his arms,kissing her cheeks while she was giggling.He then turned again to my mother and asked.

"Where is Arya?"

"She is inside.There is a stronger chill in air this morning than usual.I thought it will be best she be inside her nursery."My mother answered.

"I see.I shall see her later then."My father nodded.

Seeing that we were done with our greetings.The northern Lords approached and bowed to my mother.

"Lady Catelyn,it is good to see you again."Spoke Lord Umber with his thick northern accent.My mother turned to him and the other Lords and smiled politely.

"And you as well,my Lords.I am glad to see you all well.I am sure you are tired from the road.You are most welcome to settle in your chambers for a well deserved rest.The hospitality of Winterfell is yours."She motioned for a servant to come and bring a tray of bread and salt to the Lords who thanked her and took their Guest Rights,before they were led to the Guest House while other men led the horses to the stables and people were welcoming their loved ones while some were crying at news of their family members dying in the war.

My father looked at this with a sad gaze for a moment before he turned to us with a small smile.

"Let us go inside children.I have matters to speak with you later."He said while ushering us in.

We nodded and followed him inside the Great Keep.


After we had some time alone with our family,i asked to be excused.My father nodded and i went down the keep and towards the Guards Hall to look for Arne,but on the way there i was stopped by Jory who waved at me with a small smile that did not seem to reach his eyes.

"Hello Jory.It's good to see you back safely.I would hate to lose my riding trainer."I said to him with a smile.

"I was just headed to the Guards Hall to see Arne,do you want to come with me?"I said to him while pointing to the Guards Hall.

"Ivar.....Arne is not in the Guards Hall."He looked at me for a while with a sad smile that caused a shiver to run down my spine.Pushing a bad feeling down,i asked asked him.

"Well,where is the old drunkard?Is he in the Wintertown brothel so soon?That sounds like him alright."I said with a smile and a shake of my head.Jory just stared at me sadly for a moment before he spoke again.

"Ivar...Arne is dead.He died in the siege of Pyke.I am sorry,lad.I knew you were close."

"Not possible.He wouldn't die.He is luckier than anyone,he could survive anything."I said in a tone of disbelieve,but a shake of Jory's head told me it was all true.

"How?He was an experienced soldier.He has served since my grandfathers time.So how?"I asked somewhat still stunned.

"Even the most experienced men can die,lad.He was a good man,but not even "The Lucky Bastard of Harclay"can outwit death,no one can.Remember that Ivar.But you can take solace that he died well,with a smile on his lips."He put his hands on my shoulders in a comforting manner before he spoke again.

"Before he died,i had a chance to speak with him.He spoke of you the whole time.He also left somethings in my care to pass to you.He cared for you deeply."He said with a smile,as if to make me feel better.

"What did he say about me?"I asked him in a somewhat quiet voice.

"He said you are a good shot,but that you can be better,you just need to keep your skills sharp.He also said to that you should't compromise when it comes to things that make you happy.He said to take care of yourself,and not to be too sad he is dead.He said as long as you remember him,he will not die."Jory told me Arne's last words.

"What did he give you to pass onto me?"

"He gave me his bow,to give to you.He also said to give you what's beneath his patch,i originally did not know what he meant,but he said that you will know.On his request,he was burned,and his remains brought back to Winterfell in an urn.According to him only you will know what to do with them.When he died i lifted his patch and i saw this."He took from his belt pouch a cloth wrapped,round object.When he revealed what it was,i saw it was Arne's ruby eye inside it,i took it from Jory's hand.

"I have no idea from where he got this,but he wanted it brought to you,so i did.I had the bow brought to your chambers,it's waiting for you there.His remains are there as well.Once again i am really sorry,lad.He was a good man.I will leave you alone so that you might process this."He said to me.

"Than you,Jory.For telling me his last words and bringing his belonging's here."I thanked Jory sincerely.Clutching Arne's eye in my hand.

With a smile and a last pat on my shoulders,he walked away to the Great Hall most likely for the feast that will begin shortly.

'Right,the feast.I completely forgot.I am really not in the mood for that right now.'

Thinking about this,i made my way back to the Great Keep.On the way there i met Robb,heading down,most likely heading to the Great Hall.

"Hey,Robb,where is father?"I asked him,hoping he was still in the Great Keep.

"He is in his solar,said he needs to check something.What are you doing here?We have to head to the Great Hall,the feast will begin soon."He said to me with a smile.

"You head there first,i need to speak to father about something."I replied to him with a smile of my own,trying not to betray anything from my expression,so as not to worry him.

"I can wait for you here if you want?"He offered.

"No,that's fine.Go on ahead."I said to him,and waved him away,he nodded and headed to the Great Hall,i then made my way up the stairs and headed to my fathers solar.Before long i reached it,nodding to the two guards who smiled at me,i knocked on the door.

"Father,it's Ivar."

"Enter."From inside,my father's voice rang out,pushing the door open,i walked in the solar.My father lifted his head from the letters and documents on his desk and smiled at me.

"What can i do for you,son."He said with an even tone.

"Father,i was hoping i can miss the feast,i am not feeling very well."I said to him,hoping he will agree.

"I see you have heard the news.I am sorry about you losing your archery master,son.And about Winterfell losing such a loyal man."He said to me with a sigh,his words causing me to become somehow angry at them.

"I thank you,father.But his death is one that should not have happened.Why did you go to war in the first place?"I asked a little more loudly than i intended,but i didn't apologize.

"I understand you are angry,son.I know better than most what you are feeling right now.I won't tell you to try to understand at once,but you will someday.The war happened because it was necessary.I took a sacred oath to defend the King.Balon's rebellion did not bring me pleasure,but it had to be done for the good of the realm."My father said to me in a preachy voice,as if he was talking to a simpleton while he was saying such foolishness himself.

"If it was a war for the good of the realm,why did it happen only now?I heard in Wintertown that the Ironborn were raiding our lands.If it's so important to protect the realm from war,why did the King allow our people to be savaged by the Ironborn Wildlings?Not only that,he also spared Balon's life.Shouldn't he be punished for his actions?"I questioned him,still angry,while hiding it was really Merlin who told me of the Ironborn raids,as not to get him in trouble.

"Son.There is a huge difference between a few small raids on the coast and open rebellion against the King.It is true,the Ironborn raid's on our land should never had happened,but they have been punished now."My father said without getting angry at my tone before he continued.

"And King Robert spared Balon as an act of mercy,for the stability of the realm.You must be honorable in victory against your foes,teach them a better way.That is why his son has come with me to Winterfell.The King hopes we can teach the future Lord of The Iron Islands how to be a better man than his father.He is not a Wildling.He is a boy that is only an year older than you.I know you will be quite angry for some time yet.But i hope you and your brothers become friends with him."My father said and looked to me in a kind and gentle way,that for the first time did not fill me with warmth,but with disappointment.

A moment of silence passed between us while i was looking at my feet so as not to meet his gaze.I was thinking of what to say when i heard him start the conversation.

"Jory showed me the ruby Arne left you.It is quite and expensive jewel.I can keep it and the bow safe for you until you want them again if you wish."He said in his usual kind tone.

"That's alright,father.I will keep the ruby in my room,and i want to get used to the bow.I can practice with it to get used to the sensation as its different than other bows."I said to my father.He nodded.

"What does he want you to do with his remains?I was going to have them laid to rest in the lichyard with other loyal men,but Jory told me Arne said you will know what to do with them."He asked me inquisitively.

"I don't know.He may have said that,but i don't recall in any of our conversations what to do with his remains when he dies.I will keep them safe for now until i remember."I lied to my father.I had an idea of what Arne wanted me to do.

"I see.As you wish,lad.If there is anything you need when you remember,just let me know."My father said kindly,seemingly buying my lie.It surprised me how easily the lie just came to me,especially considering i have never lied to my father before.

"There remains my original intention of coming here father.May i be excused from the feast?I would like to have some rest,it's been an eventful day."I said to my father.

"You can,lad.Get some rest.I will make your excuses to your mother."My father said with a smile,nodding at me.

"Thank you father."I said nodding back at him and went out of his solar.Making my way to my room quickly,i went inside and closed the door.I exhaled a breath i did not know i was holding.

I saw the urn on my desk,looking at it for a moment then i turned my gaze away.

Heading towards my bed,i saw a bow waiting for me there.Looking at the beautiful heirloom of my House that returned once again in Stark hands.I could not help but think back towards my interactions with Arne.Still somewhat not believing he is death.

Looking at the bow in my hand while deep in my thought's around close to an hour must have passed before i snapped out of it.I rose up picking the bow and went outside.The starry sky and moon piercing through the darkness illuminating my way towards my destination,passing by the hall,i could hear the boisterous feast going on.A feast for an war fought one behalf of an unworthy King.I looked at the hall for a moment disdainfully before resuming my route to the Godswood.

When i entered through the iron gate i walked towards the Heart tree by the small black pool.For a moment i watched the silent pool,a bit of light passing though the dense branches and leaves of the heart tree.I then sat at the stone my father always sits at and closed my eyes for a moment,enjoying the rustling leaves of the trees around me.I immediately felt growing more peaceful in the calming atmosphere of the Godswood.

I know what i have to do.I am too different from my father,and even my twin brother.I have tried to pretend i am not,but it seems there is no more running from it.Arne knew that,i think.He saw who i was before my father did,before even i did.There is a fire in me that can't be quenched in Winterfell.I think it was always there,but it was Arne that grew it.Perhaps because he had one too,once.He knew i wanted something for myself,outside my family.This war just made it clear to me.I am not needed in Winterfell.Robb is here.I held the urn and the bow in each hand while i looked at the sacred Heart Tree,whose eyes seemed to be staring right back into my soul.

"I will always be a proud Stark of Winterfell,and i WILL see this Godswood again."But...

"What say you,One-Eye.Should i do what i truly want for once?To do everything i can to make myself happy?"I spoke to the air and i could feel myself smiling wildly in excitement.

"I have grown tired of reading of the achievement's of others,i shall see things for myself.You will also be coming with me Arne.To see the land's beyond the horizon.For as long as I live,you may never die."I continued to smile then i lifted myself up while holding my bow,and the urn containing the remains of one irritating,know it all.

"Home is behind, the world ahead

And there are many paths to tread

Through shadow to the edge of night"

I singed a verse of "The walking song" that had grown popular since Arne had sang it before the war.I was in a very happy mood while i was heading back to my room,my decision made before The Gods.

I am going to go on an adventure,over the hills and far away.