
Game of Thrones-Age of Warriors

Ivar Stark.Second born son of Lord Eddard Stark.He has always known his lot in life was to be bellow his twin.And while he has no desire to take what is not his,he started to desire something of his own... I will try to post at least 1 chapter per week,but it is possible for updates to be irregular,due to,well,life... English is not my first language,and while i think i am good at it there is always room to improve.Point any mistake that you see,and i will sort them out,thanks. I plan for this work to contain the worst of GOT.Disgusting acts done even by the MC,so be warned. Disclaimer: I don't own Game of Thrones,A Song of Ice and Fire or Planetos,whatever name you prefer calling the world crated by George R.R. Martin,everything belong's to the author of said universe,this is purely a work for fun that i am not seeking to profit from it in anyway.

Mahesvara98 · TV
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The Dreamer...(1)

278 AC

Arne Snow POV

I was humming while riding down The Kingsroad surrounded by the Wolfswood on my way to Winterfell in a happy mood.I still can't believe my father let me leave Harkeep.The old man was as stubborn as an ox,but at long last he allowed it.Now i can finally see Winterfell and travel east as i have always wanted to do.

It did hurt me to leave my home,but,home is now behind and the world ahead,with all the possibility's i can grasp for myself out there,and it's not like i never had the intention of returning back,but a few years of travel will do me good.

While as i was thinking of this i could hear a familiar sound of men fighting down the road,surprising me.This was The Kingsroad within a day ride of Winterfell after all,there isn't a northern Lord who would dare to fight here or brigand approach so close to the northern capital.

And then i thought what the most likely case is.Wildlings.They must have been going south before a patrol met them.I am surprised they slipped pass the Umber's of all people.Those men live for fighting Wildlings.They pride themselves of it.While thinking of this,i decided it wouldn't hurt to help put them down,so i stirred my horse to go faster now,riding hard towards the sound of battle.

When i reached them i saw a group of around 30 men in rough white furs,fighting a similarly numbered group of men with the Stark colors who were making a short work out of them easily enough.I quickly pulled my bow and arrow and began firing upon the Wildlings while still atop a horse,my arrows striking true,before i drew my bow again,firing rapidly felling one man after another.

Then i saw a Stark man being felled by a Wildling,but before he could deliver the final blow to the man on the ground,i quickly shot him in the back right through the heart,he fell down on the ground with a dull sound.

The downed man saw me and nodded,he was quickly surrounded by other men and was helped up to his feet.he must have been the leader of this group since they remained on guard around him even when the man was up on his feet again, and ready to fight.Taking note of this for only an instant i continued firing upon the Wildlings in quick succession,combined with the Stark men we finished them off before long.

But there was one who seeing the unfolding slaughter,somehow managed to steal a horse and bolt through the woods,riding behind trees hard,some men tried to chase but it was too late for them,but not yet for me.

I nocked my arrow and aimed.Watching his figure slip behind more and more obstacles,i could see the distance growing rapidly but i calmly released and the arrow flew straight,cutting through the air unimpeded by neither branch nor bird and struck the man on the back of his throat,just as i had intended.He fell down from the horse like a rock,the horse making startling sounds.A man quickly rode to get to the animal before it could run wildly.

After we were done with the Wildlings,some of the men were helping their wounded comrades,while i climbed down my horse and approached the man who appeared to be their leader,who was somewhat tired and breathing laboriously,when i reached him,i greeted.

"Well met,goodman."I said to him with a friendly smile.The man turned to me and spoke with strong voice.

"Well met.That was and excellent shot.In all my tourneys witnessing so called best archers i have never seen the likes of it.You have a remarkable skill with the bow.I thank you for saving my life and helping us with the Wildlings,you will be amply rewarded for your assistance.I am Rickard Stark,Lord of Winterfell.Who are you stranger?"The man spoke with a voice of authority similar to my fathers own,and the words that came out of his mouth stunned me in my place.I expected he was the man in charge,a captain or something,i never expected him to be the man in charge of The North.I managed to find my bearings in a moment and quickly kneeled to him and made to speak.

"Forgive me,my Lord.I did not mean to offend,i did not recognize you.My name is Arne Snow from Harkeep,i was headed towards Winterfell before i noticed the sound of fighting and decided to join."I spoke to the man with an even voice,waiting for his words,he gestured for me to rise so i got up and looked at him,my eyes catching his Stark grey eyes.

"There is nothing to forgive lad.If it wasn't for your bow i will be dead.You are Artos Harclay's boy right?He mentioned you once.How is your father,it's been some time since i last saw him?He is well.i hope."The Lord of Winterfell asked inquisitively.

"He is well my Lord,i thank you."I replied to the man,who nodded and then made to walk to his horse before he climbed it and looked at me again.

"Come lad.Since you were heading to Winterfell at any case,we were meant to meet.We ride together.I will host my savior as an honored guest."He said to me with a voice that brook no argument.

"I will be most honored to,my Lord."I replied to the lord joining him at the front once i made my way to my steed.He nodded and we rode to Winterfell at the head of the men,while some remained to deal with the bodies.


When we reached Winterfell and entered through the North Gate,i could feel the smile on my face while i was gazing at the towers above me.I had heard so much about Winterfell from my father,i was glad to have finally see it for myself at last,and it was everything i thought it will be.

With it's tall and strong walls,numerous watchtowers above.The castle was a huge complex spanning several acres and protected by two massive walls.Looking at it like that i thought Harkeep could fit at least five times inside it.While i was taking the sight's around me i heard Lord Stark's voice.

"Serion.Have the servants take my young friend here to the Guest House,put him in one of the better chambers,he will be supping with us today."Lord Stark commanded the man,before turning to me.

"Get some rest,i will see you in the Great Hall later."He said while motioning me to follow the man.

"Thank you my Lord."I bowed to him,and once he left a servant brought me salt and bread,that i ate before following the man earlier who introduced himself as Serion Poole and lead me to my chambers.


When i had settled in my given chambers i changed my clothes to a cleaner ones and laid down for a short rest,before long a knock on my door and the voice of a serving girl informed me that Lord Stark is already in the Great Hall,and that she was send to lead me there.

After we went outside,after a short walk we reached the Great Hall,the girl excused herself and left.I walked through the wide doors made of oak and iron.Once i saw Lord Stark i made my way there and bowed in greeting.

"Ah,Arne,come.Let me introduce you to my family."He said with a smile on his face.

"This my wife,Lyarra,my daughter Lyanna and my son Benjen."While i smiled and bowed to his wife and children he spoke to them.

"This is Arne Snow.The son of Artos Harclay.He saved my life earlier against the Wildlings."He pointed at me with a merry laugh.

"I thank you for your assistance to my Lord-husband Arne Snow.Winterfell's hospitality is yours.I am pleased you are joining us for supper today.Your father is good man,i greatly enjoy hosting him when he visits,his son is also most welcome in our home."Lady Stark spoke with a polite and melodious voice and looked at me with a gentle smile,her son and daughter smiling my way as well.

"You are most kind my Lady.I merely did my duty as a man of The North.I am honored to meet you and your children.My father always spoke well of you,my Lady,i am honored to be here."I replied to her with a polite bow and a smile of my own to her and her children.

"Well,with that out of the way,let us eat."Lord Stark said in a merry mood and gestured for me to join them at the head table.A great honor,to be sure.When i sat down,we began to have a pleasant conversation,i spoke some with the Ladies and Lord Stark,but mostly with Benjen Stark who was exited listening to his father speak of my skills with the bow,asking various questions of me.

A few moments later a servant entered with a big and flat wooden tray covered with cloth that did not appear to be food,he walked to the table and bowed to Lord Stark who after seeing it rose up.

"Ah,it's here.Come young Arne.Let me show you your reward."The Lord said to me and i made my way next to him in anticipation,wondering what it was.

The Lord of Winterfell lifted the cloth to reveal what's beneath,something that shook me up,he then spoke to me.

"For the life saving favor that i owe you,few rewards can be equal to the deed.But i think for a northern archer this will be a better reward than most.I give to you the weir-wood bow of none other than Brandon Snow,the brother to the last King in the North,the one he used to kill the a King beyond The Wall and Harren the Black's own brother and a great deal of many knights.I give now to you to wield."He spoke with a strong and happy voice.

I was stunned.I mean,i expected a reward,but i didn't expect such a famous Stark relic.The history and even the physical beauty of the bow make it a gift fit for a King,it was never given to anyone after Brandon Snow died,and no one knew for how many years it was being held in the Stark treasury before him.But every boy in The North knows of it,we grow up knowing of it and the deeds done by it's wielder.It's a bow coveted by every archer worth his salt in The North.

Looking at the bow while my heart was about to jump out of my chest.I began examining it.It had a strong grip and with it's famous blood-red tree like marking's upon pale white polished weir-wood done with weir-wood sap.On the inside of both bow limbs,there were runes and markings of the first men also drawn in red,the string was white and strong and yet still soft if you ran your hand gently across it,rumored to be made from spider silk.It was beautiful beyond measure.Holding it i felt like i was holding a sacred hearth tree in my hand and not a bow.

"My Lord while i know i should graciously refuse at least once for the sake of politeness,i will not.I thank you my Lord,from the bottom of my heart."I said while i bowed low to the man in front of me,while i could feel my fingers twitching involuntarily,eager to try the treasure in my hands.I could hear the men present laugh,the two Stark Ladies and Benjen Stark,too.Lyanna Stark louder than most men even.

"Hahaha,no need to speak empty words,lad.I know how much it means for an archer of The North to hold this bow.It is said in my family this bow always comes back to Winterfell,no matter what.And while the bow was kept for a Stark with the skills to use it,since Brandon Snow we haven't had a great archer,or even at least a decent one deemed half-worthy.Many Lords of Winterfell worried it will never be used again,myself included.I was going to give you something else,but it had to be an archer of all things to save me,i believe the gods meant for you to have it."Lord Stark spoke with an easy laugh,as if he didn't just gift me an heirloom of his House,but then he stopped.His expression changed and his eyes turned to ice,before he spoke again.

"While I pray it serves you well.I hope you remember something.It is only to be given to an archer you deem worthy,your child or otherwise but never to a southerner.The heirloom of my House should only be held by the blood of the first men.If you don't find a worthy successor,i want it returned back to Winterfell,no matter what.My ancestors would climb out of their graves and spit on me if the bow falls into the hands of some fat and perfumed southerner."Lord Stark spoke harshly while gazing at me with eyes that could freeze Dorne.Feeling a ghostly chill run through my back i quickly replied.

"Of course,my Lord.I will follow your wishes,no matter what happens."I replied to the Lord sincerely.Hearing me he smiled and his eyes turned more soft,before he began speaking again.

"Haha.Excellent.Ah,right.Before i forget,there is one more order of business.I was hoping you would agree to become a member of my household.I want you to train the Stark archers,and my son Benjen as well."He spoke and looked at me with an expectant gaze.I hesitated for a moment before i asked him uneasily.

"My Lord,i am honored by your proposal.But after coming to Winterfell my next stop was to be White Harbor.I wish to go to Essos."I said and looked at him worriedly,not knowing how he will react.His smile become strained for a moment before he spoke once more.

"As the captain of my archers you will be an honored member of this household and paid a generous stipend fitting for the job.I am not ordering you to remain forever.You can leave when you wish.I will personally send a letter to Lord Manderly to arrange for a ship to bring you wherever you like.Lad."

"My captain of the archers is a good man and true.He will never ask to be relieved of his post until the day he dies,he would feel as if he is abandoning me.But he is old and tired now,older than me.And i am a father to four children,my heir already a man grown.Even at this very moment he is being examined by the Maester on his health."

"I want his old years to be spend in comfort and people to care and watch over him,as he had cared and watched over me and my men.I could ask no more for the loyalty he has showed me.He deserves the last years of his life to be spend in peace.And i know it will ease his mind to leave the position to someone worthy."

"I would not pressure you as your Lord to accept,this is nothing more than a request.But Essos is not going anywhere and you have my word.If in a few years you wish to leave,i will send you away with a glad and willing heart."He spoke with such sincerity and hope that i could tell he meant every word.

He was right as well.Essos is not going anywhere,and i could leave in a few years.It will also bring honor to my House,and teaching others my prove to be fun.Thinking of this,i made up my mind.

"If i continue to refuse after such a request i will feel ashamed as a son of House Harclay.Under the conditions you proposed,my Lord.I will be honored to become the captain of the Stark archers.I hope i will not bring disappointment to you,my Lord."I said and bowed deeply to the man in front of me while a small cheer went out in the Great Hall by the household members present.

"Hahaha.I know you wont,lad.I know you wont.Come.Since we have an agreement there is no need to let the food grow any colder."He spoke and grabbing me by my shoulder,he lead me back to my seat.

"No there is not my Lord.It will be a crime to let the meal my Lord and Lady invited me to,go to waste."I replied,in a merry mood myself.Since i have already accepted,there is no need to feel hesitant anymore.For the foreseeable future,Winterfell will be my home,best get used to things here.

"Indeed.Let us supp as friends,to a bright future."He said while laughing loudly and raised his wine,i joined in his laughter and the rest of the night passed amidst a pleasant conversation.


280 AC

I was watching my men shoot their arrows absentmindedly.Today,no matter what i did,i could not focus on my duties,the worry in my mind consuming me.Watching the sky,i exhaled a breath.I returned to look back at them before i ordered them to stop and tidy up.

I then made my way towards my chambers still deep in thought,not caring if i collided with passing servants or not,in such way i made it towards the Guards Hall,reaching the officers quarter,i lunged face down on my pillow in mental and physical exhaustion.

"Brandon,you fool.You were meant to bring back a blushing southern bride not get yourself captured by a mad man so far away from The North."I thought with worry about my friend whose fate was hanging in the balance.I could only hope Lord Stark would be able to convince The Mad King to release him.

Brandon Stark was a man who drew men to him like a moth to flame.The tall and handsome heir of Winterfell had a charisma to him that even his father,a great and respectable man in his own right,seemed to lack.One look towards him,and in his shadow you would see a crown that was missing on his head.He was by all means,the perfect image of a warrior King,worthy of the blood of the first men.

A great swordsman and rider,one could never find him lacking in qualities of different areas.The men of the mountains have long hated not being free from the Iron Throne,and legends and stories about the past Kings of Winter were never far from our life.Many praying for return of the times where The North was free from The South.And when i saw Brandon,my mind could not help wonder,what if?

For the almost two years that i have lived in Winterfell,my friendship with Brandon Stark become incredibly strong,stronger than i thought it will be.His father even allowing me to leave with him when he was back in Barrowton for his fostering.And even while he was just the heir,and not the Lord of Winterfell.Whenever i heard the rumors about the instability of the King,i thought about the possibilities this presented.

Perhaps i can help with my ancestors dreams and one day Brandon will be King.

After such thoughts i will grow exited.Plans of me leaving Westeros pushed at the back of my head at the thought of a Stark King,of Brandon being crowned with my help.How proud would my ancestors feel and how glorious the future would be.

And yet...

He has been captured in The South.Awaiting punishment at the hands of an incestuous scum.

While thinking of this a knock came from my door with trembling voice of one of my men.

"C...Captain,you are summoned in the Great Hall,urgently."

Opening my door i saw how distressed he looked,pushing a bad feeling down,i nodded and made my way to the Great Hall,ignoring the crying people in the yard,i began walking faster and faster until i reached the doors and entered.

Inside i could see the master-at-arms and the master-of-horse,some of the visiting northern Lords as well.Together we waited in nervous silence.

Before long the young Stark in Winterfell made his way into the hall with red eyes and went to the head table,once there he didn't sit but just stayed there for moment in silence then he opened his mouth and spoke with great sadness in his voice towards the Lords present and his household.

"There has been news from King's Landing.My father and brother were murdered by The Mad King.My brother Ned,your new Lord,is coming back from the Eyrie,he has commanded to call the banners of all the northern Lords to meet him at Moat Cailin as soon as possible.My Lords,we are in open rebellion against the Iron Throne,we....."

I could barely hear anything after he said Brandon is dead,just standing there in stunned silence while he spoke.The only thing in my head memories of Brandon and dreams that will never come to pass.

My King.

My King-Who-Never-Was,was dead...dead...dead...

Brandon was dead.