
The Nice Girl [2]

"So you've finally gotten your own house? I'm amazed that you've gained that much money since then! I'm so proud of you!" Myrrh said and hugged me.

I blushed and just let her hug me and smiled. "Thank you, dear."

Myrrh let go of me and smiled. She looked at the clock and nodded. "Well I'm off to work! I'll see you around." Myrrh said then ran off.

Kyu-Pit watched her and crossed her arms then floated down next to me. "Ready to see Whitney? She's waiting at Wellspring Plaza."

"Yeah let's go." I smiled and left Myrrh's house.


Whitney: Are you here yet? I'm already at the plaza.

Me: Just made it to the area.

Whitney smiled at her phone and looked up from her phone. She brushed her hair behind her ear. She blushed a bit and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "It's been so long since I went on a date...I am actually nervous. I have butterflies.."

I walked up to her and placed my hands in my pockets. "Yo." I smiled.

Whitney opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Hey."

"You ready?" I asked.

She nodded and got off the wall. "Yeah. I'm ready."

I held my hand out and she took it. We walked ahead and I could feel Whitney's nervousness. I looked at her and her face was completely red. "You okay?"

"Huh? Oh..Y-Yeah I'm okay. It's just been so long since I last went on a date. The last person I remember dating was Shiro seven years ago...I am quite nervous." Whitney smiled and looked at our hands. "On one side it feels comforting that someone wants to go on dates with someone like me...on the other hand I don't get why anyone would be interested in me. I'm...boring."

"I mean...you don't seem boring to me." I said. "We were on the phone all last night and even fell asleep. You're a wonderful person."

{Whitney's Affection rose by 70}

{Whitney's Affection Points: 100}

"It's...the first I've ever called someone for that long. I...enjoyed it." Whitney said and blushed more.

"I'm glad you did. Say did you have breakfast yet? We can hit up a cafe or something while we are at the plaza." I said and smiled.

"I'm down for some breakfast." Whitney smiled and nodded.

"Then it's settled." I said and walked with her to a cafe.

We walked into the Wellspring Cafe and took our seats. A waitress came to our table and we ordered breakfast. She nodded and wrote down what we wanted then walked off. In a few short minutes, she came back to our table with our food. We thanked her and began to eat our food.

"I'm stuffed liked a stuffed bear." Whitney giggled and looked at me. She looked at my cup and noticed I barely drank anything. "Are you gonna drink your juice?"

"Hm? Oh yeah." I smiled and began to drink my juice. I closed my eyes and ignored the fact the liquid was extinguishing the flames inside my body.

"Your bill." The waitress said and I took the bill from her hands.

"Do you accept card?" I asked and held out my card.

"We do." She nodded and took the card out of my hand then swiped it along the machine she was carrying.

{Money: -$40}

"Here you go." She said and handed my card back to me.

I nodded and took it out of her hand. Whitney and I got up and left the cafe. She took my hand and walked a bit closer to me. She pointed to a museum and we walked to the museum.

We walked inside and Whitney looked in awe. She looked around and let go of my hand to wander around. I followed her and smiled.

"Hey K, can you tell me about this place?" I asked.

"Yeah. The Wellspring Museum is home of the memories of Light Wellspring and Dark Wellspring before it became one. Some statues are of Shiro in remembrance of what he's done for Esoria." Kyu-Pit said. "Especially that one statue Whitney is staring at."

I looked at the statue and walked over to it. I looked at the words displayed. "True Ascended Demon King Shiro..? Is this like..a form of his?"

"Used to be. He lost it after his legendary battle against Demesi. Even though his form was lost, his power wasn't. He's like all the other Goddesses of Esoria. He can generate up to ten halos and form the Ultima Halo as seen right next to his statue." Kyu-Pit said.

I walked to the statue next to Shiro's statue. I looked at the golden Ultima Halo. My eyes shined as I looked at it. "Shiro is the only Divinity we can physically see. I met him and it's still unbelievable he's a god. Let alone the God of Esoria and Lust."

Kyu-Pit looked at me and smiled. "Shiro is more than just Godly. He's a friend to many. He's the Light and even made friends with those who aren't of this world. He's a legend."

I kept looking at the Ultima Halo and Shiro's statue. "Does the Halo symbolize Godlike Power?"

"It does. Only those of Divine Power can generate a halo. Not everyone can get a halo. Even I don't have a halo. I don't have divine power." Kyu-Pit smiled and crossed her arms. "Aside from that, you better catch up to Whitney. She's lost in history."

I looked back and noticed Whitney was across the room. I hurried over to her. She looked at me and smiled then looked at the huge statue of Lustie and Flirtoria.

"I once met Lustie although it was brief. She seemed to really love Shiro and even still...her...original version married Shiro and had a child with him. I kinda saw it coming although it did break me a bit. I thought he was the one, but...It just turned out to be all a game..I mean...it wasn't all a game but the first time when we...dated I guess it was a game." Whitney said.

I looked at the statue. "Do...you still have feelings towards him?"

"Mmm...hard to say taken I haven't seen him for seven years. I guess the love died out, but we remain friends." Whitney said then closed her eyes.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and walked off. She looked at me and followed me. "It's hard to believe he's Godly, but after seeing the statue...and the way people speak about him, he is a god."

Whitney held my hand and smiled. "I mean is there a reason you think he isn't?"

"Mmm..." I closed my eyes.

She giggled softly and looked at me. "I can tell you one thing...God or not, he's a friend to all. You remind me of him a bit as well."

"I've heard that one before." I smiled. "I'm nothing like him. I'm not strong like him, I don't act like him, I don't have his mannerisms. Just...a guy who wishes to make women happy."

"Yeah then have sex with them." Whitney laughed a bit.

"I'm not a one and done kind of guy. I eventually return to the girls I've had sex with." I scoffed and closed my eyes.

"Mhm..." Whitney smiled at me then looked ahead.


We sat on a bench, eating ice cream. I watched the people walk past us. Whitney lowered her ice cream and looked at the ground.

"Alot has changed since the years. Old friends soon becoming strangers to one another. Family becoming ever so distant. I can't remember the last time I looked my parents in the eye. It's so hard to look my mom in the eyes." Whitney said.

I looked at her and lowered my ice cream. "What do you mean?"

"My mom...and I had a fight three years ago. Her obsession with sex and alcohol drove me crazy. She's ruining her life and won't even listen to me. She did nothing but...run the streets. It's almost impressive that she doesn't even have some STD or anything like that.." Whitney said. "Do you know how it feels to have a mother just doing stupid shit all the time?"

"I do actually." I said.

Whitney looked at me. "You...do..?"

"My mother used me to murder people and even is a villainess that many fear. She isn't like that now, but I never knew her until now. It is still unclear why my mother wanted my dad dead...she used me to kill him and I want to know why. So yeah I do understand what it feels like to have a mother do stupid shit." I said. "But the difference between your mother and mine is you can help your mother. She's lovable while my mother will forever be feared and hated."

Whitney sat closer to me. "You believe my mom can be helped?"

"Mmmm...With the right words yeah. I can help you if you'd like. I was able to fix a broken bond before." I looked at Whitney and gave her a smile.

"I couldn't let you do that. After all it's my issue." She said as she watched her ice cream melt.

I gently placed my hand on her thigh. "It would be worth the try. It wouldn't hurt making up with your mom. You don't have to be around her, but you can let her know that you still do care for her...if you care about her."

{Whitney's Affection rose by 50}

{Whitney's Affection Points: 150}

{Love Trait Level Up! Sensitivity Level 5}

She looked at my hand then closed her eyes. "I hate how you know what to say..." She smiled a bit and sighed.

"Well?" I asked.

"Fine...I'll make up with her, but you're coming with me mister." Whitney looked at me and smiled.

"Fine by me." I chuckled.


Whitney sighed and stood in front of Krystal's door. She knocked on the door and looked at me.

"Ugh...I'm coming.." Krystal said and unlocked the door then opened it. Her eyes widened when she saw Whitney and me.

I placed my hands in my pockets. "I'll wait outside."

Whitney nodded and walked inside the room then Krystal closed the door. I closed my eyes and Kyu-Pit appeared beside me.

"You sure it will work? Whitney holds heavy resentment for her mom." Kyu-Pit said.

I looked at the ceiling. "I don't know, but at the end of the day they tried and that's all that matters."

"I wasn't expecting you to see me...at all. I'm shocked you've come to see me at all." Krystal said.

"If it weren't for Leon, I wouldn't have come. I need to get this off my chest and I'll listen to what you have to say then we can go from there." Whitney said.

"I'm all ears." Krystal said.

"Mom...I only want the best for you. Everything you've been doing is only getting you one step closer to your early deathbed. You're not taking care of yourself at all and it's draining trying to talk to you about it for years. It's to the point where I don't know if I can ever be around you anymore. I just want you safe...I want you to be okay and I won't know that if you keep doing this to yourself. The constant drinking, smoking, sex. It's ruining you." Whitney said and looked at the floor.

"Whitney...I can only hide it for so long, but it's finally time for you to know the truth. These actions I do...it is the only thing keeping me from thinking those depressed thoughts." Krystal started.

"What..?" Whitney looked at Krystal.

"I'm in a state of being lost. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing anymore. I don't know where I am in this life. I try to romance with men, but they are all the same. They say they love me, but the only thing they love is my breasts and pussy. The moment I don't give it to them they vanish. I give and they take, when they have nothing else to benefit from they vanish and I sit feeling punched in the face." Krystal said.

I crossed my eyes and listened through the door. Kyu-Pit listened as well.

"For seven years...every holiday I've spent alone. For seven years I've been alone. Shiro was my last bit of happiness and since he wedded Lusella, he's been away. Ever since he had a daughter I don't know how attached to get anymore. Sometimes he makes me feel like we weren't close at all, and I'm still waiting for him to say it. I'm so done wearing this mask. I'm done smiling. I don't care if after this talk we have if we talk or not. It's not like we have in a while." Krystal said and sat back in her chair.

"Mom..." Whitney looked sad and tears formed in her eyes.

"My brain keeps telling me I keep fucking up and I feel like I'm the biggest mockery. I can't even tell Akira because I know how she gets. She's my closest friend, but sometimes I can't tell her how I feel. I can tell you how I feel though. I'm. Depressed." Krystal said and closed her eyes. "This is how I cope. You don't think I'm fucking my life up? I have Emphysema. My life is damn there already over." Krystal chuckled softly and opened her eyes. "The least I can do...is have fun while I can."

"You're only killing yourself doing this, mom." Whitney said as tears rolled down her face.

"I saw it in her face the first time I saw her." I said to Kyu-Pit. "Her expression...it was so clear."

"You do have a knack for understanding emotions better than others." Kyu-Pit said.

"After our argument three years ago, I felt more depressed that I let you down. After that I didn't know who to talk to. I didn't know who else to turn to. That's why...I am doing what I am doing." Krystal stood up.

"I'm sorry Mom...I should've...known better." Whitney covered her eyes.

"It isn't your fault. It is mine. I should've been better." Krystal looked at Whitney. "Besides what was said was already said. From this point on, what happens just happens."

Whitney looked at Krystal and stood up then hugged her. Krystal closed her eyes and hugged her back. She rubbed her hair and comforted her. Whitney sniffled and let go of Krystal.

"I will always love you. No matter what, you will always be my princess. I will never hate you for anything." Krystal smiled.

"I love you too, Mom." Whitney said.

Kyu-Pit smiled and turned invisible as Whitney exited the room.

I opened my eyes and looked at Whitney. "All good?"

"Yeah...everything is good." Whitney nodded.

Krystal looked at me and leaned against the doorway. "Take care of my daughter...and you might be rewarded for doing so."

{Krystal Locked}

{Unlock Requirements}

Whitney [Girlfriend Status]

"I will. Don't worry." I smiled at Krystal.

She nodded and walked back into her room and closed the door. Whitney looked at me and held my hand.

"Shall we continue our date?" She asked.

"Yeah. Let's do it." I nodded.