
Game Developer: A Transmigrated Tale

In a world where gaming is not just entertainment but a fundamental part of society's fabric, Leo, a dedicated gamer finds himself transmigrated into a realm known as Apex. Initially bewildered by his new surroundings and grappling with questions of where he is and how he got there, Leo soon discovers that Apex is a world where gaming isn't just a pastime but a driving force behind technological advancement and societal structure. Drawing on his passion and expertise as a gamer, Leo immerses himself in the world of game development. Along the way, he encounters challenges and opportunities, forming alliances with fellow developers and enthusiasts, and contributing his insights to the burgeoning industry.

Silent_Thinker · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


After finishing breakfast, Leo settled in front of his computer, diligently monitoring both his own game and the status of others. A grin crept across his face as he observed the burgeoning popularity of his creation. It was just as he had anticipated – now he need not fret about competitors encroaching on his success. His position was unshakeable.

The only task remaining for his game was its global release.

As Leo busied himself with preparations for the worldwide launch, discussions about him circulated among fellow developers.

"He seems quite adept. Releasing a new update right after launch shows a keen awareness of the industry's dynamics."

"Yes, he clearly had a solid plan in place for his projects."

"And given the quality of his work, if he maintains this standard, he'll go far."

"Should we extend an invitation to him for the gaming convention? Despite being relatively new, he shows promise."

"Absolutely, it would be a valuable opportunity."

The gaming convention in question was a gathering exclusively for developers, primarily focused on the mobile platform. Attendance was by invitation only, reserved for those who had demonstrated notable success in the field. Given the acclaim Leo's game had garnered, he was more than qualified to join the ranks of attendees.

Following their discussion, one of the developers promptly dispatched an invitation letter to Leo.

By noon, Leo had completed all necessary preparations for the game. The global release was slated to occur within the next two to three days.

While the gaming industry in this world boasted few regulations, developers still needed to navigate cultural sensitivities when creating their games. A misstep could lead to backlash from religious or cultural communities, complicating global releases.

To mitigate such risks, games were subjected to scrutiny by the Game Union Association prior to their global launch. Typically, this approval process took two to three days, provided there were no significant issues.

The Game Union Association served as a collaborative effort between high-level developers and governmental bodies, tasked with fostering a conducive environment for developers and games alike.

With no issues detected in his game, Leo could anticipate its global release in just two days.

Now, all that remained was for Leo to await the influx of profits from the global version of his game. While in-app purchases would contribute to revenue, the global release promised to be the primary source of income.

As Leo prepared to close his developer account, a flashing red message in the corner of his screen caught his attention – perhaps a communication from fellow developers awaited him.

Curiously, he clicked on the message.

The message was from a developer called Drake. It mentioned the developer convention event and outlined some of the benefits of attending the gathering. Additionally, Drake's group would be present at the party, and Leo was invited by them. The party was scheduled for three days from the current date, which was February 4th.

Upon reading this, Leo decided to attend, considering his relatively new status in the industry. Perhaps he could gain valuable insights and network with other developers. The gathering also presented an opportunity for developers to collaborate on future projects, although Leo wasn't particularly keen on collaboration at that moment.

With no pressing work until February 4th, Leo planned to rest and explore the area around his location. And that's exactly what he did.

Over the next three days, Leo visited the park, engaged with customers, and enjoyed some peaceful days, finally getting a chance to rest after his continuous work since arriving in this world.

With this break, Leo could contemplate his next steps. Being in a completely different world, he recognized the need to adapt and improve his game development skills for this new environment.

On February 3rd, Leo's game was globally released, but he remained unperturbed by its reception and continued his rest.


Although Leo remained unaffected by the global release of his game, the same could not be said for others.

People from various countries were excited to play the unique game, and both developers and players were equally captivated by it. Players enjoyed the novelty and fun of the game, while developers were thrilled by its positive impact on the gaming industry.

It couldn't be denied that the game's global release had made it immensely popular. Within just one day, it was deemed a massive success.

Meanwhile, Leo was preparing for the game convention. After three days of rest, he was rejuvenated, especially with the game's global success fueling his optimism for its future earnings.

February 4th, 11:40 AM

Leo arrived at the convention location. As he entered the gates of the 5-star hotel, he noticed numerous cars and bikes parked in the area. Men and women alike were streaming into the hotel.

After presenting his developer credentials and the invitation on his phone, Leo was granted entry. Inside, he found a vast hall bustling with activity. People were engaged in conversation, enjoying food and drinks, and sharing laughter, all with smiles on their faces.

As Leo enjoyed the party, he also met the group that had invited him to this convention.

One developer, who was in his late 20s, introduced himself while shaking his hand, 'Hello, I am Drake. Nice to meet you.' He was wearing black pants with a blazer, and he had brown eyes and brown hair. He looked mature with his speech and demeanor.

'Hello, Leo. I am Emily, Drake's sister. I hope you will have a good time at this party,' a beautiful lady who appeared to be in her mid-20s smiled at him. She wore a red one-piece that emphasized her figure.

'Hello, Drake and Emily. Nice to meet you, and thank you for inviting me to this beautiful party,' Leo replied to the brother and sister duo, and he was introduced to other members of the group.

This group consisted of two boys and three girls. Besides Drake and Emily, there was Jake, who was in his early 30s. He was quite popular in the gaming community and was the oldest developer in the group. The other two girls were twins who looked to be the same age as Leo. They were quite cheerful.

As Leo conversed with the group, an hour passed, and a figure approached them.

He was in his mid-20s and had an air of arrogance around him.

'Hey, I am Mike. You're that new developer, right? You're quite lucky; your game has become popular,' he added in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Leo didn't mind and responded politely, 'Nice to meet you, Mike. I'm Leo.' He smiled at him. Not being familiar with these developers, he didn't want to provoke anyone. Although he had only made a single game, he wouldn't back down if someone annoyed him.

As Mike made that comment, Drake and Emily frowned. They knew what type of person Mike was. Because his three games were successful, he was becoming arrogant, feeling superior to others. He had made some nasty comments about other developers, which made him unpopular.

Though he couldn't do any real harm to a person, it was still annoying to deal with such people.

'Yeah, your luck was quite good. I also appreciate that, but you should know you won't get lucky next time; it takes much effort to be successful in the gaming industry. Although your game was successful, it's not easy to get to the top game page of the platform. It needs a lot of marketing to make the game popular worldwide.'

'How about this, you give 50% of the share of the game to me, then I will do the marketing.'

Leo's lips twitched. Hearing the rambling of this arrogant fellow, he almost couldn't control himself and punched him.

While what the man said was true, he believed his game would gain global popularity without the need for marketing, thus dismissing any concerns about advertising. Furthermore, his audacious claim of a 50% share—was he in his right mind, or perhaps intoxicated?

Additionally, the game belonged to him; any issues that arose were his responsibility. Why was this man interfering in matters that didn't concern him?

Just as he was about to confront the man, a noise diverted the group's attention to the stage.

"Sorry to interrupt, I won't take up much of your time," a man in formal attire addressed the crowd from the stage. He exuded an air of refinement and kindness.

Glancing at Leo, he continued, "I wish to congratulate our new developer friend. Despite being new to the industry, he has achieved success with his first game."

"In case you're unaware, Leo's game has soared into the top 5 of the global trending list. It took the game a mere 21 hours to reach this milestone. And I believe this is just the beginning for this game. So, amidst this joyous occasion, let's applaud Leo for his accomplishment."

The man's speech left everyone impressed with Leo. Applause and congratulations filled the room, acknowledging Leo's remarkable achievement with his debut game.

Leo graciously thanked the attendees, engaging in conversations, including with the speaker, who turned out to be a prominent figure in the mobile gaming community. Known for developing several popular mobile games, he genuinely celebrated his fellow developer's success.

As for Mike, he disappeared from sight, likely stewing in his own disbelief. Just after claiming Leo's game wouldn't achieve global popularity, it secured a spot among the top 5 trending games, a feat Mike hadn't accomplished thus far.

After enjoying the party, Leo bid farewell to Drake and the other developers, returning home. The event provided him with insights into the gaming community and the opportunity to forge new friendships. Despite his exhaustion, he felt content on his journey back.