
chapter 2: Depression

Her decision of going home failed. The school security had caught her and her lies of being sick didn't work so she sadly walked her self to the school's orchard and found an empty can of soda drink lying beside the grapes vine.

Picking it up, she removed the up and filled it with sand with the Rose flower buried above the surface then she smiled with satisfaction.

A hard tapped her from behind and she jerked looking back and immediately the person comported.

"Hi, l'm Mirabel" They stranger who was also a student said.

"Hello, Belaine by name" She grinned, dropping the soda can gentle under a tree.

"Sorry for the embarrassment you received in form 5 B. Well, I'm a member of the class but I swear I wasn't part of those that laughed at you" Mirabel said looking sincere.

"I believe you. Thanks for trying to make me feel better" Belaine replied moving away.

"How about we become friends" Mirabel said loudly for Belaine to hear.

"Huh? Seriously?".

"I mean it" She bit her lower lip nervously .

"I like the sound of that. Alright I accept". Belaine beamed coming closer. That's what she always liked on every first day in a new school-- Making friends!..


*. *. *. *

Nathaniel sat on a bench thinking as usual. He was forced to come to this school after being expelled from 'ROYAL HIGH' because of his bad habits. JOJO made him so. Now she's out of the States to pursue her so called career.

"Master James aren't you attending the next class?" The chemistry teacher asked.

"No Prof. dont feel like" He scoffed.

"You can't introduce your indolence here in 'DREAM HIGH' so go to class before you get punished"

"I care not. Excuse me" He walked out while the old man adjusted his glasses in bewilderment.

"That young lad is something else. He needs prayer and counseling".He shook his head and left.


*. *. *

"Good day Mom" She greeted, flinging her bag to the nearest sofa. Jasmine was already on the dinning chair eating.-- That's her hobby.

"Foodie" She muttered scornfully.

"How was school dear?" Jody asked.

"Horrible than I thought" Belaine replied sulking

"Wow I thought you were so excited to go to school with Miguel" Jasmine added with her mouth full.

"Keep shut you foodie" Belaine snapped, frustrated already and Jasmine blinked twice before pushing the food down her throat hard.

"Don't be too rash on your younger sister, Bela" Jody scolded.

"I'm sorry Jasmine" She apologized with a calm voice and she nodded with tears dropping down.

"Oh Jasmine! You don't need to cry love" Jody held her tight.

"I don't like to be called a foodie momma". She cried like a baby.. Well, she's just thirteen. Before their mother could say a word to Belaine, she was out of the sitting room but not without a long annoying sigh. Jody could not help but sigh too. She was stressed out already. The two girls were killing her too fast.


*. *. *

"Johanna you're doing it well. Good job" Their director commented pausing the music.

Thanks ma'am. I need to take a break"

"You may go. You need it".

She went and sat beside Ivy, her closest friend.

" Wow JoJo, you did so perfectly well. I love the way you swayed ur body to the rhythms. you're too good" Ivy commented, smiling.

"Oh Ivy stop teasing me. You too are good..."

"buh not up to you" Ivy snapped still smiling

"Oh c'mon, get that thought off"

"How about Nathaniel?" Ivy asked

JoJo heaved a short but heavy sigh and then said "Speaking of him." "I haven't heard from him since a month now" She muttered.

"What!" Ivy exclaimed in shock so loudly that it attracted the attention of the fellow girls.

"Sorry girls" She apologized smiling cheapishly while touching her hair

"Ivy" Johanna called. "You look like a moron behaving like that" She teased and they laughed.

"Buh girl, you've gat to call him" Ivy said breaking the laugh into a serious face. "Else you'll loose him to another lady".

"It ain't possible, buh I'll call him".

"I trust you" The two girls laughed standing up for the next dance practice.

Note: Johanna is JoJo and she's Nathaniel's girlfriend.