
Galactic Technological Library (Reupload)

What if all the knowledge in the universe could be accessed by anyone, for a price of course, through a single, grand library? What if it's sole purpose was dedicated to collecting and, with the help of Fu Yan, the college student turned Librarian, distributing it to others? No one knows, though a daunting goal in an infinity universe, to be sure. Follow our newest Librarian on a journey through the stars, and even here at home on Earth, through hardships and success alike. Nothing comes easy, or free, so be prepared to pay up front, with a planet or two. Synopsis by Alterious (Synopsis event winner) Art Helper: King Of Mortals join discord server:https://discord.gg/NxmfjFz

sakakoi · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
169 Chs

A Surprise!

Took 2 days to finish this cause I was not satisfied with the quality. If you think something can be improved then do tell me. Also, 166 has 600 words already so expect 1 more chapter in 8 hours.


The moment Fu Yan's voice sounded in the command center, everyone stopped talking and looked at the screen in horror. 

This was supposed to be the safest and most secure place on the whole earth with many influential figures being present here but now there was someone on the screen talking to them as if nothing was wrong here. 

Moreover, the person who was talking to them was none other than the person they were trying to eliminate. 

They all looked at the giant screen in front of them with open eyes, wondering if what they saw was real. 

Then suddenly one of the commanders woke up from the trance and stormed toward the control panel and jerked one of the technicians.