
Gaia’s Champion

Have ever wondered what would happen if Sephiroth had someone who is more important than finding out his origins?

Raizel2524677 · Derivasi dari game
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2 Chs


Gaia had expended most of her energy and could only leave behind a single sentence "Save Him and You Save Yourself." Before leaving the man near Nibelheim to rest for the many long years ahead of her, content in her last plan to save her world and Children.


The man known as V was shocked to realize that he was free now and this newfound freedom has left him bereft. All V has known was the four walls of his cage and the constant pain, never before had he ever felt anything besides pain, the woman who saved him had told him that he was the soulmate of someone in this world. She had healed him of his most serious wounds and left him near a town on this mountain, V knows that he was brought here for a reason but he does not know what he is supposed to do now. " Hey, Shakespeare! Are you going to move or what!?", V's familiar Griffon materialized to his left. Shaking his head at his familiar, V walked closer to the town in hopes of finding someone who could help him. V doesn't hold much hope that someone in this small town would want to help him because small towns are notorious for rejecting strangers and being narrow minded, this conjecture proved to be true when he tried to speak to anybody he came across and in this way he continued walking until he came to the edge of the town. V stopped in front of a house that sat on the edges of the town and was a little too close to the forest, V knew that this was his last chance at finding any help to pinpoint where he is and what this town is called. Knocking softly in the door, V waited until someone came to the door.