
Gaara of the desert

A man was reincarnated as Gaara a few months before the chunin exam. His goal is to get away from the image of a psychopath and become a respectable shinobi. He also aims to become much stronger than the original.

Cooler_Name · Filem
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12 Chs




'What kind of feeling is this? Where am I? I just went to sleep. Suddenly I'm in an unfamiliar room. Is this a dream?'

Suddenly a harsh pain attacked his head. He saw memories, memories of a life he hadn't lived. Yet these memories felt familiar. As if he had seen them somewhere before.

He saw a kid with red hair on a playground alone. Other kids were playing with each other and having fun. But they kept their distance from him.

Suddenly one kid kicked the ball they were playing with on the roof of a house.

"You idiot. You kicked the ball on top of the roof. How are we supposed to play without a ball?"

Before the kid that kicked the ball on top of the roof could answer, sand gathered around the ball and lifted it. It flew down and ended up in the hands of the redhead.

"Here is your ball, am I allowed to play with you?"

"Ahhh! It's the monster quickly get away from him or he will kill you!"

All the kids ran away from the redhead leaving him alone.

"Why, I haven't done anything. I just want friends." Tears were streaming down the face of the kid.

There were many more memories of such events. The kid was alone. Even his siblings didn't want to talk to him, and his father always talked about him like he was some kind of weapon that needed to be handled with great caution.

Then there was a voice in his head, always telling him the kill all people around him.

The memories ended as suddenly as they had begun.

'Now I know who I am. I am Gaara of the desert. Even though I have not experienced these memories I can feel Gaara's emotions. I can understand why he became the person he is. But I will not remain a monster.

Of course, I can't just go out there and say: Hey you know for the past years I have been killing people for no reason but now all of a sudden I feel like becoming a good person.

The changes in my behavior will have to be subtle and over a longer period.'

Gaara got from the bed and walked towards his window. It was early in the morning so he decided to change into his normal outfit and go training.

On his way to the training ground, he was lost in his thoughts.

'If I remember correctly then I should have three chakra affinities: lightning, wind, and earth.

That's pretty good. In the original series, Gaara relies on his sand way too much.

I'll negate this weakness and learn various lightning, wind, and earth-jutsus.

But before I will learn new Jutsus, I will have to get accustomed to my sand first.

Of course, I learned how to use it through my memories. But I'm not sure if I am as efficient as the former Gaara.'

Before Gaara realized it he reached the training ground. First, he let the sand float around him.

It didn't feel like he was using the sand. It felt like it was an extension of his body.

Moving the sand felt as natural as moving his own body. He could feel everything his sand touched. He could even use the sand on the ground with no issue.

This kind of power felt great. It felt like no one could touch it if he didn't let them. Every other ninja needed to use hand signs for a Jutsu. He only needed a thought.

He could understand Gaara even better now. If everyone hates you and pushes you away. If even the ninjas of your village try to kill you. Why shouldn't you use your power to get revenge?

Of course, he knew that this path only led to the downfall of Gaara during the chunin exams.

But the original didn't have the opportunity to watch his life as a TV show and deduce what he had done wrong.

Gaara was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't realize that three people were approaching him.

"Lord Gaara! What are you doing here?"

Gaara nearly jumped at the sudden voice behind him. He barely managed to keep his cool and calmly turned around. He looked at the people that just arrived.

They were Temari, Kankuro and Baki. The latter of whom had just asked the question.

"I thought you could deduce the reason for being at a training ground. I'm training of course."

"I'm sorry for my stupid question lord Gaara."

"It seems like you have come to train my fellow team members. Maybe I could help you out with your training."

At the mention of Gaara training with them, both Temari and Kankuro began sweating.

"Lord Gaara, you know full well that the Kazekage has forbidden you to train with any shinobi from the village. It is just too dangerous for them."

"What a pity. I was happy at the thought of training with my teammates. But if the Kazekage has decided to forbid it then it can't be helped."

With these words, Gaara started walking to the exit. Just as he reached Kankuro and Temari he suddenly stopped.



"Don't look at me like I'm some kind of monster. I'm just a normal human like you. It hurts me really to see my older brother looking at me that way." Even though what Gaara said was meant to be sad his voice made it sound more like a threat than anything else.

He looked like a scared puppy. Then Gaara looked at Temari and Baki.

While Temari just looked as scared as Kankuro, Baki had tensed. Ready to fight Gaara if he should attack.

But Gaara didn't attack. He just left. All of them were staring at his back till he vanished behind a wall.

'Oh my god. That was such a tough situation. I still kept my voice the same as the normal Gaara but what I said should show them a change in my personality.

I hope the change wasn't too strong.


"What was that?", Kankuro asked. "I can't remember the last time he touched let alone call me big brother."

"Gaara is acting strange today for sure. Baki sensei you must inform father about this. If Gaara loses his control the whole village is in danger."

"You are right Temari. I will inform lord Kazekage immediately."

'Gaara acted strangely. Normally if Gaara was on the verge of losing control he would use his sand to surround himself and lash out in random directions.

Somehow it felt like Gaara had more control than normally."

Baki flashed away in the direction of the Kazekage tower. When he arrived he went up to the reception.

"What do you want Baki?"

"I need to talk to the Kazekage."

"You don't have an appointment. The Kazekage has a lot to do, I'm afraid you can't meet him."

"I have important news about Gaara."

The women at the desk looked at him and only nodded. "I understand. Under these circumstances, you can meet the Kazekage."

Without any more words, Baki passed the desk and started to climb the stairs.

Soon he reached the door to the office of the Kazekage.

He made himself ready and knocked.


"Baki entered the door and walked into the office."

"Baki, I hope it is important. As you can see I have a lot to do." The Kazekage pointed at the massive stack of papers on his desk.

"Lord Kazekage I promise you that this matter has utmost importance."

"What happened."

"Gaara has acted strangely in the morning."

The Kazekage stood up. "What do you mean with strangely?"

"In the morning Temari Kankuro and I were on the way to train. But we meet Gaara on the training ground. First, he wanted to train together with us.

After I reminded him that he isn't allowed to train with us he started to walk away. But before he left completely he told Kankuro that he shouldn't look at him like some kind of monster.

That he was just a normal human and that it would heart him to see his big brother like that."

"I agree with you that is really strange. Did he make any signs of losing control?"

"No. Oddly enough it seemed like he had more control over his emotions than normally."

"Thank you for your report Baki. After I'm done with the stack of papers, I will take on this matter personally."