
Frome Earth to Panem (Hunger Games)

A medical student from earth is transmigrated to the world of Panem, and the Hunger Games. I don't want to spoil all the secrets, so why don't you give it a read. (I do not own anything but my own character. everything else belongs to the owners of the Hunger Games world.)

Man_Of_Earth · Filem
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2 Chs


[Hunger games]

"Chirp…chirp, chirp."

The bird calls were the first noise to grace my ears as I woke.

'City street…many people, then a bright light and a car horn…was I hit by a car?" I managed to think, as a fogginess slowly cleared from my head.

'Fuck, the hospital bills are going to be the death of me.' I thought, as I let out a groan, while unwilling to open my eyes to the world, and the problems I would have to face when I finally decided to scrounge up enough courage to do so.

But with a final long and exaggerated sigh, I opened my eyes.

"Huh?" I blurted out, as I looked at the swaying limbs of the trees overhead.

Blinking a few times, I turned my head side to side, as I looked at my surroundings.

"When the hell, no, how the hell, did I get into a forest?" I thought, slightly panicked.

Slowly, I lifted my head from the long swaying grass that surrounded me, and looked down at myself.

'Well…I'm still in one piece.' I couldn't help but think, as a weight was lifted from my shoulders, at the thought of not being some cripple who was hit by a car, then dumped in a forest on the side of the road.

Sitting up, I looked around at my surroundings.

'This isn't Central Park, and there definitely isn't a gathering of trees like this for close to a hundred miles from where I last remembered being.'

Again the birds in the trees started to chirp again, in a soothing tone of life and day, at least for a few moments before they were interrupted by a loud hum that seemed to appear from nowhere.

Putting my hands to my ears, I looked up, as gusts of hot air were blown into my face, and a flying ship flew overhead.

"What in the fuucckk!!" I shouted, as I watched the metallic looking spaceship glide overhead.

As I watched, my heart felt like it was about to burst from my chest, and my eyes, like they were about to pop from my head.

As quickly as it appeared, it disappeared.

I breathed hard, as my brain tried desperately to absorb what I had just seen.

'What kind of fucked up dream world did I just wake up in?' I thought, standing to my feet.

Turning in the direction the ship had just traveled in, I couldn't help but become curious, as I thought about everything that was going on.

'Maybe I did actually get hit by a car, and I'm now just in some sort of coma in the hospital right now, as a vegetable on life support.' I thought, while I grappled with which would be worse.

Being trapped in some horror of a dream, with aliens who want to probe me. Or that I was possibly in a coma.

Pushing that mess to the verbial side, I thought again.

'But if this is just some sort of dream, I am conscious. So maybe I'm in control here, and can do what I want and not be afraid of the small green men on a weird alien ship.' I thought with a small smile.

But before rushing after the ship, and naming myself lord of the milky way. I decided to test myself.

I didn't know much about lucid dreams, other than you are able to control what happens in your dreams…maybe. I'm still a bit fuzzy in the head, so I couldn't exactly remember the details.

Sticking my left hand out, I closed my eyes, and imagined the first thing that came to mind, then shouted out its name.


Waiting a moment, I peaked one of my eyes open, expecting to see a brand new, four slot, Toaster.

But there was nothing there but air.

"Aww fudge!" I complained out loud.

My breathing started to pick up, as realization started to kick in.

'Fuck…fuckfuckfuckfuck. Capital F, Fuck!'

'Maybe there Is some sort of explanation for all of this?' I thought, drawing on straws for any hope that what I had been experiencing was all just a figment of my imagination or possibly some sort of hallucination.

But before I could come up with an explanation, the sound of ruffling forestry behind me caught my attention.

Whirling around, I expected anything from small green men with Laser guns, to Forrest Gump and his box of chocolates, here to lock me up in their laboratory, or to tell me his crazy life story.

But what I saw was something I absolutely didn't expect.

"Jennifer Lawrence?" I squeaked out, as the very recognizable woman came from the forest.

Walking next to her was a young man, also familiar, but his name I couldn't remember.

When they caught sight of me, both of them came to a dead halt, as their eyes went wide in surprise.

Giving me time to look them over.

Jennifer wore a light brown leather jacket, and dark pants with knee high boots.

While the man wore a white shirt, dark pants, and hiking boots.

For some reason all of this looked vaguely familiar, and when I saw the bow held in her hand, everything snapped into place.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!"

Both of them looked startled at my words.

"Who are you?" The man asked, taking a protective step forward, and in front of Jennifer.

"I…" I tried to say, but my mouth seemed to be full of sand, as I tried to think.

'Now I recognize all of this. The flying ship, and these two together.'

"uhhf. Why me?" I asked the sky, but didn't get a response.

Bringing a hand up, I massaged the bridge of my nose, while I tried to iron out my thoughts.

"What are you doing beyond the fence?" A familiar voice asked.

Lowering my hand, I looked up at Jennifer Lawrence, or now Katniss Everdeen, and raised an eyebrow.

"The fence?" I asked, confused.

Both Katniss and the man looked at each other.

"The security fence, no one is supposed to go past it." The man said, with slight hostility.

I raised my hands.

"Look, I really have no idea what's going on at the moment, okay. All I know is I woke up here, and have no idea how." I said, looking them both in the eyes.

They looked at each other again, but didn't say anything.

"It doesn't matter Gale, we need to get going before anyone realizes we are gone." Katniss said, to the tall man standing next to her.

He gave her a look, before nodding his head.

"Yeah…let go." He said, before they both started to walk past me.

"I guess I will follow the both of you then." I said, following behind them.

For an uncontrollable amount of time, we walked through the thick forest of trees, with only the sound of the forest filling our ears, until we reached a grassy hillside, where they decided to take a break.

As we walked, I realized how malnourished both of them were.

Being a 3rd year medical student, I could tell they weren't dangerously malnourished, but they were clearly missing some meals.

While I, on the other hand, was a completely different story.

Being a doctor 'in training', I understood at a much deeper level that being in shape, and having a balanced diet, was a very important part of staying healthy, which would give me a long life, while avoiding all the problems that might arise in later years for those who don't.

I wasn't one of those gym bros who wanted nothing but muscles on top of their muscles.

But I was instant more of a runner, with a slimmer build with a healthy amount of muscle, along the line of a professional swimmer.

With my stature of 6,2, I filled out quite well.

Plopping down in the grass behind the two, I leaned back on my elbows, and soaked in the sun.

Feeling someone hit my converse shoe, I opened my eyes, and looked down.

Holding out a small piece of bread, Gale gestured for me to have it.

I looked at the golden piece for a moment, before I looked at him.

His eyes weren't the hardened glare that had greeted me in the forest, but instead had gone back to a normal look.

While Katniss gave me a glance from over her shoulder, before she herself turned back and bit into half a piece Gale had clearly given her.

The look she gave me seemed…scornful?

At first I was a bit confused.

Then I remembered.

If this is somehow the world I think it is, and I was in fact in district 12, bread was a rare commodity that not many could afford.

I shook my head at the offered bread.

"I'm okay, I'm not hungry." I said, before turning my face back up to the sky.

Opening my mind, while washing out the whispered conversation I could hear Katniss and Gale having, I decided to dive into my thoughts.

'How the hell is any of this possible?' I thought.

I had my bachelor's degree in pre-medical studies, and my M.D. none of which had in any way, anything related to the brain.

Which was the only thing I could think could explain any of this.

I was hit by a speeding car, and am now stuck in my head…or somehow…I really am here.

I vaguely remember a whole sub-genre of books about stuff like this.

Some person gets hit by a vehicle, or dies, and wakes up in a whole new world that was fictional in our world.

But being swarmed with studying and my personal life, I never had the time to really look into it.

"What's your name?" The voice of 'katniss' asked, breaking me from my train of thought.

Opening my eyes again, I looked down, and at her.

"Oh, uhm, james…James knight." I stammered, sitting up and putting my hand out for a shake.

Grabbing my hand in a strong callused hand, she shook it.

"I'm Katniss Everdeen, and this is Gale." She said, releasing my hand, then gesturing to the man, who also shook my hand."

"Nice to meet the both of you." I said.

"We've never seen you around here before?" Katniss asked, questioningly.

I gave a weak shrug.

"I, uh, don't get out much." I said, with a weak laugh.

They didn't say anything, and instead started to stand.

"Let's get moving, tomorrow is going to be a long day." Katniss said, backing up her bow.

"Right." I said, standing up.

Moving again, I couldn't help but ask.

"What exactly is happening tomorrow?"

Both of them turned to look at me, and gave me raised eyebrows.

"The 'choosing' is tomorrow?" Gale said, looking at me like I was an idiot.

"The 'choosing'...for what?" I asked, now very confused.

Both of them came to a complete halt, and turned to look at me.

"The Hunger Games." Katniss said, in an angry tone.

'Oh Fuck."



The MC has vague memories of the hunger games world, and only really remembers the 1st movie.

So he has absolutely no idea about much of this world.

Please leave a comment on anything that I might have missed, as well as any ideas you have for this fic.

Because I don't have much of a direction as to where this fic is going, and could really use some ideas.

I know I want the story to stay mostly with the original story, with slight variations.

But I could use your help in deciding some ideas.

I hope you enjoy it.


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