
The Five-Point Drop

The venue was filled with nervousness as the girls gathered once more for the second elimination of the fifth reason of Rising Stars.

The studio already felt empty because there were only fifty girls left. However, knowing that they were going to be halved once again, felt like a cruel punishment.

Ara sat next to Mei and nudged her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" she asked, looking concerned for her friend.

Mei looked at Ara and noted her bright aura. Well, of course, she would be in a good mood. She was paired with the 'killing' team, otherwise known as the powerhouses of the show.

Meanwhile, Mei looked like the light had left her eyes.

Nonetheless, Ara still found her very pretty.

"Were you able to sleep?" Ara asked.

Mei pursed her lips and nodded in silence. However, Ara knew that her friend probably didn't get any sleep at all.