
Himiko’s adoption and Izuku has a job???

The next day Izuku woke up to the sound of a camera snapping a picture. Seeing Burnin standing at the door a shit eating grin on her face. "Cops are going to be coming to the house to ask her some questions later." She says point to Himiko. Then he turns to his bedmate and notices she was completely on top of him again snuggling as close to him as possible and his arms wrapped around her protectively. "Kamiji-San, why are you trying to embarrass me?" Izuku asks holding Himiko a little more tightly as she starts purring in his grip. Burnin teasingly responds, "I didn't take you for a sis-con Izuku-Kun." At this Izuku growls unknowingly making Burnin's shit eating grin grow wider. As this happens Himiko wakes up realizing that everything from last night actually happened she begins crying once again. "Himiko what's the matter?" Izuku asks with concern evident in his voice. Looking up at Izuku, the crying Himiko responds, still sobbing loudly. "This is actually real. I'm not in an alley somewhere hiding from rapists or feeding from some rat for blood." Hearing this both Izuku and Burnin look appalled and enraged.The two teens can see Burnin's hair whipping around angrily in response to her emotions. Izuku, comforting the crying girl, says, "We will help you, Himiko, that's what heroes do after all."

Izuku gives Himiko a blinding smile that hides seething rage at the parents who forced a young girl to suppress her quirk until she went insane. HImiko, still crying, hugs Izuku tightly as if he was her only lifeline to reality. Looking at Burnin Izuku mouths, "When will the cops arrive to help her?" The hero holds up two fingers indicating that they will be here in two hours. Looking at the clock he sees that he has to leave for school in an hour. Looking at Himiko he says, "Hey Himiko, can you please let me go? I have to get ready for school." Hearing this she squeezes Izuku tighter. "Please don't leave me?" She cries unwilling to let Izuku leave her side as she still needs the reassurance that this isn't a fever dream. Looking up at Burnin again hoping she will be able to help him. "I'll let your school know you won't be able to go in today." The hero says as she leaves the room to make the three breakfast while calling Aldera Middle School explaining that due to an incident with a runaway teen Izuku will not be coming to school today. Reaching the kitchen she goes to finish making the three in her home a proper breakfast.

Izuku back in his room reassures Himiko that he isn't going anywhere but that they do have to get ready for the day. Reluctantly Himiko agrees letting go of Izuku so he could go get washed up and dressed for the day. Once he finished he waited for Himiko who did the same. The two walk into the living area to the sight and smell of a traditional japanese breakfast of grilled fish, rice, eggs, steamed broccoli, miso soup, and pickled daikon. "This smells delicious Burnin-san." Izuku complements as he sits at the table Himiko sitting next to him practically drooling at the prospect of actual food. The two give their thanks before happily digging into the food. Himiko quickly notices that there is something different about her meal when she realizes that there is blood mixed in with all of it. Looking towards Burnin not seeing any obvious signs that she offered her own blood asking, "How come there is blood in my food?" Burnin looking at Himiko simply replied, "The pro-hero Vlad King lives next door. I asked him if he wouldn't mind sparing a blood bag to put in your food."

Nodding at the response, Himiko goes back to eating her breakfast feeling better then she did in months. After finishing breakfast the group of three move into the living room Burnin turning on the news. Once settled Burnin turns to Himiko before saying, "Himiko I want you to know now that there is a police detective coming over in little over an hour to get a statement from you about what your parents forced you to do. After that you will get to choose to stay with us or go with another pro hero." Himiko grabs onto Izuku but nods. "I want to stay with Izu-nii. He makes me feel safe." Burnin nods as the three take the remaining time before to relax watching the news. Soon a knock on the door interrupts their thoughts as Burnin gets up and answers it. A detective enters the apartment moving towards Himiko. "Hello, I'm detective Tsukauchi Naomasa. My quirk is Lie Detector. I will be able to instantly tell if what you are saying is false." He says as he stands before the two teens Burnin right behind him. Holding onto Izuku's arm for reassurance Himiko tells her story to the detective who is silent the entire time she is speaking, occasionally writing something down in a small notebook he uses for his investigations. "You were truthful the entire time you spoke. I have all the information I need to arrest your parents. Now all I need to know is where you will be staying." Naomasa says with clearly suppressed rage at the teenage girl's parents.

Himiko, still recovering from the emotional damage that telling her story has. Just repeats what she told Burnin earlier about wanting to stay with Izuku. Naomasa nods, turning to the boy who was quietly letting Himiko cling onto his arm while he was looking down at his phone as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Before the detective could ask Izuku if that was okay with him the boy looks up at Naomasa, a fiendish look in his eyes that spelled trouble for anyone who got in his way."Detective when you get the chance please send me the adoption papers for Himiko." Says Izuku as he comforts a shocked Himiko. The detective looks puzzled wondering how a 15 year old boy could adopt a 14 year old girl. "If you are wondering how I am able to adopt her it is simple according to the laws that I've been reading since before you arrived as a quirkless individual and me being 15 I am a legal adult in the eyes of the law." Izuku explains you could hear the air quotes when he said legal adult. Naomasa, not seeing any lies in Izuku's statement, just nods. "Burnin, I will send you the adoption papers for the young man to fill out shortly." The detective says as he leaves.

After the detectives leaves, Burnin walks over to Izuku asking, "Are you sure about this?" Izuku nods his head as Himiko is once again crying on his chest but instead of them being tears of sadness they are tears of joy. "Himiko we need to go now. Seeing as you will be staying with us would you like to come along?" Burnin asks, knowing she and Izuku need to get to the Endeavor agency to help prepare Izuku for UA. Himiko calms down quickly and nods. After Himiko cleans herself up again the group of three leave and head to the agency. Time passes quickly as they travel once reaching the agency they go straight to Endeavour's office where he is waiting for them. "So what is the verdict for the young girl hanging off my nephew's arm?" Asks Endeavour with a neutral tone even though anyone could tell he was angry as Burnin had told him what the girl went through and was hoping to arrest the bastard parents who would do that to their own child even though he knows he was almost as bad to Shoto after Toya died. Burnin smiles before replying, "You should get a call from the detective as soon as he gets the arrest warrants for them. Your nephew also seems insistent on adopting the girl." Endeavour looks at Izuku shocked but knowing the law is on his side accepts it. "Izuku if you need any financial aid for this don't hesitate to ask." Endeavour says wanting to support his nephew. "Don't worry about it Uncle Endeavour my job along with my investments will keep me and Himiko well taken care of. While I really want to be a hero I knew there was a big possibility that I might not be able to so I made a back up plan." Endeavour looks at his nephew shocked. "May I ask what this job is?" Endeavour asks. "Sure, I'm an underground quirk analyst." Izuku says as he pulls out a license from his wallet showing it to his uncle. Endeavour takes the card shown to him, seeing that it is a genuine license for an underground quirk analyst. Looking at the name on the card he is once again shocked to know his nephew is the infamous quirk analyst Dekiru. "YOUR DEKIRU." He shouts, shocking everyone within earshot of his office Burnin included. He looks at the license again, seeing that it was attached to a P.O. box near UA. "The commission has been wanting to get their hands on you since you started with how accurate your analysis is. No wonder they could never find you when they started staking out the area around your P.O. box. They thought you were a middle aged man with an analytical quirk that didn't want villains coming after you or any family you might have had, not a 13 year old quirkless boy."

Izuku laughs at that. "Well they were right about one thing. I didn't want to put my mom in any danger so I opened up a P.O. box under my analyst handle and only accepted contracts through my P.O. box after I verified that the client was actually a hero with my access to the hero registry as limited as it is. Speaking of which, I haven't checked it in a couple of days." Endeavour nods at his nephew's explanation before he looks to Burnin. "Why don't you take him to his P.O. box after this so he can check I'm sure he has gotten a couple of requests. After that we can start on your training for the UA entrance exam both the hero and support since you are a licensed analyst I can openly hire you and pay you with training and free access to the support labs to make your own gear." Izuku nods at this, taking back his license before turning to Himiko. "Himiko do you think you can stay here while me and Burnin go check my mail? I want you to stay here where I know you'll be safe. Truth be told, I don't even want Burnin with me. The last few times I went to my box I've noticed some suspicious characters watching it. Could have been the commission or villains they tend to ignore me for the same reason the commission never realized it was me. But could be suspicious if I come in with a pro hero."

Burnin walks over to Izuku, patting him on the back. "Don't worry about it Izuku-kun I also have a P.O. box by UA as a safety precaution all heroes have P.O. boxes away from where they live so we can go in close to the same time and not have it seem suspicious." Himiko hugs Izuku before agreeing to stay here with Endeavour. With that Burnin and Izuku leave the agency and head to the post office they use. While the two are gone Endeavour calls the commission telling them about Izuku being Dekiru. The commission responded by saying they will send someone to verify his claims and that if he is telling the truth, help Izuku in his path to becoming a hero. Looking at the girl in his office he asks, "What do you plan to do now that you are off the streets and no longer on track to become a villain young lady?" Himiko looks at Endeavour, a fire burning in her eyes before replying, "I want to be a hero like Izu-nii is going to become. Can you help me too?" Endeavour seeing the determination nods and takes Himiko to the gym built into his agency. "I need to know what I am working with so I want you to start stretching once Izuku gets back. I will put the two of you through a series of tests before making a proper workout plan for the both of you." Himiko nods before going to stretch.

—--------------- With Izuku and Burnin —---------------

The duo head to the post office by UA taking their time and watching for anyone suspicious. Once they are a few blocks away from the post office, Burnin speeds up while Izuku slows down so they enter separately from one another. The two enter looking at different times not even giving each other a second glance while they get their mail. Once done the two leave separately and meet up at the train station. "So see anyone suspicious on your way out Izuku-kun?" Burnin asks as they ride the train back towards the agency. Shaking his head he responds, "No I didn't see anyone this time." Izuku takes his mail from his bag looking through it he sees three new contracts from a few underground heroes who regularly ask for his help a couple checks from solved contracts and a letter from Eraserhead probably trying to convince him to finally get an account set up on the local underground hero chatroom network as sending contracts through the mail was illogical and a waste of time for more high profile and time critical contracts that so far he has been unable to take so far. "Burnin-san, do you think it would be a good idea to set up an account for the underground hero chatroom?" Izuku asks in a low voice so the other passengers don't hear him. Burnin nods before replying in a low tone, "I'm surprised you aren't already a part of the network."

"I didn't join because my mom was worried I could get dragged into a case that would endanger me so I held off doing so." Izuku explains with Burnin nodding in understanding. Izuku puts his mail away, deciding to wait to actually open them after the two get back to the agency. It didn't take long for the two to get back to the agency when they arrived they saw the police detective waiting for them with Endeavour and a man Izuku didn't recognize. "Ah Izuku, here are the adoption papers. If you could fill these out I will be back to collect them. Endeavor here has already paid for the adoption fee so you don't have to worry about that." The detective says as he hands Izuku the adoption forms that are already partially filled out. Nodding Izuku starts filling out everything he needs to formally make Himiko a Midoriya. "Thanks detective you too Uncle Endeavor." The two smile and leave Burnin tagging along with the two to arrest the Togas. The man Izuku doesn't recognize coughs to get his attention. Izuku looks up asking, "Can I help you?"

The man nods saying, "Hello I am Yokumiru Mera of the Hero Public Safety Commission. I am here to confirm that you are the underground analyst Dekiru." Nodding Izuku takes his license out of his wallet once again before handing it to the commission member. Taking the license and seeing that it is genuine he hands it back before tiredly laughing. "Now I see why we never found you, Dekiru, you are one smart kid with those analysis you sent. I can also see why you haven't joined the underground network yet. Endeavor told me about your mother and on behalf of the HSPC I would like to express my condolences. If we realized you were a child we would have gotten to you sooner to make sure both you and your mother were safe." Izuku looks at the man and nods with a sad smile on his face.

"Thank you for saying that is there anything else you would like to discuss because if not I have a few contracts to go through and adoption papers to fill out." Izuku says, still filling out the forms as they talk. "Yes Endeavor says you wish to be a hero, the commission is willing to help you out with that as having you fully licensed as an investigation hero would save us some time but if you were to go to UA as a support student that would be even better. You learning how to make support gear would be best as you could make your own gear and if something were to malfunction, possibly fix it if you are ever needed out in the field." Izuku nods at this saying, "Yes that is my new plan I have already studied about making support gear I just need the practical experience so even if I can't be a hero like Almight I can still be a hero."