
Back to school, Toga makes an appearance

After Izuku finished yelling at Shoto the group of nine went inside and settled in the family room of the home. "So I know this might be awkward but this is your cousin Midoriya Izuku. My brother Hisashi apparently had a kid before he left for his work in America and didn't say anything to me about it." Enji says as he sits in his chair looking towards his children. The Bakugou's and Izuku sitting on the couch opposite them look at Enji as Mitsuki face palms. "How could he not say anything to you about having a family?" She asks in her usual loud and overly aggressive manner.

Enji rubs the back of his head as he sighs. "Hisashi is a very private person, that is why he is a good as an undercover hero." Enji explains a shocked expression on the faces of the Bakugou's and Izuku. Izuku, being the first to recover, asks, "My dad is really an undercover hero?" Enji just nods as he looks at Izuku. "So Izuku since my brother decided not to tell me anything about my nephew, why don't you tell us about yourself and we go from there." Enji states with his usual gruffness but you could see a longing in his eyes. Nodding Izuku starts telling the Todoroki family about himself and his mother and they doing the same. Mitsuki looking at how late it was decided it was time to go home. "Endeavor it's been a blast but I think it's time to get home. The boys have school tomorrow. Izuku do you want to come with us or stay here?" Izuku looks at Mitsuki before replying, "I think I'll stay with Kamiji-san if it's not too much trouble." Said hero nodding her head signaling that she had no problem with it. Mitsuki nodded as she and her family left the Todoroki residence heading home. Izuku and Burnin leaving just moments after.

Time skip Next day:

Izuku was having a weird time having woken up earlier than normal now having to take a train to get to Aldera. Even more having a pro hero sitting next to him taking him to said school. So he just looked out the window of the train watching the scenery pats him by. At the same time Katsuki just arrived in class walking up to the podium. "Alright listen up you Extras none of you are to mess with Deku at all for the next few days. Do I make myself clear?" He asks in his usual aggressive do as I tell you tone of voice. One of his classmates asks in a mocking voice, "Why are you suddenly so concerned with that useless Deku?" Katsuki growls before answering. "His mom was killed just a few days ago and even he deserves a chance to recover from that. More importantly I don't think his uncle would appreciate it if his nephew came home bruised." Katsuki shivered purposefully knowing his teacher was outside the door listening carefully.

"Wait, who is his uncle that has you shivering Bakugou?" One of his followers asks, shivering himself. Before Katsuki could answer Izuku walks through the door blushing as Burnin walks in behind him. "Burnin-San you didn't have to walk me all the way to my classroom. I'm sure Uncle Enji would have been fine with you just taking me to the school." Burnin just laughs before responding. "While Endeavor might have been okay with it. I still need to talk with your principal about the fact that you are living with me now and I wanted to tell Bakugou that Endeavor is willing to help him train for UA." The entire class and teacher were shocked to learn that Izuku was Endeavor's nephew and that he was staying with a different pro hero too. Izuku just blushes harder as he takes his seat. Burnin walks over to Izuku, handing him her house key and a few thousand yen before leaving. "I won't be home till late. There is some money for you to buy yourself something on the way home." With that Burnin went to talk to the principal while the class started asking Izuku all sorts of questions about how it was living with a pro and how he found out Endeavor was his uncle. Katsuki, seeing them start to crowd around Izuku, sets off a small explosion in his palm. "Alright you extras leave him alone he can answer your questions later class is about to start." Katsuki says as he moves to his own desk sitting down.

After the rest of the class retook their seats the teacher came in to start class. Class started but everyone had their minds on different things. Most being that the kid they thought of as the worthless Deku had an uncle that was number 2 on the hero boards. While Izuku was thinking of how to go about becoming the first quirkless hero and Katsuki was thinking of what kind of training Endeavor was planning for him. During lunch Izuku's classmates began asking him questions again in a much more controlled effort with Katsuki acting as Izuku's bodyguard. Most of the class thought it was because of the fact Izuku was Endeavor's nephew and wanting to stay on the hero's good side due to the training. But they didn't comment on it. After they were satisfied they returned to their seats as class resumed. The students paid much more attention for the remainder of the day. After class Izuku walked to a nearby restaurant that he and his mother visited occasionally and got some Katsudon to go before heading to the train station to board the train to get to Burnin's apartment.

After leaving the train he starts walking towards Burnin's apartment when he hears a loud crash in an alleyway. Going to check it out he sees a girl around his age in a dirty school uniform with messy blond hair in twin buns mumbling about blood and how her parents threw her out. Not knowing what to do he goes over to the girl and takes her to Burnin's apartment with him. After getting her to the apartment he sets her on the couch and heads into the kitchen. Entering the kitchen he sets down the katsudon he just bought and starts heating it up. As he does so the girl wakes up confused as to where she was hearing Izuku in the kitchen and she sneaks up on him. "Who are you and where am I?" She asks, confused.

Izuku turns around shocked seeing the girl up. "We are at Burnin-san's apartment." He answers nervously as he sees the knife she was carrying. "Why did you bring me here? Are you trying to arrest me for not being normal?" She asks while threatening him with the knife. "What no never you look like you need help." Izuku responds sincerely. "I heard you mumbling about blood and how your parents kicked you out and I couldn't just leave you there." This time it was the girl who was shocked. She dropped her knife and started crying, throwing herself at Izuku for comfort. Izuku, not knowing what to do, starts gently petting her head while rubbing circles on her back. "It's okay I'm Midoriya Izuku, can you tell me your name?" Izuku asks.

"It's Toga Himiko." She sobs out as she continues to hold on to hun thinking this is some kind of fever dream from not getting any blood. She eventually calms down. "I heard you mumble something about blood. Can you explain why?" Izuku asks while continuing to comfort Himiko. Hearing his questions, Himiko stiffens before relenting, still thinking it's a fever dream. "My quirk lets me transform into other people as long as I drink their blood. But I also need blood to function." Himiko explains waiting for him to call her a monster like all her other fever dreams do.

"Would you like some of mine?" Izuku asks her much to her shock. Stepping back she looks at him searching for any kind of deception. Finding none, she asks, "Are you sure I can?" Izuku nods, leading her back to the couch sitting down. After Izuku sits down he holds out his arm for her. Himiko hesitantly pushes his arm away and sits on his lap before biting into his neck. Izuku flinches slightly but does nothing to stop her too busy imitating a tomato as she sits on his lap straddling him. Himiko as she takes her first taste of his blood does she realize that this is real and not a fever dream. Taking her time she slowly feeds off his blood getting her fill. Feeling woozy from the blood loss, Izuku lays down on the couch taking Himiko with him. She eventually stops feeding, licking the puncher marks until they stop bleeding before falling asleep on top of him.

Seeing as Izuku was trapped there he got his phone and watched hero fights to analyze them. After a few hours he fell asleep himself holding onto Himiko. This is what Burnin came home to seeing Izuku holding onto a random girl as they slept on her couch. Taking a few pictures she wakes Izuku up. "Care to explain what happened here Izuku-Kun?" Burnin asks teasingly as he wakes up. Izuku blushes bright red sputtering out excuses of why he was like this. "Calm down kid and explain what happened." Burnin says seriously. Izuku explains how he found her in the alleyway near the apartment, mumbling about blood and how her parents threw her out to him, bringing her up and letting her drink some blood from him.

"So let me get this straight, you heard a suspicious sound coming from an alleyway and decided to investigate. Upon seeing a girl mumbling about being tossed out you brought her here and didn't bother to inform me." Burnin says in a mock angry tone. Izuku looks down, embarrassed about forgetting to inform her. "Sorry I was going to call you while I was heating up my dinner but she woke up confused and needed comfort." Izuku says, looking up at Burnin, still embarrassed. Burnin looks at him and shakes her head. "It's fine, have you eaten at all tonight Izuku?" Izuku shakes his head saying that after he assured her he wasn't going to hurt her or get her arrested she threw herself at him for comfort. Burnin heads into the kitchen heating up Izuku's meal; she brings it in just in time for Himiko to wake up. Seeing Burnin walk in, Himiko freaks out, holding tightly onto Izuku.

"Nii-san, don't let her hurt me. I promise I didn't mean to hurt those people." Seeing this Burnin calmly says, "I'm not going to hurt you okay. Can you tell me what happened?" Himiko calms down but keeps her death grip on Izuku before explaining that if she doesn't get blood regularly she has fever dreams and will attack anyone who gets close. She also explained how her parents forced her to suppress her quirk to the point she attacked her classmate and has been on the run ever since. "Don't worry we will sort this out Himiko." Burnin says before making some calls to Endeavor and the police to look into the situation before doing anything else.

"Why don't the two of you eat dinner then head off to bed. I only have the one extra room so you two will have to share." Burnin says teasingly as she sets down two bowls of katsudon for the two teenagers. Seeing the food both teens say itadakimasu before digging into the katsudon. After eating the two take turns in the bathroom cleaning themselves up before heading into the room Izuku is using before falling asleep Himiko cuddling into Izuku for comfort. Burnin remaining behind to clean up the dishes before doing the same herself.