
From Accidental Kiss To Marriage

What would happen if you accidentally kiss a billionaire which you didn't knew he was and then you have to marry him.

CherryCherry · perkotaan
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3 Chs

2. I Was Sorry

"Can you explain again why were you late ?" said my mother as she stared at me with anger.

"I sprained my ankle. I was struggling to walk" I said as much as I can be polite with my words.

She again stared at me and walk to my father with still anger on her face.

"Can you believe her honey ? I can't deal with this right now"

"It's okay darling. Everything would be fine. You don't need to worry about anything."

"You keep saying that"

"Because I know that. Now come one let's go. Its already late we should've been asleep by now"

"We should have been asleep by now but because of someone who decided to be late we couldn't"

I couldn't do anything just to hear that and feel sorry for myself. All I want was now to leave the house and never come back but I knew this wasn't in my options.

I stayed all night that day staring at the ceiling and letting the thoughts run through my head. The thoughts about him and today. The thought of him being nice and then all mad at me for no reason wandered around my head throughout the night.

I sure didn't get good sleep that night but I tried to shake it off as much as it was possible. Even after a week went by neither the pain did go well nor did the thoughts of him.

I was tired of staying in for days and something inside me made me wanted to go out. I decided to get dressed and go out even my mother would say no. I dressed up and get downstairs confidently.

"Mom I'm going out I'll back before curfew"

She stared at me with confusion mixed with anger. But I've decided this I would go even when she wouldn't let me.

"I don't permit you"

"I'm sorry but you have to."

"You are talking back at me. How dare you ?"

"I'm sorry but I can't stay anymore inside"

"No you are-" said my mother interrupted by my dad

"Let her go darling."

"No you are spoiling her."

"Now com'on. If she said she would be back before curfew then she would be back"

"Okay. Fine. But if you are late then you're staying outside whole night"

Dad did save me this time and I couldn't thank him enough. I went out happily. I guess. But today I didn't wanted to see him or maybe I do.

"Miss you dropped you ID-" I heard a voice and I turned around to see it was him again.

"It's you"

"Why do you keep dropping you ID everytime when I'm around. Are you that obsessed with me?" he said with a husky giggle which made me fantasies about him. But snapping back to reality I said with a smile.

"Thank you again for ID but why are you nice to me" I asked with curiosity.

"Why ? There is no reason to be not nice to you"

"But you were different after we met second and third time"

"What do you mean ? This is the second time we met"

His words left me speechless. It made me questions my existence, my thoughts and myself. Was I really hallucinating but that would be possible because he dropped me yesterday to my house.

"Are you okay ?" he asked as he gently tapped on my shoulder.

"Yes. I am" I said with a nervous laughter.

He was quick as fox before I could get back in reality from my thoughts he was gone.

He was mysterious. One moment he would come out of nowhere and help me and then the other second he would be mean.

Something was off. I don't know but the thought of going to same cafe came into my mind. I didn't wanted to but somehow I did.

I was nervous and sweating profusely. I didn't know what to do. I looked around while ordering the same tea I did that day. But I wasn't happy there. Maybe I expected to see him there but he wasn't.

I went home without finishing my tea. I wasn't feeling good. And I didn't wanted to be past after curfew after my mother made it clear.

As I entered the home my mother was staring at me with her arms folded. It's like she was waiting for me.

I tried ignoring her and went into my room but she stopped me

"Why are you going ?"

That was one of the stupid question to ask someone when you can see where they are going. But not to be rude I replied with politeness.

"To my room"

"Your father and I want to talk to you about something"

I don't feel this is going to be good. My father got up from his couch and stepped forward.

"Get ready honey. I need you to come with me ."

"Where ?"

"To my business party. I thought it would be a good idea to take you out and enjoy yourself for a while"

"Thanks dad. I really appreciate it"

"Now without wasting any time go, get ready"

I could feel my mother whining. But that satisfies me a little bit.

But I had this feeling that something was wrong. I don't know what was coming but whatever it is; it's not good. I have a severe bad feelings that I couldn't ignore it.