
From Accidental Kiss To Marriage

What would happen if you accidentally kiss a billionaire which you didn't knew he was and then you have to marry him.

CherryCherry · Urban
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3 Chs

3. We Did Really Met Again

Dad never wanted me to come with him for his business party but today he did. I got ready but I still felt I was not ready. I was not ready for what's gonna come next.

We got in the car but still my mind was somewhere else. The whole time I was in car I had a bad feeling that made my stomach twist and made me want to throw up. But always I had a good self-control.

We finally arrived at his office gate.

"Don't forget to smile. And try not to embarrass us."

I nodded yes to her.

Those words from my mother didn't hurt me much because I was used to it. But at a point she was right I don't want to embarrass them atleast not today infront of so many people.

As I entered the room my heart beat was pounding faster and faster. I sure was nervous. I met few of my dad friends and talked for a while to shake off my nervousness.

"Hello Mr.Herbert. How are you ?"

A voice of someone came from behind. I turned around to look. It was a rich looking old man with gold watch on his wrist with expensive suit and a wine in his hands. He sure was handsome. He also did remind of someone strongly.

"Hello Mr. Yeng. I'm am doing well. How are you ?"

"I'm doing pretty well too. Thanks for asking"

"It's been a while since I met you-"

His words stopped as he glanced at me. He checked from up to down. Then he took a moment before he spoke.

"Is this your-"

"Yes. My daughter." my father completed his sentence.

"She looks like an angel"

I smiled with nervousness and replied him.

"Thank you sir"

"You don't need to call me sir" he said as he giggled "Call me uncle Yeng"


Something about him remind of someone and that thought was stuck in my head. So I decided to take a break and explore this palce a little bit. This place with huge and beautiful. It has the most beautiful light.

I decided to went on the first floor to find the bathroom. I was trying to find it until I saw something or someone in the room.

I went inside to expect someone inside so I could ask someone for direction. But this didn't go as planned. My eyes were wide open when I saw that guy who dropped my home.

He was changing his shirt. He had the best body that could made a girl fantasies about him. I was lost in my thoughts until I heard his voice

"What are you looking at ?"

He knew what I was doing without turning back and looking at me.

"I was just looking for a bathroom. I accidentally came here" I said nervously.

"Again I met you. Come inside" he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside and he locked the door.

He was leaning infront of my looking straight in my eyes. I could feel his warm heavy breathing against mine. My stomach was twisting.

He came more closer to me with leaving a very little space between us. It made even nervous than before. I was avoiding his eyes while he was finding mine.

I pushed him before he could come any closer to me but my ankle twisted and falled down on him. The next thing I knew was his soft lips were touching mine. I was lost again. There were butterflies in my stomach and my stomach was twisting again.

I snapped to reality and got up from him. My heart was beating so fast and my breath was heavy. Before he could stand up and anything I ran away. I ran and ran until my legs were weak and I couldn't run anymore.

My stomach was hurting and my breath was heavy. I was sweating heavy. I got back to parents pretending everything was fine and nothing ever happened.

I could see my mom whining and grinning angrily again. She pulled but my hand and whispered in my ears.

"Where were you ?"

"I was looking for a bathroom" I answered nervously.

My mother was about to say something until Mr. Yeng came again.

"Since Mr. Herbert I met your loving and beautiful daughter now it's time you should meet my son XiaXing"

I took my eyes from the ground I was starting at. It was him agai. Not matter where I go he's always there.

He looked straight in my eyes but I slide away from his.

"Do you having anyone in your mind- uh-" said Mr. Yeng while looking at me.

"Feiyeng. Her name is Feiyeng" completed my mother.

"What a lovely name Feiyeng. So do you have anyone in your mind you wanna marry. Your father said you've been single and he wants you to marry. Right Mr. Herbert ?" he asked as gazed at my father.

"Yes you are right Mr. Yeng. It's her age now to be married" said my father.

His words froze me right there and I knew something bad was gonna happen. I don't want to get married yet.

"But i-" I was about to say but my mother grabbed my hand tightly and said.

"So do you have anyone in your mind you wanted to marry your son to ?"

"Well no because he wants to choose a women of his choice"

"Well do you have anyone in your mind ?" asked my mother to him.

"Well I do" he replied.

"Who is it son ?" asked Mr. Yeng with curiosity.

"I wanna marry ..." he took a pause and replied "I wanna marry your daughter Feiyeng Mr. Herbert"

His words shocked everyone of us especially me. I knew something bad was gonna happen today but I didn't know this bad.