
Fourth Calamity of the Beasts Pirates

Jigen traveled through the world of pirates, got lost on a deserted island, activated the technological system, and created hermit seeds as the first reward. He was worried about how to get out of that place when a shadow fell from the sky, lamenting having survived. Kaido: "Do you dare to call this bean an invention?" Jigen: "It can restore all wounds." . . . . . . . . . . . --------------------------------------- Translation: Chinese-English b.faloo ---------------------------------------

BlackGoku222 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
135 Chs

Chapter 93: Causing Terror (2)

<p>The air around Big Mom seemed to completely evacuate, and the air cannon burst with a buzzing sound.<br/><br/>In the moment the cannon shot out and the power tilted, Whitebeard's expression on the prow suddenly changed greatly.<br/><br/>In this moment, he understood why a blow could almost kill Kaido. With this power coming out, even he wouldn't fight if given the option to decide.<br/><br/>But he can't retreat, because behind him are his "children".<br/><br/>Once he retreats, those with captain-level strength will inevitably die.<br/><br/>"Let's go!"<br/><br/>"Everyone, retreat!"<br/><br/>Whitebeard shouted, his tone extremely serious and authoritative.<br/><br/>The large naginata in his hand was tightly gripped, and he held it above his head with both hands!<br/><br/>Whitebeard only holds his knife with both hands when facing a strong enemy, and now he holds a knife with both hands, which is enough to show everything!<br/><br/>Suddenly, a figure emerged behind Whitebeard and said sharply, "Dad, leave it to me!"<br/><br/>Whitebeard glanced sideways and saw Joz standing in front of him.<br/><br/>At the same time, crystalline diamonds began to appear on Joz's body, covering his head, limbs... until covering his whole body.<br/><br/>Joz, the "strongest shield" of the Whitebeard Pirates, intended to block the new technology of the disaster scientist!<br/><br/>Whitebeard wanted to stop him, but it was too late and the air cannon bombarded Joz.<br/><br/>A muffled sound suddenly rang out, and Joz only felt like a great mountain had struck him in the face, blood appearing at the corner of his mouth.<br/><br/>He was extremely shocked, the power was too strong, twice as strong as his father's attack.<br/><br/>His body began to tremble violently, making a cracking sound...<br/><br/>"kakaka"<br/><br/>Cracks appeared on the diamonds on his body.<br/><br/>He continued to roar, trying to block the air cannon, but in the end he was swallowed by it, and the full force of power was discharged onto him, causing his diamond body to start breaking inch by inch and cracks to appear.<br/><br/>Then his whole figure flew upside down like a comet with a broken rope, blood spurting frantically from his mouth, and it could vaguely be seen that the blood was still mixed with pieces of internal organs.<br/><br/>Whitebeard paled in shock, quickly approaching and catching Joz, who was flying upside down, in his arms.<br/><br/>Joz crashed heavily into Whitebeard's body, and even the mighty Whitebeard was horrified by this power.<br/><br/>This force pushed him back and forth, creating a crack in the ship's prow, and seeing that he was about to fall onto the plywood below, Whitebeard roared.<br/><br/>The long knife in his hand directly inserted into the ground and, after sliding for a distance, Whitebeard stabilized his body.<br/><br/>Everyone around him was surprised when they saw this scene.<br/><br/>They didn't expect this little "ring" to have such terrifying power.<br/><br/>Whitebeard set Joz down and Marco, the ship's doctor, immediately stepped forward to check the situation.<br/><br/>He saw that the diamonds on Joz's body were all cracked, and many fragments were scattered, and these fragments and the diamonds in his body were slowly disappearing, turning into Joz's broken body.<br/><br/>This meant that he lost his life on the spot.<br/><br/>Whitebeard's eyes violently narrowed upon seeing this.<br/><br/>Marco and the other captains were also extremely horrified.<br/><br/>Without daring to neglect, Marco immediately gave Joz a Senzu bean.<br/><br/>Covered in green light, Joz came back to life.<br/><br/>As soon as Joz was resurrected, he gasped for breath, his face pale and filled with terror, and his heart filled with fear.<br/><br/>"Too... too terrifying, the power of that thing is terrifying!"<br/><br/>Everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva as they looked at their friend's face.<br/><br/>Inconsistently, they looked at the giant woman not far from them, who kept laughing loudly.<br/><br/>They looked at the [Air Cannon] on her middle finger.<br/><br/>This thing is even more outrageous than the Devil Fruit....<br/><br/>Looking at the expressions of everyone in Whitebeard's Pirates, Big Mom continued to laugh wildly.<br/><br/>The entire sea area is filled with her unrestrained laughter.<br/><br/>"MaMa MaMa.....that brat's inventions are really amazing, if he proposed it, he could even dominate the world, because he follows someone like Kaido."<br/><br/>Big Mom thought that following Kaido was a waste for Jigen.<br/><br/>After laughing, she again began to gather her strength and Haki into the [air cannon], and then ran out of breath.<br/><br/>This scene made Whitebeard raise his eyebrows slightly, thinking something in his heart.<br/><br/>The rest of Whitebeard's Pirates also seemed to have guessed something.<br/><br/>However, Big Mom on the other side smiled and put a bean in her mouth, and the fatigue she had just shown disappeared.<br/><br/>She looked at Whitebeard and the others with a stern smile, and the air cannon she held in her hand pointed back at Moby Dick.<br/><br/>No.<br/><br/>Immediately, Whitebeard's eyes shrank sharply.<br/><br/>Can it still be like this!?<br/><br/>He wondered.<br/><br/>Marco was also surprised: "The beans can provide recovery, doesn't that mean... this thing has no consumption?"<br/><br/>Everyone was silent at his statement.<br/><br/>Big Mom experienced what is called the feeling of surprising a person several times, and her body trembled with excitement.<br/><br/>Now she didn't even bother to use Napoleon.<br/><br/>"It's still great to bomb!"<br/><br/>...<br/><br/>Onigashima<br/><br/>After Kaido and Big Mom obtained Jigen's new technology, they brought a terrifying sense of oppression to their two Yonko rivals.<br/><br/>And now there is one last person who also wants to taste his revenge.<br/><br/>Doflamingo...<br/><br/>He was too lazy to use his ability to go to the battlefield, and directly asked Jigen to help him send him to the Shichibukai battlefield.<br/><br/>Jigen naturally had no objections, after all, Doflamingo was an important business partner.<br/><br/>He opened the arbitrary door without much suspense, allowing him to return to the battlefield and cause more terror.<br/><br/>Spreading his new technology like this.<br/><br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/><br/>🙌🏽Patreon.com/UchihaFamily 🙌🏽<br/><br/>If you enjoy history, you can support me on my Patreon for more advanced chapters</p>