
Fortune's Chosen - The Legend of Ivo

A successful military man in our time, died and ended up in a completely different world filled with magic, various creatures and gods. Everything would be fine if this world was at least a little closer to their time, but he got into the body of a young man who lives in a backward tribe. Armed with modern knowledge and a system from his beloved lady Fortune, he begins to enjoy his second life. *The cover is not mine.

La_Boule · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

Chapter 70

[2 AR April 6]

Ivo, along with his first legion, made his way along a difficult path through the mountains, fortunately all his legionaries were strong, so the mountains were not such difficult obstacles for them.

After capturing the two tribes, Ivo told Kato to stay close to the Unicorn tribe to show them his presence. Thus, the tribes will not immediately guess that Ivo has decided to attack other defenseless tribes.

In addition, Ivo specifically led the first legion on this mission. Since the people of the raven tribe are not yet accustomed to various tricks and consider it cowardice. However, the warriors in the First Legion have long ceased to think with these childish ideals. Although they still have some conservative views, their lives are still dearer to them than invisible ideals.

However, Ivo still has to encourage some honor, because he does not want his people to turn into vile and insidious snakes that can bite him.

Finally, Ivo climbed another mountain and saw in front of him a large tribe in which life was constantly boiling, children ran and played with each other, women happily watched over the children and communicated with each other, and ordinary people carried picks and baskets with various minerals.

Ivo, with his keen eyes, discovered that all these people do not use stone or bone tools, but iron, more precisely cast iron.

It seems that this tribe is already familiar with this material, but since the smelting of steel and pure iron requires high temperatures, this tribe can only receive dark pieces of iron called cast iron.

Although cast iron is a harder material than steel, it is also more brittle, so frequent blows will prevent such picks from surviving for long.

Then Ivo turned his attention to the protection of the tribe and it was just a few warriors with spears. After 10 minutes, all of his legionnaires were ready, so without thinking twice, he gave the order to attack.

[2 AR April 10]

It was again noisy in the chief's house, many warriors from various tribes were having fun with each other, having a good time.

There were also good relations between the leaders, except for the leader of the armadillo tribe, he was the only one who was sad at this feast.

The doors of the hall opened and the same messenger rushed into the hall as the last time. The tribal leader frowned, it seemed to him that this messenger only brings bad news, maybe he should kill him?

Finally, catching his breath, the messenger said with excitement, "Leaders, trouble happened, the warriors of the Raven tribe attacked the Eagle tribe and captured it."

Silence fell suddenly in the hall, and in the side, someone's wooden mug fell to the floor. Finally, one of the leaders broke down and jumped up with a roar, "Bastards, they decided to attack the defenseless tribes. This is not a Raven tribe, but a tribe of cowards. "

Then he turned to the leader of the unicorn tribe and said "We must not let these bastards move on, this is their goal, they want to rob us of our roots."

The leader of the unicorn tribe thought "We do not need to go to the mountains while their warriors are there, together we can destroy the warriors who are not far from our tribe, and then we can attack right on their tribe. Thus, they will not be able to do anything to us "

The chief of the eagle tribe got angry, and then turned to the chief of the hedgehog tribe and said "These bastards are going through the mountains and the next target will be your tribe, do you really want to let them destroy what our ancestors have been working on for so long"

The hedgehog tribal chief shook his head and then said, "I agree with you, we must not let them advance, I propose to unite our warriors and attack them."

The armadillo finally said "Although I have few warriors, I think they will come in handy, I will go with you."

Agreeing with each other, the three chiefs decided to leave the unicorn tribe.

The unicorn would like to stop them, but he realized that there was no way he could do this, so he just sighed heavily and announced, "Since the three tribes have left us, I decided that the rest will attack the enemies who are near our tribe. If the tribe of the eagle and the hedgehog is lucky, maybe we can win this war "

After 2 hours at the camp of the second legion.

Kato in the tent, together with the officers and magicians, discussed possible situations. But then a scout ran into the tent.

He announced "Tactician, the tribal warriors have begun their movements, they have divided. Half of them are heading towards the mountains, the remaining half is heading in our direction "

Kato frowned, and then turned to a nearby mage "Inform Ivo about changes in plans."

The magician nodded, and then took out a magic crystal from the bag, after a few seconds, the crystal glowed, and then disappeared into thin air.

Meanwhile, in the Amshar mountains, Ivo was heading with half of his legion to another tribe, the remaining half accompanied the captured people.

Suddenly Ivo felt something vibrate in his pocket. Putting his hand into his pocket, he took out a magic crystal, which constantly vibrated and shone with a bright light.

Ivo clenched his fist tightly and the crystal crumbled.

Yes, it was Ivo's new invention, unfortunately, he didn't have much time to create full-fledged communication magic, so he made a little trick. He painted a simple rune on a magic crystal, which activated the rune on another magic crystal, thus transmitting a message.

Although it is impossible to convey text or words, it can be understood that in this way Kato communicates some changes in plans.

Therefore, without hesitation, he turned to the system "System, I want to know about the current changes in the plans of other tribes"

[Transaction successful -50FP]

Having received new information in his head, Ivo realized what had happened. He grinned. After all, for him this situation is even better than the last one.

Then he started projecting a map of the area in his head. After a couple of minutes, he found a place where his enemies would pass, which would be perfect for an ambush. Therefore, he gave the order to change the route and headed to the right place.