
CH: 6 ''The Fellowship of the Ring' Published

6 ''The Fellowship of the Ring' Published

Two weeks later, the SAT results were released, and to no one's surprise, Henry's score was perfect. Not only that, but Henry's score was the only perfect score in the entire United States this year. It surprised many people, as they knew Henry was a genius, but they didn't expect this extent of achievement.

Many of Henry's friends began to question the authenticity of the score, finding it too unbelievable. This sentiment was echoed by many others, considering Henry's score was the only perfect one this year. It stirred jealousy among many, as a perfect score offers significant advantages in university admissions. Whether it's easier entrance to any university or even special treatment later on, the benefits are substantial.

While many of Henry's family members, including cousins, uncles, and aunts, called to congratulate him and express their joy that he was part of their family, the idea was grand but the action futile. After confirmation from the relevant department, Henry's score was validated as his answers were indeed perfect. After a joint review by many professors, they found Henry's answers to be flawless, admitting they were unsure if they could have achieved the same. Such answers couldn't have been written through mere cheating; they required a deep understanding of the subject matter and extensive experience.

"If these answers were attainable through cheating," many professors remarked, "the cost would be too great. University performance would ultimately reveal any discrepancies. If Henry's university performance didn't align with his SAT score, his reputation would be irreparably damaged. Just this fact alone proves Henry didn't cheat, as the stakes were too high."

After the Henry SAT score incident concluded, "The Fellowship of the Ring" was finally ready for release. Despite nearly a month of headaches, expenses, and endless paperwork, anticipation for the book's release ran high among the public. Everyone wanted to know if "The Fellowship of the Ring" lived up to its description and if it was indeed penned by the same author as "Devotion of Suspect X." The hype surrounding "The Fellowship of the Ring" surpassed even that of its predecessor before its release.

Henry and John & Son held high hopes that "The Fellowship of the Ring" would achieve miraculous sales. On a Sunday morning, the book was released simultaneously in numerous bookstores across the US. Meanwhile, publishing agencies partnered with John & Son to release the book outside of the USA. Eagerly awaited, the public's reaction in the US would determine if they would swiftly begin mass printing the book for distribution in their respective countries. The anticipation was palpable as they awaited the outcome of this highly anticipated release.

As "The Fellowship of the Ring" surpassed the success of Henry's previous work, everyone involved stood to reap substantial rewards. The increased sales would translate into significant financial gains for Henry, John & Son Publishing, and their partners.


Barnes & Noble bookstore, New York.

This was the biggest bookstore in New York and the second largest in the US. After opening its doors, many people swarmed in, eager to buy ''The Fellowship of the Ring.''

After just four hours, the 10,000 copies provided sold out.

"What? What do you mean sold out? I've already waited here for four hours, and you're saying it's sold out?" An angry middle-aged man cursed at the staff of the bookstore.

The staff sweated, trying to calm down the middle-aged man. "We are really sorry, sir, but it's truly sold out. However, if you're willing to wait, the new batch will arrive in two hours."

"Two hours? I guess I'll just stay here then." The man calmed down and chose to continue waiting, despite it being almost lunchtime. He feared the book would sell out again if he left. Even though it was almost time for lunch, he opted to wait it out.

The situation in many bookstores mirrored the success of "The Fellowship of the Ring," with copies selling out rapidly. Bookstores clamored for more stock, prompting printing houses to work overtime to meet demand. Fortunately, preparations had been made, and over 2.5 million copies had already been printed in anticipation of such a scenario, at Henry's insistence. It was a calculated gamble, as stated in his contract, with Henry shouldering the financial risk. If the book didn't sell as expected, he would have been responsible for covering the costs of those excess copies.

With the current trend, it was foreseeable that "The Fellowship of the Ring" would continue to sell out in the coming weeks.

By the end of the day, "The Fellowship of the Ring" had sold a record-breaking 1 million copies in the US alone. This astonishing number stunned many authors and publishers, surpassing all expectations. Judging from the current trend, it seemed entirely possible to sell 12 million copies within just 10 days.

Questions arose from skeptical authors and publishers, wondering if the numbers were artificially inflated or if John & Son had purchased copies to boost sales. However, these doubts were swiftly dispelled by the sight of enormous lines forming outside bookstores across the USA, confirming the immense popularity and genuine demand for the book.

The success of "The Fellowship of the Ring" spurred many authors to write similar themes, although their success paled in comparison to Henry's. Nonetheless, this trend would have repercussions later on.


House of William.

Henry grinned widely as he read the newspaper, knowing that "The Fellowship of the Ring" was destined for great success. This book was more than just a bestseller; it was a literary masterpiece that would leave a lasting impact on fantasy worlds across the globe. The term "world popular" couldn't even begin to describe the immense influence that the works of the great J.R.R. Tolkien had on readers worldwide. And now, he was going to create such great work.

Because Henry knew the book was going to sell like hotcakes, he priced it at $7 per copy. While this may have seemed steep, particularly for the year 1973, he understood the value of "The Lord of the Rings" brand. It was better to be perceived as expensive than cheap, especially for a literary masterpiece of such magnitude.

As Henry set the price at $7 per copy, he pondered, "In matters of literature, value transcends mere cost. 'The Lord of the Rings' is not just a book; it's a journey, a legend. Its price should reflect its worth, not just its pages."

From the 1 million copies sold now, Henry gained over $2,800,000, according to a book price of $7 and his 40% royalties.

Jacob and Margaret read the newspaper too; it was the weekend. They felt proud as their son had achieved something great. They didn't covet Henry's money, as they lived a comfortable life. So, they let Henry keep it for himself.

"Son, what do you plan to do with your money? According to the book sales, it's not difficult for you to earn $10 million USD," Jacob asked, curious about Henry's plans. He wanted to ensure Henry didn't squander his newfound wealth, knowing how easily people could lose their way with a large sum of money.

"I will keep it as I need it to build my own company later," Henry answered truthfully, not wanting to deceive his father.

"Well then, that's good," Jacob breathed a sigh of relief.

"Professor Eric called me; they said Harvard University already knows you want to join them "So they sent me an invitation in advance," suddenly Jacob tells Henry, handing him an envelope with the Harvard logo on it.

Henry receives the envelope and opens it. Its contents are simple: Harvard officially invited him. Enrollment will start one week later, so he better be prepared.


Two days later,

Henry bids his farewell to Jacob and Margaret as he plans to drive to Harvard University in his car. He's never done it before, so he would like to try at least once.

"Well, eventually you must go. Take care of yourself there and don't do something stupid. If you need any help, you can just call Mom," Margaret hugs her son, her eyes reddening. This is the first time her son has gone so far away from her, so she is sad.

"Yes, take care of yourself too, Mom. Don't overdo it, as you know, now I have a lot of money, so you can rest assured," Henry says to his mom, feeling a little sad from the parting.

"Well, then I must go now," Henry releases the hug as he takes his luggage and loads it into his car.

"Well, take care of yourself, son," Jacob says, as this is the only sentence he can say.

"You too, Dad," Henry gets into the car and starts the engine. The car slowly drives away from the house as the William couple watches it go.

"Our son has grown so fast; now he is getting into a university. Time flies so fast, I remember yesterday he was still a child that pooped everywhere. In a blink of an eye, he has grown up," Margaret wipes a tear that fell from her eyes.

"Henry now is an adult, so he has a responsibility to himself," Jacob replies.

The William couple continues chatting for a while until they get into the house.

A black Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 gallops its way on the interstate highway. The passenger is just one teenager that looks handsome.

"Harvard University, brace yourselves, for Henry William is on his way," proclaims Henry with unwavering resolve, poised to embark on his journey towards excellence.

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