
chapter 6.

Amelia went to Stephen and Felix house for big science project.

Felix opened the door "oh come in " said Felix to Amelia.

"Where is Stephen " ? Asked Amelia.

"And now you forget about me " said Felix.

" no .. it's not like that , don't say like that you are my best friend Felix".said Amelia.

"We are not friends"said Felix

" so who we are? "Asked Amelia.

" we are more than friends" said Felix.

Amelia looked at him with the perfect silent but suddenly Stephen called her name from behind " Amelia..." . Stephen

Came towards them and said" are you ready for science project ".

"Yep " said Felix.

After fifteen minutes there group of friends arrived, they make the groups in

the room , there were total four groups.

Amelia , Felix and Stephen were together

In (a) group.

They were working on data science project

When they were working on the project Stephen accidentally spilled orange juice on Amelia black dress.

"Oh I'm really sorry " said Stephen.

"Let me take you the bathroom"said Felix with that he grabs Amelia hand show her the bathroom.

After washing the stain of the orange juice

She came out from the bathroom and sat next to Stephen .

"Amelia look I'm really sorry for this". Said Stephen.

"It's ok no need to say sorry man "said Amelia.

They three were continuously working

On the project .

"Now we will work on this tomorrow"said Felix.

"Yep"said Amelia.

"I need to go boys "said Amelia.

"Can I drop you " asked Felix.

"Hm ok " said Amelia.

"Bye stephen see you tomorrow."said Amelia.

Felix was driving the car Amelia asked him something."what were you saying at your place that we are more than friends"

Felix stopped the car and he can feel that butterflies were flying in his stomach

" why did you stop the car?" Asked Amelia..

..... .

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