
chapter 8.

Amelia wore gorgeous white dress with pearls on its neck and was ready to surprise Stephen on his birthday.

She was on his door she knock the door

Felix opened the door of the mansion.

He was starring at amelia and said "you ...

.. look beautiful "he kept staring at her

and couldn't get her eyes off from her.

" Felix if you are done staring at me

So can I come in " said Amelia.

"Yep of course" said Felix he welcome Amelia like a gentleman.

"Amelia " shout Stephen with excitement.

He came toward's Amelia and said" you look like a beautiful character of the girl

From the fictional novel, damn you look

Beautiful girl " said Stephen.

Amelia blushed and her cheek's turn red.

After cutting cake they were having the loud party the half school was there partying and celebrating.

In Amelia was looking for Felix , but she didn't find him .

She went upstairs to his room and found him reading 1970's book and he was wearing the headphones to read it peace fully because the music was so loud.

"Felix "said Amelia but he didn't hear her b it because the music was so loud.

She came towards him from behind and shout . "Felix !!" He took off his head phones and said "what happened?"

"Felix I can't hear you " shout Amelia.

"What?" Shout felix . He grabbed Amelia's

Hand ,and he took Amelia to peace full

Beach , so they can talk.

" why you take

me here? " asked Amelia.

"So we can talk " said Felix.

"What's the one thing you love the most?"

asked Amelia.

"What things you love to do " asked Amelia.

"Peace , books , and autumn" said Felix.

"Can I ask you why ? " asked Amelia.

"Because it's reminds me about you "

Said Felix while looking into her brown

Eyes .

" what do you mean " asked Amelia.

" listen Amelia I'm in love with you and after graduation I want you to be apart of my life " said Felix in gentle soft voice.

Amelia was shocked after hearing those words and said " I thought we are just friends.

Tear's were filled into Felix eyes and he said with a heavy voice "I know you like

Stephen "

"No ,it's not like that "said Amelia.

"I understand "his voice brokes down

With Felix left with a heavy heart .

Amelia couldn't control her tear's. She

reached home and cried hard really hard

She tried to call Felix but he didn't pick her call.

Tears fell on her phone, she tried to call him again but nothing works.

She was in the cafe because Stephen call

her to come at that place Stephen arrived

"You left the party Last night without telling me "said Stephen.

"I'm sorry I got an emergency call last night " Amelia lied.

Amelia asked about Felix . Stephen looked

at amelia and then looked down.

"Felix had left for England" said Stephen.

Amelia 's eyes filled with tears and she was shocked....


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