
down the drain

"Kick His Ass Arrgon!" Roared a man as he and the rest of the crowd watched in anticipation as the robot boxer Arrgon went toe to toe against Midas the reigning champion of crash palace

"Arrgon against Midas , Midas against Arrgon these two boys look hungry let see who is hungrier " the announcer said as he threw his beer in the air

Meanwhile in the ring an all black robot with glowing red eyes dodged a golden metal glove as it leaned back to the point wear its back touched the ground and like a spring recoiled as it launched a devastating jab to it chest



The crowd screamed as black oil covered the air and golden metal streamed the sky

"FUCKK!!!"yelled a man at the ring side as he jammed buttons of Midas controller but to no avail as the golden robot lay motionless


Chanted the crowd as the announcer whistled to his right the man nodded he then grabbed the mic only for him to be lifted up in the air as he made his way to t ring he smiled

"Now wasn't that something the mighty Midas not so mighty anymore" as he landed he looked down on the once powerful bot

"Is seems the real king has arrived tired he was of a false king prancing around in his home but now he's back and he's brought hell with him"as the announcer walked up to Arrgon dark as the night red eerie glowing eyes resembled a medieval knight


As he yelled in the mic the crowd roared in return yet on the ringside a man watched in silence


"That was a hell of a fight no one thought Midas would ever lose you proved me wrong stranger hell you proved everyone wrong" as the announcer spoke to the man as he opened the back of his semi to load a huge sleek black box

Nodding at his words he turned around and locked eyes with the announcer no the owner of crash palace Finn

"Was a decent fight"hearing this finn raised a brow before shrugging and reached into his pocket before pulling out a fat envelope

"Here a bonus whenever your looking for a fight hit me up "


As he grabbed the envelope he shook Finn's hand before he loading up Arrgon and taking off



A groan was heard as a man groggily got up

"Damn that alarm"as he stood he walked towards the sink of his hotel where his reflection was seen a man in early twenty with regular brown eyes and short hair

As he sighed a clock was seen on the corner 7:44 year 2019

"One more year till atom appears"

As he shook his head he's been stuck here for over 20 years a world not his own the world of real steel

The more he thought about the more his heart ached a lot of things could happen the world could end once the event happen or it could continue

It's not like he hasent looked for atom it was the first thing he did after he realized where he was

And still he left him there no point in taking away the bot from max he quite liked the movie

Shaking his head he walked to the window of his room and saw his black semi

The thing he created in there Arrgon was without a doubt better but still it was lacking