
Chapter 21: Hilltop Manor Stalker


Last night with Claire was amazing. I’ve never used the word “amazing” to describe an evening that doesn’t end with sex, yet being with Claire, everything feels different. Even her pain moves me to action and that’s why I need to meet with John to see if he can find out who sent her that photo of us.

I check the time before scrolling through my phone to find his number. 1pm, good, he’s probably having lunch.

“Hey, John. I need you to do something for me man.” John tells me he’s free at the moment and asks me to meet him at the Burger shack.

I arrive at the Burger Shack and see John sitting out front with three burgers in front of him.

“John, my man. Good to see you again bro.” I sit across from him and wait for him to finish swallowing his burger.

“What naked photos do I need to make disappear this time?” John shakes his head and sips his chocolate milkshake.