
Chapter 20: Forbidden Lovers


“Whoa! What was that?” I ask Richard, as my body feels like it is being thrown around on a wild roller coaster.

“We are landing, the runway is a little bumpy.” Richard helps me sit up and walks me towards the front of the jet.

“How long was I out?” I ask, looking around for my purse.

“About two hours.” Richard replies. He sits on the edge of the recliner and stares at me smiling.

“Oh, why didn’t you wake me? I’m sorry I was such a rude guest. I intended on us spending more time together.” I grab my phone and put it in my purse.

Richard tells me he let me sleep because I looked exhausted and he is right. I have been working hard on implementing new plans for the upgrades to the resort. I’ve also not slept well since getting that random text with the picture of Richard and I kissing. Richard reassures me that he will take care of the photo situation and that makes me feel relieved, at least for now.