
For Vengeance, I Ascend Once More

[Warning: This novel can get brutal and has some some R18 scenes which you will be warned of at the beginnings of the chapters] ....... What is existence? It is divided into two Spaces. The Mortis, where one can find Worlds. The Immortis, where one can find Realms. Both divided by a boundary that keeps the two separate. However, as vast as this world is, only a single individual's story is relevant. A man who rose from the depths of a dark society in the Mortis and ended up being a symbol power, prosperity and fear in the Immortis. Revered and respect by experts of all realms of power. He was granted a title to acknowledge him as a powerful expert. A King. However, there’s a saying in the Immortis. ‘Like the Mobius of Birth, one’s life always comes back around with all the vile darkness one thinks they’ve left behind.’ The man who had become a King, lost everything to a cycle that came to bite him in the back. Betrayal. Everything that he built. The wife he loved. The children he raised. All of it was lost. He returned to square one. Back to the Mortis, where he began. Join him on his journey to ascend again. His fury is not abated. He wishes to tear down his enemies for they did. The traitors for their betrayal. Will he rise alone? Will he follow the same path as the last time? Will he overpower his enemies? Find out in the story of a dark King. The King of.... ......... "You are rage." As he said so, he slashed down with the sword, his arms not quite able to bring down the sword in a perfect slash. However, it was a slash nonetheless. It was clumsy, but it was fine. The young man raised his arms and grasped his sword above his head again. "You are pain," he said as he slashed down with a better steadiness that made his slash look a bit more elegant. The look in his eyes turned colder as the evening breeze brushed past him. Before him was not the sea or the moon or the stars. There was the face of his enemies as they dared to bring to ruin all that he had built. "You are fear," he said as he brought down his sword again, its rusting blade showing nothing of the magnificence a sword should bear. What was the True Way of the Sword? It was to cause bloodshed. It was to cause pain. It was to cause sorrow. It was to tear away families from their fathers, husbands, children, mothers. Every weapon was forged to cut down a life. Whether it was to protect or not. A life would be taken by the silver blade as it slashed down. The bulky man in the forge, hammering away at the heated metal would seek to make a sword stronger and sharpen it afterwards so it wouldn't fail to behead a foe. A sword's purpose and instinct was to kill. "You are torment!" The young man slashed again with all his might, his slash being a silver light could be seen as it was lit in the night. "You are war!" He lowered his stance as he felt the sword slice through the air seamlessly. "You are madness!" The sword blew a bit of the sand on the shore as he swung down. "You are destruction!" he said as he slashed. 'I will walk this path again. It has worked for me before and it will continue to work now,' he thought. He slashed again. 'None shall remain standing when I return to the Realms above.' ........... Cover is not mine....credit to artist..

Shade_Arjuun · Fantasi
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23 Chs

The King Receives His Allowance

Denva walked throughout a large portion of the entire District, marking all the spots that he would like to visit for more information.

He then saw a certain whom he found familiar. He was a burly man that looked to be in his forties with an unkempt beard and deep set hazel coloured eyes. Denva walked over to the man and wore an amiable smile.

"Johnn," he said.

The man turned to him and wore a grin as he went up to him and gave Denva a bear hug.

"Hahaha! Boy, you have the nerve to not pay me a visit for all this time? And here I considered you a son," the man said.

"Who says a son can't flake on his father once in a while," said Denva as he lightly punched the man on the shoulder.

"Here you are acting all mature again. Give me a break," the man said he ruffled Denva's hair. "I assume this is isn't a casual visit?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you have some work for me," said Denva.

"Haha! I thought you said manual labour was such a bore. A waste of your World Essence," said the man as he raised his brow.

"If it was, I wouldn't be here right now," said Denva.

Johnn looked at Denva for a while before nodding and patting Denva's shoulder with an immense force.

Denva almost fell down under the pressure.

"Sure. We have a few jobs available. Most of them require physical strength and the pay is decent...for a kid like you," said Johnn.

"Alright then. I'm in," said Denva. As he focused on Johnn, he could feel a steady flow of World Essence.

"Good. Meet me at the corner of Henra and Old Tess at 8am tomorrow," said Johnn with a grin. "Glad to see you again, kid."

"You'll be seeing me a lot for the next month," said Denva.

Denva had always been good at creating relationships. He had met Johnn some time ago when he was looking for a part time job. With the accumulation of World Essence within him, he had become stronger, making manual labour a lot easier for him than most.

People like Denva and Johnn were the few who could conduct World Essence within themselves to strengthen their bodies. The rarity of these kinds of people was one in ten thousand.

The two parted and Denva walked over to a scene he wanted to visit a few days later.

It was the site of the destruction by the World Titan. Naturally, people steered clear of it as there was nothing one would venture closer to it for.

The feeling that Denva got when he stared at the scene unsettled him.

World Titans.

In this world, humans did not know the mystery behind these creatures, but he did. They were not some random monsters that just appeared to cause destruction. The source of their existence was beyond what these mortals could handle.

Denva felt the Realm Essence coming from the site and began wondering.

'Beginning my cultivation with World Essence will ensure that my path is harder than it should be,' he thought.

There were still many unanswered questions that he had mulled over as he travelled through the streets.

When Freidris escaped from the terror brought on by his enemies on his home, he had aimed to hide within a Realm where he could strengthen himself again and later seek vengeance, but to his surprise, his soul found its way into the Mortis space.

This was certainly not his doing, meaning someone was behind it. He would have pinned it on Edmarch but it was impossible for him to do that. This was the work of an expert with a higher realm of power than him before he lost his cultivation.

'I'll be coming back here soon,' he thought.

Afterwards, he headed home.

He had visited all the places he wanted and now, he needed one thing to begin the course of his plans.


A few jobs as a start would do, but as an individual who knew what people could do to escape harsh reality, he had found a place to earn more money quickly, as long as he began his integration (cultivation).

By the time Denva reached home, it was almost sundown. As he opened the door, a streaking figure ran up to him and almost knocked him over.

"You're late again!" a sweet voice yelled at him.

It was Charlie.

She had been waiting for her brother to return home again.

"I'm not late today, Chubs," said Denva as he picked up the pouting blob.

"Yes you are! I'll only accept three spoons of your food for my forgiveness," said Charlie with her little head raised.

"Is that right?" said Denva as he walked with her to the couch and sat down.

"Hello son. How was school?" asked Synthina as she came from her bedroom.

Denva who had been stretching Charlie's cheeks until they were reddening while she tried to escape, turned and replied.

"It was alright," he said. "Is dad home yet?"

"Yes. He was waiting for you," said Synthina as she leaned over to Denva. "He said something about you two needing to have the talk."

"Yes. He did something about that yesterday," said Denva. "Might as well see him now."

Denva stood and set down the panting Charlie.


Denva and Benedan sat down in Denva's room. Benedan looked a lot better than yesterday, his eyes looking a tad bit more focused.

"You still want to be a Seeker right?" asked Benedan.

"Yes," replied Denva.

"I never was a fighter. It surprises me why you are one despite me being your regular dad," said Benedan. "This job has a lot of challenges ahead. Not just fighting huge monsters."

"I know. But if I succeed, you won't have to be so constrained. This time, it is for my family. For you,  mom and Charlie," said Denva with a stern look.

Benedan held his face.

"This world has gotten so bad that even children are forced to aid their parents. It doesn't sit well with anyone who has children, son," he said as he looked at Denva. "I would have preferred you to do it for yourself. Not because you need to make a name for your family."

"It's just how it is. I'm an adult now dad. I can contribute to the family and to the world," said Denva.

Benedan gave a short laugh.

"I would love to say my one pep talk with you last night has borne fruit but I see something else is motivating you," he said as he reached into his pocket.

Benedan pulled out a few notes and handed them to Denva.

"This is 800 nots. It's all I can give you for now. You will be participating in the Selection. I wish I knew what exactly you need to pass, but I hope you can get some of the things you need with this."

Denva took the money.

'A timely investment,' he thought.

"Thank you, dad. I'll use it wisely," said Denva as he resisted the bodily urge to hug his father.

Benedan gave him a smile.

"I know you will," he said.