
For Vengeance, I Ascend Once More

[Warning: This novel can get brutal and has some some R18 scenes which you will be warned of at the beginnings of the chapters] ....... What is existence? It is divided into two Spaces. The Mortis, where one can find Worlds. The Immortis, where one can find Realms. Both divided by a boundary that keeps the two separate. However, as vast as this world is, only a single individual's story is relevant. A man who rose from the depths of a dark society in the Mortis and ended up being a symbol power, prosperity and fear in the Immortis. Revered and respect by experts of all realms of power. He was granted a title to acknowledge him as a powerful expert. A King. However, there’s a saying in the Immortis. ‘Like the Mobius of Birth, one’s life always comes back around with all the vile darkness one thinks they’ve left behind.’ The man who had become a King, lost everything to a cycle that came to bite him in the back. Betrayal. Everything that he built. The wife he loved. The children he raised. All of it was lost. He returned to square one. Back to the Mortis, where he began. Join him on his journey to ascend again. His fury is not abated. He wishes to tear down his enemies for they did. The traitors for their betrayal. Will he rise alone? Will he follow the same path as the last time? Will he overpower his enemies? Find out in the story of a dark King. The King of.... ......... "You are rage." As he said so, he slashed down with the sword, his arms not quite able to bring down the sword in a perfect slash. However, it was a slash nonetheless. It was clumsy, but it was fine. The young man raised his arms and grasped his sword above his head again. "You are pain," he said as he slashed down with a better steadiness that made his slash look a bit more elegant. The look in his eyes turned colder as the evening breeze brushed past him. Before him was not the sea or the moon or the stars. There was the face of his enemies as they dared to bring to ruin all that he had built. "You are fear," he said as he brought down his sword again, its rusting blade showing nothing of the magnificence a sword should bear. What was the True Way of the Sword? It was to cause bloodshed. It was to cause pain. It was to cause sorrow. It was to tear away families from their fathers, husbands, children, mothers. Every weapon was forged to cut down a life. Whether it was to protect or not. A life would be taken by the silver blade as it slashed down. The bulky man in the forge, hammering away at the heated metal would seek to make a sword stronger and sharpen it afterwards so it wouldn't fail to behead a foe. A sword's purpose and instinct was to kill. "You are torment!" The young man slashed again with all his might, his slash being a silver light could be seen as it was lit in the night. "You are war!" He lowered his stance as he felt the sword slice through the air seamlessly. "You are madness!" The sword blew a bit of the sand on the shore as he swung down. "You are destruction!" he said as he slashed. 'I will walk this path again. It has worked for me before and it will continue to work now,' he thought. He slashed again. 'None shall remain standing when I return to the Realms above.' ........... Cover is not mine....credit to artist..

Shade_Arjuun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The King Explores The District

"You're going to look around?" asked Sellina.

"Yes. I need a better perspective of the District. Simply staying at home and doing squats isn't the only thing that'll help me with the Selection two months from now," said Denva.

"Since when do you look ahead? You're making me feel like an idiot," said Sellina.

"Since I realised that I'd be putting my family in danger if I act recklessly. You guys too," said Denva with a slight smile.

"Oh, quit the bullshit! There's no way your answer is some philosophical crap when you were yelling about giving Ryon Mongah a beating just yesterday!" yelled Sellina.

"She's right. What exactly do you want to do?" asked Jase as he folded his arms.

Denva relented.

"Look guys. I need you to trust me. You have been with me through all my idiotic moments, I know that you'll be with me when I'm actually being level headed," he said.

"Okay, so what do you want us to do?" asked Jase.

"One month."

"Huh?" Sellina and Jase were confused.

"Give me one month and I'll tell you what I've been up to. In that one month, I'll help you get a chance to join the GEA without a hitch and I'll help you get some balls," declared Denva with a stern face.



"You heard me. I'm not leaving you guys behind. Hardwork can achieve more than you think. Trust me," Denva said.

Sellina looked at Denva closely with her one good eye. She saw a clear determination that wasn't clouded by zealous passion. She had been friends with these two since she was ten years old. She trusted them and they trusted her.

She couldn't help but worry over Denva nevertheless.

"Fine," she said. "If you get yourself killed, I'll brutalise your ass."

"You can man handle my mangled corpse as much as you like," replied Denva with a slight smile.

"In one month, you should take back that snarky declaration about getting me some balls! Respect my comfort zone," said Jase with a scowl.

"I'll still fashion you a steel pair, friend," said Denva with a smirk.

They stood at an intersection where they would usually part after school.

"Alright then. I hope this doesn't mean you won't visit. Mom already misses you," said Sellina.

"I will," said Denva.

"Any man who insults the dignity of another man's balls is not welcome in my home," said Jase.

"We'll see about that."

Soon, the trio parted and Denva began walking in the direction of a particularly dense neighbourhood. His disposition changed drastically, his eyes turning lifeless and she grimaced as he held his shoulder. The pain was still evident in his soul.

He had been unable to show it due to the sunny people around him, but now that he was alone, it was time for him to chart his own path for growth.

He had been serious about not leaving his friends behind. It was another thing he would do for these two as a last gesture for Denva, who despite being reckless, had a good heart.

The reason he had a falling out with the youngest son of the Mongah family was that during one of the days at school, Ryon had bumped into one of the students in his class when he had visited the school on some business. When the student was going to apologise, Ryon punched him so hard that he was hospitalised and later, died.

Denva had been upset by the display, heading over to give Ryon a piece of his mind. He was stopped by Ryon's guards from doing anything else, but the young man from the Mongah family did not take being insulted in public, lightly.

He had organised for Denva to be caught and brought to a secluded location for his 'punishment'.

The rest was history.

As Denva walked through the streets, he saw that many of the scenes he witnessed were familiar to him.

Shady activity in the small commercial squares as people bought drugs, marketed their 'special skills' discreetly in the day light and openly in the night. The homeless begging for a money to be able to survive through the day and night. The poorly furnished houses where children could be seen running around and playing games despite the fact that living in such decrepit abodes should not be a norm.

In every District there was at least one commercial square where people could legally sell their products.

Denva watched and he felt, not sympathy but opportunity. This was where he started from.

Not every corner of the District was dark and shady though. Some were full of happy peope who celebrated despite the fact that they lacked the basics, which was rare.

On one corner, Denva saw a man in a black uniform. He had tight, black boots, pants with what looked like thigh and shin pads.

A silver shield shaped badge rested on the left side of his chest.

The man was smoking a cigarette as he overlooked the activity in the commercial square.

Denva's experienced soul, sensed the energy seeping out of his body little by little as he made his presence known to the masses.

This man was a Law Stern.

Denva sensed the World Essence within him which usually manifested with the colour white in its raw state.

Denva sighed.

'It's been a while,' he thought.

He recalled the process of cultivation within the Mortis boundary.

Different Worlds had different names for it, while in the Immortis boundary, it remained known as Cultivation.

Within Ginaia, it was called Integration.

This was the process of strengthening one's soul with World Essence. As the soul grew, the energy would be transferred to the body, which would make it stronger as well. This was the efficient way to use the gift of Essence, rather than merely letting the World Essence in the world enter the body naturally through breathing.

Cultivation was the same in all Worlds, even as it had a different name. However, there was another path of growth which complemented cultivation.

Naturally, through Freidris' ascension, he had experienced a myriad of names for it within the Mortis, however in the Immortis, it was called Enlightenment.

This was when Essence was used to fuel different techniques which made better use of Essence than simple bodily enhancements.

Enlightenment differed in Worlds. Within the World of Ginaia, it was called Augmentation and was used through Renewal Arrays.

'Unfortunately, this is the extent of my knowledge for now. The specifics of these Renewal Arrays is kept secrets by the National Authorities. The fact that each World has its own rules for Enlightenment makes it impossible for me to use other forms of Enlightenment I've experienced in other Worlds here, meaning...' Denva thought as he looked around.

'...I'll have to gather information and start on my path to cultivation.'