
Chapter 26: Annalise

Annalise stood, looking upward, as the winters first snow fell around her. She clinched her fists around her silk skirts as she sighed heavily. Jameson had left eight days previous and if all went according to plan, he would have reached Thorngate late last evening. She prayed that he wasn't out in the snow, not that he would have minded. She had giving several letters to Henry to send for her this morning, knowing that if she had asked her maids to post them they would have ended up in her father's hands. Henry was the only one she could fully trust, her only true friend.

The wind kicked up sending a chill straight through her and she sighed turning towards the entrance hall. As soon as she cleared the doors, her maids surrounded her. "Your Highness, His Majesty wishes to see you."

She groaned. She had been trying to meet with her father since they got to the for fort but he had refused to see her. "Very well. Let's go."

"Your Highness, we need to get you changed."

Annalise scowled at her maid. "I'm not going to change clothes to go see my father."

"Your skirt is caked in snow, Princess." She said pointing to the wet, discolored fabric.

"The hoop is wider than my legs are long. It won't touch me." Annalise shrugged. She hadn't even noticed that her skirt was wet since the fabric never touched her legs. "Where is my father?"

The maid hung her head, annoyed, knowing that she couldn't win against Annalise. "The study."

"Thank you." Annalise said turning on her heel, walking down the hall. Her mind raced as her footsteps echoed down the cold stone halls. She wasn't sure what her father could want, but she intended to tell him that she loved Jameson. Maybe try to convince him to return Jameson to the capital. He would want his future son-in-law safely near by, wouldn't he?

She shrugged. She wouldn't know what her father would want. They didn't have the closest relationship. While her father was doting, and typically kind, he never took part in her raising. That wasn't something for a man to do, in his eyes, leaving her upbringing to her mother, and then a nanny. He had eaten diner with her every night but the rest of the day he was busy.

She knocked on the heavy wooden door and waited silently for her father to call her in. She entered, curtseyed out of respect, and then moved to the fire place where her father was sitting before a roaring fire. "You look well, Annalise."

She smiled. "Thank you, Father. I've had plenty to eat and time to rest. It's done me wonders."

"I'm glad to hear." He smiled nodding for her to sit across from him. She took her seat patiently waiting for him to tell her why he wanted to see her. After a few minutes of silently staring into he fire he spoke. "Annalise, it's time you marry."

She felt her heart skip a beat and excitement washed over her. "I've been hoping to speak to you about this as well, father."

He just looked at her, causing her to go silent. "I need you to do what is best for Morea."

"I will always do what is best for Morea, that is how I was raised."

"Good." He smiled gently. "You will marry Alion."

"Un... uncle?! I cannot marry my uncle!" She said standing. "I cannot!"

"There is no blood relation, if you are worried for your children." He said rubbing his temple.

"Children?! There will be no children! I will not marry that man! He was our family, yet he over threw you and drove us from the palace! It's his fault that Cailan is dead! No!"

"Calm yourself, Annalise. It's the only way. He has agreed to stand down, on the condition that you marry him, and he rules with you and his child rules after."

She felt the tears before she realized she was crying. She was so angry. So heartbroken... "you'd trade me for the throne? Do you care so little for me?"

"Don't be childish, Annalise."

"I'm not being childish! You're being a fool!" The king's eyebrows raised from shock. Annalise's expression mirrored his own. Never before had she spoken to her father in that way. Or disobeyed his orders. She had always done exactly as told without question. But this time, this order, she couldn't abide. "I love another... I can't..." she said in a small, broken, voice.

"Who? Jameson?" The king asked, his gaze locked on his daughter. "Don't look surprised, I know all that happens here. Annalise, you don't love him. You've just been with him too long."


"It was the same with Cailan. Or have you forgotten that you were in love with him once too. Spend enough time relaying on another and your mind gets confused."

"I am not confused! I know it may seem that way, but what I feel for Jameson doesn't even compare to what I had felt for Cailan. Cailan was my mentor, my protector, and my closest friend. He was dear to me, yes... but Jameson. Jameson is my world. He is my laugh, my smile, and all my joy. I know you loved my mother, will you not let me marry the one I love?"

"I learned to love your mother." The king sighed, running his hand through is greying hair, "as you will Alion."


The king stood fast, his arm chair scrapping against the floor as it slide back, "Annalise, if Jameson is going to be a problem, I will eliminate the problem! Do you understand?!"

She fell to her knees sobbing. "You'd murder him, so that you might sit on the throne for two years longer... you're a monster same as Alion."

"I do what is best for Morea! As will you. Give him up, or see him die."

She wanted to run. She wanted to fight. She wanted to... she had to keep him safe. He had protected her countless time. It was time she returned the favor. "I'll do it. I'll marry Alion."