
Chapter 27: Jameson

Jameson sighed as he walked through town. He hadn't left the fort since he had returned and his newly appointed lieutenant had practically forced him out the door. He understood why his men were concerned, his focus as all but lost. This was a first for Jameson, and entirely the fault of one blonde, stubborn, princess. He smiled as he thought of Annalise. But soon that smile turned into a troublesome frown. He hadn't heard from Annalise in weeks. Her letters just stopped. He had gotten several within days of being back but now, nothing. It wasn't unheard of, for mail to get disrupted during times of war but the men were still getting letters. Some even from the crown city. No, it was just him who wasn't receiving mail.

He told himself that Annalise was probably busy. She was the princess, after all. And with her coronation less than two years away there was much to prepare. She would need to learn much, experience much, before she could take the throne. He nodded firmly to himself, that was it. She was just busy. Or perhaps her mettlesome maids had been holding her letters. They could be holding the ones he was sending as well. Then perhaps she stopped writing because she thought he had changed is mind or something.

He chuckled to himself, so much for the great general Jameson Amerthine. Here he was, in a panic over a letter sent or not sent from a woman. The perfect woman, he reminded himself before laughing once more.

He thought back to that last afternoon they had shared. Her hungry lips, the soft, silky feel of her hands on him, all of him, giving him more pleasure than any woman before her with just her touch. ...it was a good thing it was damn near freezing out. But Annalise had that effect on him. Her voice, her smell, just the thought of her was enough to get him ready. He was honestly amazed that he hadn't taken her, he wanted to so badly. It was all he thought about, but he was proud of himself for showing restraint. He was doing what was best for her, and she mattered so much more than the ache he felt while going without.

He walked into the general store needing to get out of the cold, and nearly growled when he saw Maryn standing at the counter. Not that he didn't like Maryn, he thought her a sweet girl, but it seemed, at least to him, that Maryn and Annalise, or Anna, had formed a friendship. "Good morning, General!" Maryn beamed. "And where is that pretty wife of ours?"

This was what he was trying to avoid. He smiled softly, "Anna is with her family. The early snow extended her visit."

"Too bad!" Maryn pouted. "I wanted to show her our wedding portrait. I had never felt so beautiful. The gown she gave me was incredible." Jameson smiled. His princess was beyond wonderful. "I also wanted to tell her that I'm with child. I was hoping that she would be too, so that our children could be playmates."

Jameson could feel his cheeks burning as he stumbled through his reply. "Congratulations, Maryn. Unfortunately, Anna and I haven't been so lucky yet."

"Not from lack of trying, I'm sure." Maryn smiled and Jameson's face grew hotter. "Don't worry, General, it's only a matter of time."

Jameson nodded and smiled at the thought of Annalise carrying his child, of the act that would leave her with child. "Of course."'

Maryn smiled. "You're happy."

Jameson tilted his head, looking at her confused. "Yes?"

"I don't mean to seem rude, General, but you walked around in a miserable fog for years. And now, you're happy. Almost an entirely different man than you were just a year ago. And I think it has everything to do with Anna."

Jameson smiled. "Everything and more. She is, everything I dreamed of and more. Far beyond what I deserve."

"Nonsense." Maryn said laying her hand on his shoulder. "You're a good man, General Amerthine. Kyria had turned away many suitors before choosing you. And my best friend had the most exceptional taste. Anna seems to share that quality, therefore, you must be something to get both of those amazing women to love you."

Jameson smiled sadly. He tried not to think of Kyria. Or the child that he had lost with her. If only he'd had waited to be with her until they had married. Then she would still be alive and they could have been together... but what would that have meant for Annalise? He loved Kyria, with all he had and more, but his princess lit a fire in him that no one else could. She was just, she was made for him. "Thank you, Maryn."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't drag up the past. But I know Kyria would want you to be happy. And there is no better woman for that than Anna."

"Yeah, I loved Kyria but Annalise the other half of my soul."

He looked up to find Maryn's face frozen in look of absolute shock. "Annalise..? As in... oh god, how did I not realize sooner. A beautiful noblewoman with impossibly long blonde hair... and it's common knowledge that the Princess was taking refuge at the fort..."

Panic overtook Jameson. He felt like an absolute moron. "Maryn..."

She smiled. "You're secret is safe with me. I just feel dumb for not realizing sooner." Shelaughed. "I think I could live happily with Anna as my queen. She seems..."

"She is. She will do right by her people."

Jameson smiled softly.

"The princess and her General. Sounds like something out of a fairy tale."

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