
For Reality

**** Our Main Character is a young talent of the modern Earth. At the tender age of 25, he was already working for a prestigious institute and that too at a high position. On his 25th birthday, Rey came late at home and went straight to bed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself at a completely different place. On that day, his life changed completely. Now he is living four different lives in different universes - as a student, an office worker, a super soldier, and a martial artist. At least Rey is not alone and has a great partner Jerry who is an incompetent system. Rey : " Jerry! where do we go next ??? " Jerry : [ You can go to meet your University Girlfriend or do you wanna go meet your other three wives???] Rey : "....." Follow these two as they conquered multiple realities..... *** In some chapters, there may be abusive words used. ***

7th_Reader · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Dungeon dive 4

Elliott's POV.

When I entered the room, the door behind me was closed on its own.

In front of me was a massive giant humanoid Golem made up of stones. The eyes of the Golem that were black until now turned into blue.


A Rank-E monster Aura swept the entire room.

I gripped my sword hard and started circulating my essence and casted a spell -

{ Miracle Sword Art : Step Of Imagination } + { Wind Cutter }

My sword was now emitting a green radiance, and with my step of imagination, I arrived at the back of the Golem.

" Aaaaaaahhhhhh . . . .hiyaaaaa! "

I slashed it's back in a vertical manner and due to the pressure from my Wind Cutter, the Golem was blasted away. There was a deep crack on his back.

"Shhhaaaaaaahhhhhhh....." The Golem cried in pain. And started pacing towards me and jumped high in the air.

{ Double Hammer Strike }

Sensing the power of the attack, I used my step of imagination once again and started moving towards the back of the room. Even then I was caught up in the Shockwave of the attack.

" fuu. . . fuu. . fuuuh! "

The Golem did not stop there, and kept on throwing powerful punches all over me. I dodged and deflected every single one of them and found an opening.

{ Wind Cutter }

A dense wind slash was released and struck at the back of the Golem, at the same place where the previous attack landed. The Golem fell on the floor.

This was my aim from the start. I left a deep vertical cut on the Golem before it started moving. When the cut was made it kept on cracking deep due to the Golem's movements. And the core situated in the center of the Golem was slowly revealed. And after taking the given opportunit, I slashed the core in two with my Wind Cutter.

" Game Over!! "

After shouting out my victory cheer , I felt cringe all over my body.

" It is true that the Golems are most useless monsters. They don't leave anything behind once they are dead. "

I checked the time remaining of the quest....

[ Host has entered the dungeon "Stone Age". The quest will be starting now.]

[Time limit has been added. Time remaining :- 47:14:25. . .24. . . .23]

I walked for around 30 minutes from the entrance to the monster room.


An opened door appeared on the opposite side of the closed door.

I walked through the door and arrived at the other side.

It was a circular podium with three closed doors and the fourth one opened, the one I used.

At the center was a stone statue. There was a domb of pitch black color. Aside from the podium, there was a pitch black darkness every where else. Even my senses cannot scan the surroundings.

The statue looked exactly like the scriptures I had seen before entering the monster room. The statue had it's hand raised on top in such a manner that a small object can be placed on its palm.

' I guess the dungeon core will be placed in the hands of this statue. And from the looks of it, I am the first to arrive. '


Garrett's POV.

" Haa. . . Aah. . . .haaah !! "

Only after I drank a high grade Health Potion, I was able to walk again.

' Shit! Shit! Shit! It's all because of that commoner basta*d. If not for him, I wouldn't have come to this place. '

It all happened after I was called up by my father after the loss in the duel. I was lectured for days due to my reckless behavior. I was told by my father to mend the relationships with Elliott as well as the other three.

That is the reason I quietly apologized to that commoner and asked him to join his party. This will help me to keep a check on Elliott as well as the opportunity to get closer to Somia and others.

But only bad things happened to me during my dungeon dive. First, I was assigned to do all the paperwork for the party. Second, I was rejected by Somia in front of all. And the last, I fu**ing got hit by the poisoned arrow.

Unfortunately the route I had taken was the trap route.

After walking through quite a distance, there were all types of carvings on the wall.

One particular sentence was written in blood red color while all the other were written in black. Due to my curiosity taking over me, I used a secret skill of mine.

{ Tell the Meaning }

A message popped up in front of my eyes as soon as I used the skill.


This is weird. And the thing about demon is just a farce, they haven't been seen for the last four decades.

" Hmm. . . Whatever! Aah. . there's the door. "

I saw a door in front of me. I opened the door and arrived at a circular podium. It seemed like the center of the temple. And there were already two more people present.

They were Juhie and Elliott.

Apart from those two there were two more notable things. A closed door and the statue at the center.

"Did you get the crystal??" I asked both of them.

But the answer was not positive.

Soon the only left door opened. Amisha and Somia came out from the door with an amethyst colored crystal.

" Finally! Now we only have to beat the boss and get out of here. " Amisha said.

She then gave the crystal to Elliott, who then placed it on the palm of the statue.

A blinding light was released from the crystal and at the same time a message popped up in front of my eyes.

[ Would you like to continue to the second level -

Yes/No ]

A notification was sent to all of us. Looking at the other people already started teleporting, I said-


[ Affirmative ]

A strange yet familiar feeling spread across my body and my eyes were closed on its own.


In a small room, An old man was discussing something with another old person.

The old man named Alvan asked his old friend,

" How many have you got at this moment? "

The other person had a very short height and he also had pointy ears. His skin was slightly green.

His name was Gaby.

After hearing his friend's question, Gaby answered -

" Kekehek. . I have 23 and by the end of our meeting, maybe 27. What about yourself? "

" 29. . . N-No, now it's 34. "

" What shall we do about this extra baggage? " Gaby asked Alvan with a worried expression.

" Just send them alive! The lord will have some fun with them. Anyway, this is already the 7th time since then. How long are we going to keep serving him? Don't you feel sick of him? "

Alvan spoke about his true thoughts to his friend.

" Don't become too aggressive Alvan. For now let's keep an eye on everything, if an opportunity arises then we will strike. Until then, stay put and follow his orders. "

Gaby made his point clear to Alvan and also asked him to stay down for a while.

" Let's hope the opportunity will arrive before he heals himself to his prime. "

" Hmm."