
For Reality

**** Our Main Character is a young talent of the modern Earth. At the tender age of 25, he was already working for a prestigious institute and that too at a high position. On his 25th birthday, Rey came late at home and went straight to bed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself at a completely different place. On that day, his life changed completely. Now he is living four different lives in different universes - as a student, an office worker, a super soldier, and a martial artist. At least Rey is not alone and has a great partner Jerry who is an incompetent system. Rey : " Jerry! where do we go next ??? " Jerry : [ You can go to meet your University Girlfriend or do you wanna go meet your other three wives???] Rey : "....." Follow these two as they conquered multiple realities..... *** In some chapters, there may be abusive words used. ***

7th_Reader · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Dungeon dive 5

Goblin's Den - First level.

Rey's POV _____

{ Metal Spike : Bullet Form }

A total number of 8 metal bullets formed in the air and blasted through the heads of 8 goblins in front of me.

"kkeeeuuughh. . .. .uughh"

" . . . . . . "

" Haah. . . .aahh! " I gasped for a breath as my Stamina and Essence were on rock bottom.

" With this, the fourth wave is over. Now only the last one is remaining. "

I sat on the ground to relax my tired body and drank my potions.

" Thanks for helping me there Rey! I ran out of Essence much more earlier than I thought. "

Kale said to me with an embarrassing face.

" No worries. But make sure to check your reserves before the final wave. We only have twenty minutes for rest. "

Natalie and Jim came towards us and sat down on the ground. They both too worked their a** off.

Specially Natalie.

Apart from her traps, she had one more trick. She was a skilled Scythe user. In terms of combat power with her weapon, She can easily deal with a high F-Rank monster or a low E-Rank monster on her own.

She said earlier that her family has produced various geniuses who weilded Scythe as a weapon. Natalie, herself has been practicing for her entire life.

With her combat power as well as her support with the traps, Natalie is undoubtedly the second most powerful person of our party.

" Hey Natalie! Are the traps ready to take action. This time you are going to play the most important part. "

Natalie looked at me with confidence and said-

" Don't worry Rey. Everything's in place. "

After listening her confident reply, I looked at the other two and said

" Jim! Kale! Have you finished drinking all your potions? "

They both answered in unison, " YES! "

I nodded with satisfaction.

" So our strategy for this wave will be - When the waves arrive a distance of five minutes from us, then Natalie-"

I turned towards her and said.

" Take down as many numbers as you can in three minutes time. Once the three minute time is over, trigger the division traps and divide the goblins in two separate groups. We will divide ourselves into two groups and take care of both the groups of goblins before they organize themselves. We will ambush them right after they are separated. Jim and I will be in one group and Kale and Natalie will be in the other.

My group will be in charge of the goblins in charge of killing the goblins in North-Eastern area, while you two go to the other side. Finish as quickly as you can and also don't forget to take down their archers before the confusion ends. That will be all."

Looking at the time, there were still fifteen minutes left. I stood up from the ground and everyone followed.

" Alright! We should all head out to our respective spots. Natalie, we will meet at the same place after taking care of all the goblins and head towards the northern direction. Good luck guys!! "

" You too. " Kale said before moving out.

Me and Jim also went towards our location. The spot for us to set up an ambush was a highland. We could see everything that will be happening in front of us. Jim went to his designated position and now all we have to do is wait. There were still 9 minutes left for the wave.

While waiting, my attention went towards the new skill page I received while fighting a Goblin Knight in the third wave. It was extremely lucky to get a skill page during the first level of a dungeon. And more importantly, the skill was of E-Rank Grade.


Metal Bullet ( Second Form of Metal Spike )

[Evolution from Essence Bullet with Metal Essence]

Grade - E

Description - The Metal Essence is condensed to form small pointed bullets and can be fired at the target with great power, speed and accuracy. It can penetrate into an E-Rank defense. At most ten bullets can be fired at a given time.


Soon the mobs of goblin can be seen from the top. And just when the goblins were at five minutes distance, Natalie did her job.





Four huge blasts occurred. Over half of the numbers from the wave were wiped out. After the blasts happened, the goblins began to run in all directions and the situation of their group turned to utter chaos.

Many traps set up at the edges of the area of blasts triggered one by one and killed every goblin that was running away. Only two directions were without any traps. Soon I could see a total number of 21 goblins coming towards the highland.

There were two Goblin Knights who were acting as their leader and four Goblin Archers. The rest were the regular goblins.

They were trying to bring the order back. At that time, I signaled Jim to take action.

{ Frost Shard }

"kreeeee. . . . . .kkeeuughh"

Four pointed ice shards flew in quick speed to penetrate the hearts of all four Goblin Archers. Another attack followed when the goblins were still in daze.

{ Dark Howl }

A dark thick fog covered the entire area of goblins. The darkness created by Jim's spell added with my Black Leather Coat's special trait in darkness, I will be practically invisible.

I casted a spell before going in the fog.

{ Metal Spike : Metal Bullet }

Ten metal bullets blasted through the fog. With the metal bullets going in, I also entered the mayhem.

{ Metal property Manipulation : Buff Add : Heavy Weight, Sharp Edge } + { Meteor Shower Essence Sword Art : Asther Slasher }

" Haaa. . .aahhhhh!! "

With my eyes filled with essence, every thing was clear. My sword was cutting the necks of the goblins with every strike. The sword strikes resembled a blue lightening going on a rampage.

"krr. . .kkee . . . . kkeeughh. . . .kkkreeee"

My essence was drained more than half at this point. And soon the fog was starting to dissipate. There were only five goblins remaining when the fog was gone. The two Knights were still alive. One of the two was heavily injured by my metal bullet. The other one was able to block my sword but lost his own sword in the process.

{ Fire ball }


While I was focusing on the Knights, Jim had already taken care of the three regular goblins. The Knights were startled again.

" Nice Assist Jim! "

'This is my chance!'

"{ Meteor Shower Essence Sword Art : Endless Meteor Shower } + { Buff : Power double, Endless Durability }"

" Aaaarrrggghhhhh. . . . "

An endless storm of strikes swept away the Knights in just seven moves.

With this our side's work was done. I was also at my essence limit at this point. Too bad this wave didn't give any skills. Jim came down from the highland.

" How much do you think went the other way? "

" Hmm. . .Maybe around 10-12 went the other way. But the main force definitely came towards us. I think Kale and Natalie would have already finished with their work and are probably waiting for us at our meeting point. Let us hurry! " I said my deduction.

We sped up and arrived at our meeting spot and my deduction was spot on. Natalie and Kale were already waiting for us.

" It went smoothly for you too huh! Great! Now lets move to the Goblin's Den. "

The ever excited Natalie started sprinting towards the northern direction without letting me nor Jim any time for rest. Kale could only look apologetically towards us and started to run behind Natalie. Jim and I could do or say nothing in this situation, so we started following them too.

After around half an hour of constant running through the lush green forest, a cave was seen. There were many small tents and campfire around the cave but there was no one around the cave. The entrance to the second level of the dungeon is found inside the cave, this was the information given to us.

As soon as I placed one foot inside the cave, a system message popped up.

[ Would you like to continue to the second level -

Yes/No ]

I looked around and everyone's face told that they received the same message. But before anyone could say 'yes', I said -

"Wait! I have to say something."

Everyone stopped and looked at me with confused expression. But before anyone could speak anything I started speaking.

" Actually, a friend of mine told me that something is going to happen today. Probably a bad thing. So even after we clear the second level, we should let our guards down. What do you guys think? " I asked them about the warning Jerry gave me in the morning.

"What are you talking about Rey? Who said that? I don't want to quit after coming this far!" Natalie retaliated and by the looks of it Kale and Jim were also on her side.


"I too don't want to quit but atleast be alert as possible, even after beating the boss. Is that ok?"

Knowing that no one will agree, I asked them to stay on their toes the entire time instead. This time the answer was positive.

The message again popped up.

[ Would you like to continue to the second level -

Yes/No ]

'Yes' I answered.


The feeling of space teleportation swept up my body and in the next moment every thing became white and my eyes closed down due to the brightness.

When I opened my eyes again, I was in a different place. This was the second level of the dungeon.