

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Chapter III

Having arrived at the University earlier than you normally would, you took your time to laze around the hallways, shifting one foot after another. This is probably the earliest you have gone to school, because it's either you're late, or you are freaking late. But given the circumstances, in which you cannot sleep at all because of yesterday's events, you've decided to just get a grip, and go to school early to attend your first and only class of the day.

Major subjects just take too much of your time, and in this case, three whole hours.

No one wants to sit inside a room, together with bitches and jerks, which are half of the population of the class, for three freaking hours.

Every week you dread the thought of attending this class because of them. If it wasn't because of your huge fascination towards learning advanced knowledge about photography, and your aspiration to be a famous photographer someday, you decided to suck it up, and just tune out all the negative feedback you hear.

You've been attending this University for two years now and everything is great.

Your life is great.

The people are great.

Everything's just peachy.

It's like one of those cheesy musicals where the main character can just sing her heart out, and nobody will judge her because people are just cool like that. Nobody gave a fuck about anybody's business and you can just be yourself without being judged.

Until one day everything changed...

Rumors about you spread like wildfire, and you became one of the most hated person in your class. According to them, you either dated this guy or that guy, and you happen to just magically sleep with some manwhore, whom you have never met before after "partying" like crazy.


They're all bullshit.

When have you ever dated? When was the last time anybody ever saw you with anyone? And when have you ever attended any party?

All these questions lead to only one answer.


The last time you were seen with a guy was when you needed to do some lame project with the person. You were completely embarrassed back then. The guy is such a darling, and you don't really want him to get involved with this hell hole you are currently trapped in.

The reason why your life is so shitty right now is because of a guy, a popular guy, just like him.

You talk to the guy for no more than a minute, and the next thing you know, his crazy girlfriend, together with her little group of possies, came marching at you, accusing you of stealing her man from her.

Great, just fucking great.

The only reason he broke up with her is because she's unhinged, and possessive, and that he wanted to be rid of her.

Crazy thing about the situation is the girl and her friends happened to be your classmates, in every cursed class, and they are the ones who are spreading filthy rumors about you. The guy apologized to you and you forgave him, but the damage has already been done, and this whole nonsense has been going on for almost a year now.

It's so easy to make people believe into something without any actual proof of it being true, just the mere thought of it is disheartening.

With this in mind, you let out a heavy sigh, as you enter the empty room. The only reason you are late all the time is because you choose to avoid being alone with any of the bitches. No one will salvage you from them, and you will definitely not fight back, it'll only make everything worse.

Taking your earphones from your bag, you immediately took the last seat at the corner of the room, near the windows and turned on the music as loud as you can, shutting out everything and everyone from your own little bubble. You are welcomed by picturesque views of landscapes of old buildings as you set your gaze outside. You can tell that the buildings at this University are old, and it's just so stunning for you. There were trees and statues and benches surrounded by grass and colorful flowers. This particular part of the campus is favored by the students to lounge in. Like a peaceful relaxing place to torture one's self with academic stuff.

But looking outside was a bad idea. It was a terrible sight to behold, because all the grass and trees reminded you of your first meeting with him. You remember yesterday's events clearly and it has been running inside your head, like an annoying song being played on the radio on repeat.

"Oh come on, yesterday wasn't that bad and you know it." You think to yourself, a small smile forming on your lips unknowingly, as you recall your little rendezvous with him

"So…I look like a Billy huh?" He says as you two walk side by side.

You felt a blush creeping in your cheeks when you remember your conversation with him.

You curse inside your head.

If only you knew that he would bring this up, then you would have never agreed to this whole meeting.

"No." You clear your throat as you try your best to look him in the eyes.

"You fit more into the Paul category". And yet you failed miserably.

This is bad enough as it is, and when you heard a throaty chuckle escaping his mouth, you swear that you have never heard something so pleasing to the ears, it's disturbing.

You see him nodding his head, acknowledging your answer.

"So I fit into the popular asshole category?"

As if things couldn't get any more awkward, this guy decided to prove you wrong and reminded you of your stupidity. You swear you have never felt your face this hot before, and you couldn't help but just look away in embarrassment.

"I don't know what you find so fascinating about the ground, care to share sweetheart?" You hear Sehun ask, as he moves closer to you.

"I'm sorry. Facebook doesn't really have a filter. It couldn't stop me from calling you an asshole, when it should have." You said defensively, still avoiding his gaze. "But I swear, I never thought of you to be one, and I still believe that you're not."

Sehun smiles fondly at you, yet you failed to see that smile creeping on his perfectly sculpted lips.

"Sweetheart look at me. Look me in the eyes."

"Oh dear, is he gonna pull off that crap again?"

You feel his fingers touching your chin, tilting your head up, forcing you to look at him while he closes the distance between the two of you. You meet his eyes, and instantly, you feel weak on the knees.

The sight of his perfect brows framing his beautiful eyes so perfectly, has left you for dead, and you cannot help but get lost inside them. You were reminded of the line from the song he loves teasing you so much with, and you realize that he's right.

He is so fucking right.

"Baby..." He hums as he caresses your chin with his thumb.

Oh my...

"You can call me an asshole, or a jerk, even accuse me of being a creepy stalker." He said with a start.

You swallow the lump in your throat.

Sehun smells so heavenly, that you just wanna bury yourself in him, and drown your senses, until his scent will forever linger on you.

"But I will never hate you." He continued.

"I can never hate you."

You're at a loss for words, and it only happens so rarely. You always have something witty, or possibly something stupid to say as a comeback, but this? How are you supposed to answer that? Do you even need to give him a freaking answer? But even so, you can't even utter a single word, let alone form a fucking sentence, so you chose not to answer.

You stand there, face to face with him, your eyes drowning at the sight of this man. This particular pair has never been your weakness. It's not even a big deal, since it's just a pair of eyes, every single person has them, minus those who were unfortunate, but his gaze is so remarkably intense that you couldn't help but just swoon over him.

Your eyes roam his entire face as you study his features.

If his eyes are your weakness now, then his entire face is kryptonite.

Damn. This guy is just so...so beautiful.

You were expecting a short, bald man, possibly sporting a huge ass beer belly to come meet you at the park. You were prepared for the worse, but you aren't prepared for this.

The frog turned out to be prince charming, and you really don't know whether you're happy about it or not.

You bite your tongue as he taps your chin twice, before he proceeds to remove his long slender fingers off your chin, and then he scratches his nape as he clears his throat awkwardly.

He too is staring at you.

"You're right you know." He says after he has composed himself.

Your brows furrows, while your nose scrunches up in confusion.

"I'm right about what?" You want to ask him this, but even before you can, he kept on explaining himself.

"I am an asshole. I wouldn't know what I'd do if you happen to hurt yourself. I'm sorry I bumped into you at the mall, I didn't mean to, I-" He sigh.

"I was just...curious."

"Wait. So it wasn't an accident? He purposely bumped into me at the mall?" You think to yourself, feeling a little bit confused.

"What do you mean?" You just have to make sure.

"I was a little, let's say…" He clears his throat, "Curious, who you went out on a date with. I swear I didn't follow you. I was there to meet my friends. You can even ask them about it."

You hear him rattling as he tries to explain himself.

"Oh my goodness! You are a creepy stalker!" You point at him, your eyes growing wide.

"No I'm not! I just…come on babe, I told you I was just curious." He said defensively

Witnessing this man coming undone brought you into a fit of laughter, you were laughing like crazy that he couldn't help but smile.

"So, what do you think, do we look like the perfect couple?" You ask after composing yourself, the awkwardness you felt slowly dissipating.

"Meh. You can do better." He sneers as he wrinkles his nose.

"Oh, sad. Here I thought you were rooting for us." You reply, almost on the brink of pouting your ass off.

"I never said that. You can do so much better sweetheart." He repeated as he stared intently at you.

You stifle a laugh and hit his shoulder playfully. You feel completely at ease with him now.

"Idiot. That was my best friend, you know, the guy you keep teasing me about."

"Oh...So it wasn't a real date?" He asked, his voice a little hopeful.

"No. It was part of the anti-pms kit." You said and he looks so confused.

"I'm not gonna explain." You beamed, and he just stood there as he looked at you in disbelief.

You shake your head, your thoughts diminishing as students start to pile inside the classroom. They did not even notice your presence, or to be truthful, they choose to ignore you, but who cares really? Yesterday was a very fun experience.

The two of you had lunch together, well more like bought every street food you saw, and ravished it like crazy, while you talk about anything under the sun. You can talk about the weather and you'll still find it interesting. You were surprised when it started getting dark, and you were forced to say goodbye because of a schedule you have with a classmate. Sehun is a very amusing guy, although he can be a dick sometimes and tease you over and over, but his sense of humor made up for it. Plus, he's sweet, a little too sweet for your liking, actually.


After two hours of sitting your ass in class, your professor excused himself, and gave the class an exercise to busy yourselves with, while he goes out for a couple of minutes. You are done instantly after 10 minutes, and are now bored out of your wits.

"I wonder what he's up to."

You grab your phone and open Facebook to take a peek at his profile. Normally, you don't do this, but after meeting him, you just can't help but be curious about him.

"Holy hell, what is that?"

You saw the name HunnieBunny has been replaced with Oh Sehun. Fair enough, because that's actually his name, but what caught your attention is his new profile picture.

"Is that...me? How the hell? When did he even take this?"

Judging by the clothes you're wearing and the background, this photo was taken yesterday, which does make sense because that was the only time you hung out with the guy. You stare at the image and feel irritation stirring up inside you. Sehun is smiling at the picture, while you look awkward as fuck.

"He could have at least taken a decent shot."

With your nose slowly flaring, you take the time to message him, but you see that he's offline, so you text him instead.

You: You sneaky bastard!

You didn't wait long enough before you received a reply from the man.

Him: Well good morning to you too, sunshine. :)

You: Oh Sehun! I swear, if you don't take down that picture, you are so gonna get it.

Him: What did you call me?


You: Sehun, can you please stop changing the subject?

Him: I would love to hear you call me that sweetheart.

"Okay, he's getting weird."

You: Just please change that picture. I look so awkward there.

Him: Oh come on missy! You look breathtaking. Give yourself some credit!

You: Do you wanna get hacked? Because that's how you get hacked.

You warn him. Your hacking skills cannot be questioned, and if he decides to keep that picture, you will go over the line and hack his account just to change it.

"Hmm…maybe I can change his picture to that of a monkey. Sounds like a plan. Ooh, I can even post a status saying he's gay.' You snigger.

"Nah. That's too much."

Him: Fine. But only because you want to missy.

"Aww. This guy is no fun at all. Fine, no more hacking threats from me."

Him: You know sweetheart, you're looking really pretty today. :)

You: Uh huh. You try, but I will not change my mind.

You: Change. That. Picture.

Him: You look pretty in red, compliments your skin.

"Wait, what? How?"

You look down at the red button-up shirt you're currently wearing, and you frantically start looking for him inside the classroom.

"Oh no, don't tell me he's my classmate and I didn't know. How dense am I for not noticing? Sheesh."

Him: Look right missy. ;)

And you did, but you never did find him. While looking for the guy, you notice a small commotion arising near the entrance of the room, even the bitches were squealing like crazy fangirls. You wonder why you didn't notice that earlier, but it was probably because you're too busy talking to Sehun. Which reminds you to go look for the guy.

You stand up and leave your seat, you tilt your head right and left in an attempt to look for him and it came as a shock to you, when the one you're looking for is the same person who every girl in your class is swooning over. He looks so uncomfortable and disturbed as he tries to walk himself inside the room.

You have no idea how to react. You're sure that he doesn't belong to this class because if he is, there will always be an uproar whenever this class takes place.

"What the hell is he doing here?"

You are staring at him, watching him as his eyes scan the room, and you gulp when he catches your eyes and witnesses as he heaves a sigh of relief.

"Oh no, please don't come near me. I don't want another bloody rumor."

"There you are!" He says exaggeratingly.


"I was looking for you everywhere babe!" He exclaimed, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"What are you doing here?" You whisper at him instead, worry filling you.

"I just wanna see my baby, is that bad? I missed you, you know." He beams at you, as he takes your hand and pulls you outside the room.

Right now you swear that you can feel eyes on you. If looks can kill, you would be dead by now.


Tell me what you think, yeah? :) 

Lucidbunnycreators' thoughts