

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Celebrities
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41 Chs


Him: Kai is throwing a small party tonight. He wants to know if you could come?

You: I can't. I need to study for finals. Maybe some other time?

Him: This is the second time you've declined my offer.

Him: I miss you, sweetheart.

You heave a heavy sigh as you ignore his text.

It's probably best if you turn off your phone, since you know that if you don't reply, sooner or later he will call, and you don't really wanna talk to him, especially now when you've successfully avoided him the past two weeks.

You bite your bottom lip anxiously as you lounge inside the campus library.

You know how badly you want to reply to him, to tell him you miss him too. You want so much to accept his invitation, if only to see his face again, but you can't and you won't.

The past few weeks that you've met him is unbelievably life changing. Being friends with Sehun means you get to be close with his friends too, which are Kai, Baekhyun and Chen. Your dull and boring life suddenly became bearable now because of them.

Because of him.

Little by little, the boys grew on you, and you feel so at ease with all of them. You feel content, and you're actually pretty happy with how things turned out.

As days pass, you find out things about Sehun that you will never learn in social media. He is a very touchy person, very sweet and vocal, and he always has time for you. Some days he would laze around at your apartment, other times you would visit him at his, and every day he would get you after every class. He made sure to never miss a day.

Sehun's thoughtful like that.

So thoughtful, that you found yourself slowly falling for the guy.

You were in denial at first. You don't wanna have these feelings for him, it will only ruin the friendship, and you don't have any clue how he feels about you, if he even has the slightest feelings for you. Every day you convince yourself that you don't like him. Having any sort of romantic feelings for him will never happen, ever.

At least, that's what you tell yourself.

But the more you say it's never gonna happen, the more the twists lead it to come true, and you just fell for him.


You got a little shy and awkward around him, because you carry this burden.

You don't want him to find out.

You don't wanna feel dejected.

You feel like such a dummy for actually falling for him.

You always think you're in the wrong, but if you actually think about it, when you remember how he talks to you, all those endearments he calls you with, and the way he holds you, touches you like he has every right to do so, made you think otherwise.

You blame him for making you feel this way, and this is a lost cause for you, because no matter how much you fight it, you can never make yourself change the way you feel about him.

You feel terrible just by falling for this guy.

But just when you thought that things couldn't get any worse, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you, and smacks you right in the face.

One morning when you're about to leave the campus, you heard the bullies talking about you, of how much of a liferuiner you are. You heard them calling you a lowlife for "forcing" yourself on Sehun. You know that they got a lot more irritated at you when you suddenly started hanging out with some of the most popular guys in Uni.

But for goodness sake!

How the hell did you suddenly become a liferuiner? If anything, you should be the one saying that about them.

The girls purposely talked louder when they saw you, but you just stayed quiet. You've learned to keep your mouth shut to avoid the ridicule.

But being silent doesn't always save you from the upsetting truth, because you found out that Oh Sehun, your friend, the guy you fell for, is in a relationship with the most popular girl on campus.

It was the most cliché thing ever, Mr. Popular dates Ms. Popular.

You were hurt.

You felt cheated.

He didn't even have the nerve to tell you about it. You felt physically and mentally injured, like the feeling of that of a knife, being stabbed at your chest repeatedly.

It hurts, so bad that you cannot look at his face without feeling the pain.

So you did what you had to do. You avoided him like the plague.

Whenever you bump into him at school, you turn the other way just so you won't have to talk to him. You asked him to stop fetching you after school. You didn't visit him anymore, and you immediately stopped all communications with him.

He got suspicious, and he even cornered you when he caught you at the cafe you guys used to hang out to. You simply cannot tell him the reason why you've suddenly gotten AWOL, so you just shrugged at him and told him that school was getting tough, and you were too busy to meet and talk to him. He bought your excuse and let you off after that.

Why wouldn't he?

Who were you even kidding?

Of course he won't bother with you, he's got his hands full.

You saw it yourself, he is always with that girl.

You shake your head at the thought.

You know that you cannot concentrate on studying anymore, even though this is the perfect time to review because you practically have the place to yourself, and yet here you are, grieving over something you never even got the chance to have. It was pathetic.

You take a deep breath as frustration fills you.

Maybe this is a good thing.

Maybe you should be okay about this.

If you never found out that he is in a relationship, then who knows how much deeper you're going to fall?

With this in mind, you stand up towards the bookshelves, taking the books with you. You returned each book in its proper place, taking the last one with you as you walk towards the farthest part of the library. You're about to put the book back on the shelf, but the feeling of a hand touching your shoulder and the other on your hand, taking the book from you, has forbidden you from doing so.

You jump a little and hitch a breath, as the person places the book on the top shelf effortlessly, while you stare at him in awe.

"Hey there stranger." He smiles at you fondly, his gaze on you.

You have no idea why he's here, or how he even found you, and as you stare at him longer, you feel this huge urge to hold him, to tell him how you really feel.

"Um...Thank you Sehun."

But that was all you can say to him.

In the end, you weren't brave enough to tell him how the sight of him can make your heart jump, and how his smile can make even the worst day turn into one of the best days ever.

Maybe it was better this way, because then, you wouldn't be able to make a fool out of yourself.

The air is silent for a while, and you feel uncomfortable knowing that he's just there observing you, staring at your face freely.

"You didn't reply to my messages." He says all of a sudden.

"I was studyi-"

"And your phone is off." He cuts you off.

"Must've forgotten to charge it." You shrugged, trying to save yourself from his intrusion.

"Baby, I know what you're doing."

Automatically, you chew on your bottom lip. You wish that he will just stop with the endearments, because it does so little to your poor heart.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You said as you try your best to fake a smile.

The male heaves a heavy sigh, and you can feel his frustration just by looking at him.

"I know you're avoiding me sweetheart."

You take a few steps backwards and you stop when you feel the concrete wall against your back.

"I told you." You smile at him nervously, feeling a little cornered, and a little lost.

"I'm just really busy with school today. You know how crazy everything gets when the semester's about to end". You said matter-of-factly.

"That's bullshit."

Sehun's eyebrows furrowed together as he watched you carefully.

He didn't buy your excuse. He knows full well that you're lying. Back then you always have time to talk to him. Even if you're so busy, you always have time to spare. Then out of the blue you suddenly stopped communicating with him. He knows there's something bothering you, and he will not leave until he finds out.

Sehun takes small steps towards you, and takes your hands and rubs the back of it with his thumb.

The gesture has never failed to make you feel better, but now, it just feels so wrong.

"Sweetheart please, tell me what's wrong? Did I do anything to upset you?"

"What's wrong is that I like you, so much that it hurts, and I can't even tell you about it. I'm here, trying so damn hard to avoid you, when all I wanna do is show you how much I do."

You blink your eyes a few times as the words keep playing inside your head. But you know that you need to settle this once and for all.

"Sehun..." You said with a start.

"Hmm...yes sweetheart?" He hums as he holds your hands a little tighter. You hesitantly remove your hands from his grasp, and you can actually see the hurt in his eyes.

"I don't think..." You take another deep breath.

"I don't think we should be friends anymore. I'm sorry."

You have no idea if what you're witnessing is indeed real, because you never thought that saying these words to him will even cause him to act so frantically. But the moment Sehun opened his mouth, you were left speechless.

"What are you trying to say?" He asks, a desperate look on his face.

"Baby look at me. Why can't we be friends anymore?" He asks frantically and you did your best to look him straight in the eyes.

"I don't wanna be your friend anymore. Let's just stop this Sehun, whatever this is."

You see his face turn from confusion to a hurtful one, but it was immediately replaced with a blank expression, that if you weren't looking at him intently, you would've thought that you just imagined it.

"Is that what you want?" He asked.

Unlike before, you can't seem to read his face. You have never seen him look at you this way before, and it's slowly breaking your heart.

"No. I want to be with you. God knows how much I want to stay by your side, even if it means I'll forever remain as your friend."

But instead of speaking your mind, you chose to lie, to finally be done with this bullshit.

"Yes." You said with a straight face.

Which the male returns with a scoff, as he tilts his head.

"Good." He looks at you straight in the eyes.

"I never wanted to be your friend in the first place."

You swear you can hear your heart being shattered into a million pieces. You can feel your eyes sting as you hear him say those words.

"Then it's settled then." You give him a weak smile.

"Goodbye Sehun."

You walk past him, eager to leave the scene. You want to be as far away from him as possible.

But you were stopped from taking another step, when he suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you back towards him.

"I don't think so sweetheart."

You tried to walk away, but he has already cornered you, his arms stopping you from running away,

"What do you want, Sehun? I need to be somewhere." You say as you feel your eyes sting.

"No, don't cry. Not in front of him."

"I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say here." He says with a serious tone in his voice.

"Oh, I do understand. The pain of rejection isn't a stranger to me."

"I don't want to be your friend, I never wanted to be your friend." He continues.

"I heard you the first time." You reply.

Boy, this guy just loves making you feel like shit.

"No baby, I-" You witness how troubled he seemed to be, and his eyes are filled with nothing but helplessness.

"I like you."

Sehun threw the bomb, just like that, and you're a liar if you'll say that you aren't even affected. But how can you actually lie to yourself, when your heart can't seem to stop beating so frantically against your chest?

"I don't wanna be just a friend to you, I want to be more than that." He explained and you can hear the frustration in his voice.

"He...likes me?"

You look at him with a shocked expression. You don't know how to respond. Your brain can't seem to process anything at the moment.

"But what about his girlfriend?"

Being reminded of the girl makes it even harder for you to understand the situation.

What does he want, to date his girlfriend, while he keeps you on the side?

The mere thought of it makes your head spin. You didn't know that he is that type of guy, and you think back on every conversation, you think back on everything you've done with him.

Was it all just a sick game he likes to play? Were you just another toy to him? If that was the case, then he is a very good actor, because everything felt real.

It felt so real.

You were enraged, you felt incredulous.

How dare he lure you into this sick ploy, making you fall for him?

How dare he toy with your feelings?

And how dare he look straight into your eyes, while he tells you he likes you so sincerely, in the hopes of you believing in his lies?

God, he is so good at this, and you are no more than a fool if you'll actually believe him.

"You think this is funny?" You look at him, the fire in your eyes visible. "I'm sorry, but I don't find this hilarious at all."

Sehun frowns at your words.

"Do you think I'm lying? Baby, I like you. I have always liked you. Why can't you see that?"

"Don't baby me. Just-" You sigh.

"Just let me go, Sehun. I can't take any more of your crap."

But the male is more than determined to win your heart.

"What will it take for you to believe me? What do you want me to do?" He asks with pleading eyes.

"There's nothing you can do." You smile bitterly.

"Just go look for another girl to play with, you'll only waste your time with me." You reply harshly and slowly you witness the fury lingering inside his eyes.

You were taken aback when he suddenly grabbed your shoulders as he pushed you against the wall. He has never been this violent towards you, and you feel frightened for your life.

He places his hands on the wall, trapping you inside. His face wears a dark expression, and suddenly, you can't seem to find the guy you knew. It's as if you're looking at a complete stranger.

Sehun leans closer to you, his face dangerously close to yours, and you couldn't stop yourself from gulping nervously.

"I'll tell you this missy," The tip of his nose almost pressed against yours.

"No one has ever turned me down before." He said as he moved an inch closer.

"No one."

You shiver as his hot breath fans your face.

The male licks his lips sensually as he stares into yours. You know what's gonna happen next, you know what's going on inside his head, and right this moment, you want the ground to just magically open and swallow you whole.

He moves closer towards you. You can feel his lips brushing against yours. Swallowing the imaginary lump in your throat, you close your eyes nervously. You're waiting for his lips to take yours, but a few seconds has already passed, and yet nothing happened.

Slowly, you open your eyes, and you are greeted with his handsome face looking intently at you.

Right there in front of you is Oh Sehun, and he is smirking at you, mocking you for actually thinking he would actually kiss you.

You let out a sigh of relief.

You're glad that he didn't perform the act, even if you feel like such a fool for actually believing he will. This silly stunt of his has made you feel even more determined to get out of his life, to finally be free of his stupid games.

But your happiness was short-lived, when all of a sudden, he cupped your face and attacked your lips in a sensual passion.

You feel your knees grow weak as he passionately and roughly moves his soft lips against yours, his tongue seeking entrance. You try your best not to give in, but the feeling of his lips against yours, oh those soft plump lips that you love so much, started melting your resolve.

Slowly, you open your mouth to welcome him and he eagerly enters you.

It made him wild tasting you for the very first time.

He grabbed a fistful of your hair, and he leans closer as he deepens the kiss. Slowly, you close your eyes as sensations you've never felt before consume your entire being. Suddenly time has no meaning, but just when you're about to kiss him back, he slowly removes his lips from yours.

Sehun is looking intently at you, studying your features, watching how your partly swollen lips are slightly open as you gasp for air.

He can feel this need, this longing to take those lips again, but he wanted you to know that he will do anything and everything in his power to make you his.

Slowly, the male reached for your chin and tilted it upwards, demanding you to meet his eyes. You see him wearing a serious expression, and it is laced with so much passion and hunger. He places his thumb against your lower lip and starts caressing it as he licks his own, fighting the urge to attack you with a breathtaking kiss once again. You can hear the loud beating of your heart, and you wonder if he can hear it too. As he looks into your eyes, you feel all the hairs on your nape stand up at full attention, while he tells you words that made you weak. You know these words will haunt you at night, and you know nothing will be the same after this.

"I'll make you mine, even if it's the last thing I do."


This is a little bit different from the first chapters. Please do comment, I love reading what you guys have to say. :'3

Lucidbunnycreators' thoughts