
Flight of the Sunbird

Andreas of the Sun, a paladin dedicated to the Sun God, Lugus; finds himself in the throes of conspiracy, betrayal & death. Upon his demise, instead of entering the embrace of his God, Andreas finds himself reincarnated as a Flintspark Sparrow, considered as the weakest and lowliest of beasts. Has Andreas been forsaken by his God? Will he ever be able to turn human again? Or will he be doomed to live the rest of his new life as a lowly bird?

Dogwater_Creator · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Lughana & Training

The city of Lughana, the city of Lugus, The Radiant himself, preceded its reputation. Where most other cities definition of well planned was a plan that kept the nobles safe, Lughana prioritized transportation above all!

With wide roads and neatly structured houses and buildings lined their sides, Lughana's massive roads could transport entire merchant convoys without ever congesting! Of course this was just an added benefit, the main purpose of the roads was to ensure quick deployment of their troops in any direction by any gate. As for safety? Who'd dare invade the city of a god?

Still devotees of the radiant could only praise his foresight after noticing the almost transparent divine banner - as its colours fluttered from time to time revealing its presence, covering the entire city, just in case there ever was a fool who dared to do so.

As Andreas' battalion approached Lughana, the guards at the gate recognised them, opening the massive doors they guarded to let them in.

The city was divided into 3 main regions, The outer region consisting of the markets, commercial properties like inns and guild branches called the Corona district.

The middle region, which housed the many barracks of the Church's soldiers and the residential areas, called the Photus district.

The inner region where the most loyal of the God's servants stayed was called the Chromus district, named after Lugus' son and the first Pope of the Sun. At the centre of the district, lay the massive Church of Lugus, it's spire reaching to the sky as if praying to the sun itself.


As Andreas and his men made their way through the Corona district, Patreus and many soldiers with inquisitive minds, stepped away from their battalion to head to markets and try their luck there. Much to the dismay of their leader.

Andreas, Natasha and Jann lead the rest of their men into the Photus district and to where they resided, the famed Gimense barracks, named after Cardinal Gimense, the Radiant Storm, a powerful priest who lived hundreds of years ago, known also as 'Golden hand' for his proficiency in training troops and his keen eye for talent. As such the barracks itself was known for cultivating great talents such as Andreas, Natasha, Jann & Patreus.

As they entered, a skinny and energetic priest ran up to them, "What took you lot so long?" Patrick, the priest of light, the fourth and last subordinate Andreas directly commanded, asked. Natasha stepped up and briefed Patrick of the whole situation.

The priest could only massage his temples as he said, "Leave it to our paladin and you ruffians to mess up a simple patrolling mission! Sir, did it ever occur to you that maybe storming a city on whim with only a 1000 men is a bad idea? That perhaps you could've sent me a bird so that I could rally some backup?"

Andreas tried dismiss his subordinate's worries "It was our duty, young Patrick! How can the righteous knights of Lugus stand still and do nothing knowing that the town itself worships the occult?" He said nonchalantly, as if all he'd done is traipse down a meadow past curfew.

Patrick paled, holding his urge to belch out a string of expletives with all the might he could muster, as it was most impudent to do so. Watching Patrick's expression change, Andreas shook his head and walked on ahead. "Jann, Natasha, Patrick. Notify me the second Patreus arrives. We are to hold a meeting tonight."

The men and their leaders rested all afternoon to eve, before getting back into their vigorous training sessions. Before long, the other soldiers and their commander arrived, seeing everyone back into their normal routine, Patreus and the rest of the men who accompanied him to the market, cleaned themselves up and joined their comrades in practice.

Swish! Clang! Patreus slashed his Arming sword at Andreas, as the latter stepped back and dodged the swipe. Andreas used the momentum of his dodge to weave in and unleash a flurry of cuts with his long sword, pushing Patreus back as he held on to his shield for dear life, hoping his best friend doesn't damage Patreus' expensive weaponry!

Between Andreas' flurry of attacks, Patreus masterfully tried to land a few counters and shield bashes, to buy himself a few seconds of respite, and stun his ferocious leader. Fwoop! An arrow tore through the air as Andreas suddenly swung his sword behind him, deflecting the arrow and charging towards the man who shot it, Jann.

Seeing his shot so easily deflected, Jann panicked and attempted to draw out his dagger, Thump! Andreas whacked Jann's elbow, following up with a right smash to his face, instantly knocking Jann out!

Patreus, still reeling from defending Andreas' blows, readied himself to be drowned by cuts again, when a small volley of light blades tried to pierce their target, Andreas, only to cut through air.

Natasha could only hope to distract Andreas and get in a few lucky blows, acting as support, able to survive only because he wasn't concentrating on her. Andreas shifted his weight ahead and Striking Patreus with increasingly stronger blows. Soon enough Patreus' defence crumbled as a quick punch to the temple rendered him unconscious.

With only Natasha and Patrick left on the field. Andreas shifted down a notch, knowing all his subordinates weak points in battle. He unscrewed the pommel of his sword and chucked it across the field towards Patrick. The pommel hit Patrick square on the chest, with the quickness of lighting and the might of thunder, knocking him out!

He then dealt with Natasha, weaving through her guard continuously, tiring her out, after which a quick punch to the jaw knocked her out.

This practice went on for a few more hours, which felt like an eternity to the four commanders who had to spar with their Paladin. A truly intense practice session, worthy of the name Gimense!

As the 11th hour of eve approached, the practice came to a close, sparring partners now standing in neat files as the in house healers get to their job, healing the soldiers, making them fit to fight another day. Andreas and his commanders stood at the very end, to be healed after all the soldiers.

Natasha, her pretty face stained by bruises, seemed to be lost in her thoughts, when she turned to Andreas with a grumpy expression on her face, "My Paladin, If I may ask you something?" Andreas, noticing his subordinate's distress, agreed. "When you fought Patreus, Patrick and Jann, each time you knocked them out with your sword, each time in a few minutes; yet every time when it came to me, you sheathed your sword and took your time to knock me out. Were you toying with me?"

The question really took Andreas for a spin, the flustered Andreas never would have thought about it this way! "By Lugus, this isn't how you make it out to be! If you want me to, I can explain it to you." Andreas replied, kicking himself internally for accidentally bringing discord within his ranks. Natasha nodded and Andreas explained," I have noticed that compared to each commander, for personnel required to complete a task, You end up requesting the most troops out of everyone else." Andreas explained almost stoically, his previous nervousness just vanished.

"Each commander gets 4 units to protect them, when they graduate to the Paladin level, Bishop level for spellcasters like you. These 4 units in turn become your commanders! As such is the law. You must fight alongside them and trust them."

Natasha blushed in embarrassment, "But my Paladin, spellcasters are physically weak, and me being a priest, have access to even lesser spells than a mage! Of course I'd need the extra protection?"

"Natasha, I may not know a lot about magic, but I have battled many priests, even a few bishops, and as far as I can say, that there isn't that much of a difference in strength as there is in control, and you're pretty damn strong! I obviously can't help you break through to the Bishop level, but what I can help with is in rounding off your weaknesses."

Natasha argued that bishops had 50 man details and were used to attacking from even further from the battlefield. Before Andreas could get in a retort, the healers approached them, grinding their argument to a halt and Andreas shot her down with a glare, Natasha scowled at him and sat back down, puffing her face up in a grumpy expression.

After the healing ended, the soldiers headed to the mess for dinner, and the 4 commanders and their leader made way to his cabin at the top most storey of the barracks. Where Andreas usually held his meetings.