

nova_spell · Fantasi
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6 Chs


Love, oh love, a force that knows no bounds, transcending the limits of time and destiny itself. It is the essence of our existence, the driving force behind our most profound actions. What can love not conquer? What can it not inspire us to do? It can make us live for someone, or it can make us willing to die for them. It can elevate someone to the status of a deity, worshipped with fervor and devotion, or it can lead us to break all rules in their name.

In this tale of extraordinary love, there are two souls whose destinies intertwine against all odds. Their names? Ah, how could I forget to introduce the protagonists of this story i.e kai and Aika

There was Kai, a man of passion and fire, whose heart knew only one direction: towards her. And there was Aika, a woman of grace and beauty, whose mere presence ignited a flame within him that burned brighter than the stars themselves.

Their love was not written in the stars, nor ordained by fate. No, it was a love that defied the constraints of time and expectation. For when he first laid eyes upon her, he knew in that instant that his heart belonged to her, despite never having met her before.

But how, you may ask, did this unlikely pair come to be? Ah, my dear readers, that is a tale woven with threads of destiny and woven with the fabric of the universe itself. It is a tale of love's triumph over all obstacles, a testament to the power of the human heart to defy even the most implacable of forces.

So are you excited to delve into the depths of this extraordinary love story, where two souls collide in a blaze of passion and desire, defying the very fabric of reality itself. For in the realm of love, anything is possible, and no obstacle is too great to overcome.

this is my very first story I hope you will enjoy this......!!

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