

nova_spell · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


Suddenly, a blinding light descends from the sky onto the highest hill in the city, enveloping everything in thick, swirling smoke. For a moment, it feels as if the sky itself bows down, the earth trembles, and even the winds bend in reverence. Then, through the haze, an unfamiliar face, radiant like the sun, emerges. The smoke slowly dissipates, as if it had never been there, revealing Kai's formidable presence. The atmosphere crackles with energy, marking the arrival of a legend.

Kai then stands atop the hill, gazing out over the city. All around, tall buildings pierce the sky, and the entire city is bathed in light. After a few moments of taking in the view, Kai looks up at the sky, a thoughtful expression crossing his face, and murmurs, "How wonderful it would be if the people here were as beautiful as this city."

"Welcome to your 9999th life, Lord Kai." A familiar voice pierces the silence, as if it has come solely to greet the Demon Lord himself.

A faint smile appears on Kai's face. He immediately recognizes the voice and says, "Oh, so you've come. I didn't expect you to arrive so soon." With that, he turns to face the speaker.

In that moment, a faint smile graced Kai's face. But if you looked closely, it wasn't a smile of happiness; it was a smile of acceptance, a resignation to his life as it was.

Kai then said softly, "I've told you so many times, Ryuk. You're not my servant, but my friend. There's no need for all this."

Ryuk slowly stood up from his kneeling position, and the other servants followed his lead. As he straightened, Ryuk couldn't help but steal a glance at Kai. The sight before him was mesmerizing—Kai's extraordinary presence and striking features left Ryuk momentarily breathless. He marveled at Kai's ethereal beauty, his mind silently praising the allure and grace that Kai exuded, a presence so powerful and captivating it seemed almost otherworldly. The other servants, too, stood in silent admiration, the atmosphere charged with a sense of awe and reverence for their lord.

Ryuk then said with deep respect, "You haven't changed at all, my Lord. You still look exactly as you did before. The same flawless face, the same enchanting charm, the same effortless grace. Every feature, every expression—it's all just as it was. Your presence, your aura, it defines beauty itself."

As he spoke, Ryuk's eyes traced the familiar lines of Kai's face, noting the timeless elegance that seemed untouched by the passing years. There was a reverence in his voice, an awe that came from witnessing a beauty that transcended mere appearance. Kai's presence was a powerful reminder of an era long gone, yet vividly alive in the man who stood before them.

The other servants, standing respectfully around, couldn't help but silently agree with Ryuk's words. They, too, were captivated by the sheer perfection of their lord, whose very existence seemed to defy the natural order of time.

Kai then smiled slightly and said, "Everything seems the same, and yet, nothing truly is. Isn't that right, Ryuk?"

Ryuk understood exactly what Kai meant, a bittersweet recognition of the passage of time and the changes it brought. However, he said nothing and simply lowered his eyes, his silence filled with unspoken emotions. Kai continued to watch him, his gaze steady and knowing, as if he could see through the layers of unvoiced thoughts and feelings.For a moment, the air between them was thick with the weight of shared history and unspoken truths. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ryuk broke the silence, his voice steady but soft. "Let's go, sir. Everything is ready."

Kai, gazing out at the city from the mountaintop, spoke thoughtfully, "No, I want to see the city first. It's been a long time since I felt the air of this place."

Ryuk, understanding his wish, responded, "Okay, sir. Let me show you the city first, and then I'll take you home."

Kai nodded in agreement, signaling his approval with a slight gesture.

"Get ready for an adventure filled with emotions and unexpected twists!"

"The story has now officially begun"

nova_spellcreators' thoughts