

nova_spell · Fantasi
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6 Chs

A New Dawn

"This place has changed a lot," Kai remarked, his eyes scanning the cityscape as he walked.

Ryuk, walking beside him, nodded in agreement. "Yes, sir, a lot has changed here," he replied.

Kai continued to stroll leisurely, his gaze taking in the transformed surroundings. The buildings were taller, the streets busier, and the air buzzed with a different energy than he remembered. As they moved through the bustling city, Ryuk couldn't help but notice something peculiar. Wherever Kai went, people would pause in their tracks, their eyes widening with curiosity and admiration. Some whispered to each other, while others simply stared, mesmerized by Kai's presence.

Ryuk observed this quietly, understanding the effect Kai had on people. His aura, his grace—it was something extraordinary, something that drew attention effortlessly. As they walked, Ryuk kept a vigilant eye on the reactions around them, aware of the silent whispers and the awed glances following them like shadows.

He smiled to himself, thinking, "These people can't be blamed. After all, their eyes have never witnessed such beauty before. Sir is just that handsome."

He glanced at Kai, whose calm and composed demeanor remained unaffected by the attention. His every step was measured, every movement graceful. Ryuk knew that Kai's allure was not just in his looks but in the way he carried himself, with an air of mystery and an undeniable charisma that captivated anyone who laid eyes on him.

As they continued their walk, Ryuk's thoughts wandered back to the times they had shared and the challenges they had faced. Despite everything, Kai's presence had always been a beacon of strength and elegance. It was no wonder people couldn't take their eyes off him.

As Kai walked through the city, observing its changes with a calm, thoughtful expression, he remained unaware of the growing whispers and stares from the people around him.

"Is that Jungkook?" a college girl named Emma asked her friend Sol, excitement evident in her voice.

"No, Emma, that's not Jungkook. And keep your voice down. There are too many people here, don't shout," Sol replied, trying to keep Emma's enthusiasm in check.

Emma, still excited, said, "Then he must be some celebrity!"

Sol sighed, "Don't act like that. Besides, our bus is about to arrive, so let's not draw attention."

At the bus stop, everyone was talking about Kai, but he was lost in his thoughts, his eyes scanning the city as if trying to remember something long forgotten.

Suddenly, the traffic light turned red, and Kai, along with Ryuk, began to cross the road.

"Our bus is here, let's go, Emma," Sol urged.

But Emma was too entranced by Kai to listen. "Wait, Sol, you go ahead. I'm going to get an autograph from that celebrity," she said, dashing across the street just as the light turned green.

Emma, oblivious to the danger, ran toward Kai. A car sped towards her, its horn blaring.

"Emma!" Sol screamed in terror.

Kai's head snapped towards the commotion. In an instant, he moved with supernatural speed, reaching Emma just in time. With a swift motion, he pulled her out of the car's path, saving her from certain injury.

The crowd gasped, some frozen in shock, others whispering in awe at the speed and grace of Kai's actions. Emma, breathless and shaken, looked up at Kai, her eyes wide with gratitude and amazement.

Kai, holding her gently, ensured she was safe before releasing her. His expression was calm, yet his eyes held a depth of emotion that seemed to pierce through Emma's soul.

"Be careful," Kai said softly, his voice soothing.

Emma could only nod, her heart pounding not just from the near accident but from being so close to someone who seemed otherworldly.

Ryuk approached, his eyes scanning Emma and then looking at Kai with a mixture of respect and concern. "Let's go, sir," he said quietly.

Kai nodded, giving Emma one last reassuring look before turning to continue his walk. Sol rushed over, hugging Emma tightly, her eyes filled with relief.

As they watched Kai walk away, the reality of what had just happened began to sink in. For the bystanders, this encounter would become a story they would tell over and over again. For Emma and Sol, it was a moment that would remain etched in their memories forever.

Sol and Emma, along with everyone else at the bus stand, continued to watch Kai until he disappeared from their sight.

Sol turned to Emma with a stern expression and said, "Emma, you're not a kid anymore. You need to stop these childish antics."

Emma, now aware of her mistake, stood silently, absorbing Sol's reprimand. Sol, her eyes filled with concern and frustration, couldn't hold back any longer.

"Emma, you've done plenty of dramatic things to get Ren's attention, but today you crossed a line," she said, her voice a mix of worry and exasperation.

"You risked your life for someone you don't even know."Emma's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and regret.

She knew Sol was right. Her impulsive nature had always been a point of contention between them, but this time she had truly gone too far. The memory of the near-miss with the car replayed in her mind, and she shuddered at the thought of what could have happened.

Sol continued, her tone softening slightly as she saw Emma's remorse. "Look, I get it. There's something about that guy that drew you in. But you can't just throw caution to the wind like that. It's not just about you; it's about the people who care about you too."

Emma nodded, her eyes downcast.

"I'm sorry, Sol. I didn't think. I just... I don't know. There was something about him, something that felt important."Sol sighed, pulling Emma into a hug. "I know, Emma..I know. Just promise me you'll be more careful. I don't want to lose my best friend to some crazy impulse."Emma hugged her back tightly, grateful for Sol's unwavering support. "I promise," she whispered, vowing to herself to be more mindful in the future.

After they let go of each other , Sol smiled slightly and said, "Let's go to college now. We're already late anyway."

Emma joined in with a laugh, the tension from earlier melting away in shared amusement."

Hey there, lovely readers!

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