

nova_spell · Fantasi
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6 Chs

<: Enduring Bonds :>

In the quiet ambiance of the café, Yumi, Ren, and Aika found themselves in a silent tableau. Ren's furrowed brow and restless glances at their neglected work spoke volumes—he was clearly concerned that their obsession with the novel would detract from their professional responsibilities. Yumi and Aika, though, were not oblivious to Ren's unspoken plea. They shared a silent understanding, realizing that Ren's advice was not just well-intentioned but crucial. The unspoken tension hung heavy in the air, making conversation impossible as they grappled with their conflicting desires.

Ren leaned back in his chair, a mischievous grin playing on his lips as he quipped, "So, how long are you two planning to read this novel over and over again? Since you have zero interest in our college textbooks, right? I'm just curious because you probably don't even remember that we have to submit our project tomorrow, do you? No worries, feel free to indulge in your novel; it's not like it's a problem or anything!"

Yumi and Aika exchanged sheepish glances, trying to stifle their laughter at Ren's exaggerated sarcasm. Yumi shot back, "Oh, don't worry, Ren. We were just planning to read the novel until we magically absorb all the knowledge we need for the project. It's a new study technique!"

Aika chimed in, "Yeah, who needs college when you have novels, right?"

Ren chuckled, "Ah, the wonders of osmosis learning! I can't wait to see you both ace that project with your newfound novel wisdom."

Upon hearing Ren's remark, Yumi and Aika burst into laughter, their laughter filling the air as Ren joined in, chuckling heartily. "You two will never change," Ren said between laughs.

(Ren, Yumi, and Aika were childhood friends. They were neighbors, went to the same school and college, and had been inseparable since childhood, like shadows to each other.



(The Charmer Who Captivated Every Heart)

Ren, now a 21-year-old young man, stood at an impressive height of 6'1 feet. Despite his academic averageness, Ren's charm and charisma were undeniable, attracting the attention of numerous admirers, although he paid little heed to their advances. His father, a prominent lawyer in South Korea, and his mother, a devoted homemaker, had instilled in him values of loyalty and integrity. Ren also had an elder brother pursuing studies in the USA, adding another dimension to their family dynamics.While Ren's academic prowess might have faltered without Yumi and Aika's steadfast friendship, his talent in basketball had once shone brightly at the national level. However, an unfortunate injury had forced him to bid farewell to the sport he loved, a bittersweet chapter in his life's story. )

Yumi remarked, "We've grown up so quickly, haven't we?"

"Yes," agreed Aika and Yumi in unison.

Ren intervened, "This isn't the time for sentimental thoughts; we have to submit our college project tomorrow. Remember, it's a group project.

"Yumi, with a playful smirk, retorted, "But we were immersed in our novel, weren't we?" She was quick to respond to his earlier tease.

Ren caught onto Yumi's playful banter and pleaded, "Yumi, please, let's drop the jokes now and focus on the task at hand. You know if I fail, my dad will cut off my pocket money. Please, help me out here. Do you realize the expenses I'd have to bear without pocket money?"

Yumi, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, responded to Ren's plea in a sarcastically funny manner, "Oh, Ren, don't worry. If you lose your pocket money, I'll make sure to lend you my piggy bank savings. You can buy all the ramen noodles you want!

"Ren, taken aback by Yumi's witty retort, couldn't help but chuckle at her clever humor mixed with a hint of teasing.Their banter continued as Yumi and Aika exchanged knowing glances before bursting into laughter.

"We've already prepared the project," they revealed between giggles, adding to the lightheartedness of the moment and Ren's relief.

Ren chuckled warmly, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he teased, "Honestly, if it weren't for you two, I'd probably be lost in a sea of chaos. You're the reason I'm surviving this crazy life. You're my lifesavers, you know that? Without you, who knows what mess I'd be tangled up in right now.''

Yumi, with a playful glint in her eyes, couldn't resist teasing Ren further. "Oh dear, has my little baby turned into a sentimental mush? Did you watch one too many sad anime episodes last night, my adorable little baby?

"Ren's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, a mix of shyness and amusement dancing across his face. "Yumi, please spare me," he pleaded in mock protest.

Aika, laughing at their playful exchange, interjected, "You two never fail to entertain. It's like you're still kids at heart."

The chapters end here

"This is just the beginning, who knows what secrets time holds?"

thank you dear reader

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