
Finding you in future

"So you were her all along?" "Seems so." "Why couldn't you just tell me?!" "You know about the taboo. And you didn't tell me about yourself either." "I'm really sorry. I lost my cool trying to figure out my feelings and it was so frustrating that-" "It's fine because it was me all along." "Thank you for everything. Guess I've to go now." "Wait, you found me here. I'll find you there this time." "I'll be counting on you then. So find me in present?" "Find you in present." an intimidating tomboyish teenager trying to get over her past love and ignoring criticism by people after accepting her unusual personality, life choices and decisions. But unfortunately or not; the normal, boring, judgemental yet comedic, weird and troublesome life of Evelynn Crassus takes an unexpected turn after she comes across the secret scientific research in her school.

jEniUZ_mEH · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Confession.....ig? (Past 4.0)


Neo's POV:

"Hey hey Lynn! My guy! Missed me?"

I asked her while hugging her from behind.

"Oh Neo....and NO! WE MET JUST 40 MINUTES AGO!"

"Ow dang it! I missed you though."

She looked at me with her always-disgusted face. Still looking cool. Definitely. Hm hm.

"Where's Dumbstin?" she asked. I couldn't help but smirk on that question.

"Yo bro, get away. That's my girl you got your hands on!" exclaimed Austin while entering the class. I let go of Lynn even though I kind of didn't want to. At least it is recess now, so not many people are in the class. But I can still hear whispers about her though. Kind of saddens me.

"Austin!?" she called out.

"Oh my! Did the cool and genius Detective of mine lose her coolness seeing me?" Austin said smirking.

"You two are too lovey-dovey. Hurts my head. Here, take your girl Austy. Not like I'm going to steal my best buddy's first love anyways-" I said while pushing Lynn towards Austin. Wait I was lifting her a bit too. Shit. She tripped before Austy could catch her. She hurt her head with the hard wooden deck and became unconscious. Oh God! Why did I do that!? I thought he would catch her and it could be a cute moment but SHIT LIFE! Nothing goes as planned.

Austin's POV:

Wait wait, why is Neo pushing her towards me!? Is it my chance to grab her in my arms!? But before I knew it she tripped and got hurt real bad. OH GOD! SHE IS BLEEDING from her head. Wow I'm an asshole. Crowd was gathering over here so I hurriedly picked her up and rushed to the school infirmary.

_ _ _

"Don't worry. He'll be alright. I've bandaged his wound and bleeding has also stopped," the nurse tried assuring me. I stayed silence. Why did it had to end up like that!? Recess is already finished. Bet class already started. Sigh!

"All there's left is to wait for his consciousness to return. You should go back to class." The nurse consoled while patting my shoulder. I shake it off.

"No! I'll stay with Lynn."

I sit beside her unconscionable body and while fell asleep eventually while looking at her.

Neo's POV:

Shit! Where did he run off to? Infirmary. Yes. I should check there. Ohohoho the prince fell asleep beside the sick princess huh? What a fairy tale~

I went near and suddenly he opened his eyes.




"YOU SCREAMED FIRST MAN. Why did you wake up suddenly though? And with those swollen dark and red eyes!?"

"My eyes are brown bro! And why are you even staring at my sleeping face in the first place? Gay for me?"

"Oh dude, in your dreams. You're not even my type. And they are not even brown. THEY ARE HONEY BROWN."

"See? You know better but still calling them red. And why!? What's wrong with me!? Why ain't I your type?"

"Bro you know what I meant by red eyes. Nevermind, I better stare at Lynn then-"

"Don't you dare-"

"GUYS, DON'T SCREAM AT INFIRMARY!" shouted the nurse from other room.

Suddenly he panicked and checked on her. That's actually a cute side of him.

"Still unconscious. Sigh!" he sounds disappointed.

Wait a minute. He was crying that's why his eyes are red. Dammit!

"Don't worry. She'll wake up soon." I tried to comfort him a bit.

"No no. What if she never wakes up and goes into coma!?"


"What? Why are giggling since then?"

"I've got an idea. Why don't you kiss her? Maybe that'll wake her up."

Wow! Is he blushing?

"Really....should I?"

Wow! I didn't expect that answer. I was sure he's going to get pissed at me and decline that immediately.

"Yessir! Go for it. I'm going back to class though. Already skipped one."

Lynn really looks like a sleeping prince out there. I left the infirmary while waving at Austin and hid behind the wall at instant to watch the drama.

Austin's POV:

Thank God that idiot left or I would have been hella embarrassed. My gaze diverted towards Lynn. 'Beautiful'. Her peach pink lips seem too irresistible. I lean over her softly and carefully. Afraid I might wake her up. I cannot trust my heart that's pounding like a drum right now. When my lips were 1 inch away from hers, she suddenly opened her eyes. Our eyes met and my heart pounding stopped. I can tell she is fully conscious about what is happening around her yet didn't push me away when she realized I am about to kiss her. I thought I'd die out of embarrassment if she woke up before kissing but I didn't even shake a bit. Our lips are still an inch away and instead of kissing we stared at each other for a good amount of time.

When I finally decided to connect our lips and tried leaning in, she got up and sat on her bed leaning on the pillow. She touched my cheeks and stared into my soul. She looked scary yet beautiful. She never smiles, I know that. Yet I was lost in her bloody red eyes, mesmerized by her intimidating face. She is wiping my tears. Wait what? I didn't realize I was crying but she did.

"I'm fine, Dumbstin."

Her voice calms me down. Feels like I didn't hear her voice for a decade.

"Don't cry. I'm alright."

I took her hands and looked right into her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Lynn. I'm really sorry. Will you let me take your responsibility for my whole life as an apology and be my better half as your token and sign of forgiveness towards me?"

I uttered those words without even a single thought, with full confidence and without even a bit of embarrassment.

"Hmm... Why not?" she answered.

As always, an indirect answer from her. But that was the first time I saw her smiling from her heart like an angel instead of smiling like a demon out of her dark fantasies.

I hugged her immediately and she softly whispered in my ear, "Let's date."

That's not fair! She stole my words right from my mouth. Likewise, she bested me in confession too.