
Character Description

Name: Brianna Ivy Lupin Black

Parents: Sirius Black (daddy), Remus Lupin (dad)

Siblings: None known

House: Gryffindor


Hair Color: Red/ginger

Eye Color: Light Brown

Patronus: Jack Russel Terrier

Social Status:

Taken: Harry Potter

Friends: Ginny, Draco, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Luna


Brianna's parents gave her to Remus and Sirius when she was a baby. They told Remus and Sirius that as much as they wanted her, they couldn't take care of her at the moment and hopes she lives a good life. Brianna grew up good. During her first year she met Harry. It was love at first sight. They got together a few months after school started and have been together since. Harry proposed to her in the middle of the war, hoping she'd say yes. Brianna said yes and now they are engaged. They both decided to go back for their eighth year. Harry knows about the search for her parents and is helping her.