
Final Genesis

In Genesis, the environment system has been disrupted by years of failed experiments, leaving it the only livable place on earth despite its toxic air and dust. Tesla Iota, a fierce and strong fighter, thought she knew everything there was to know about her home, but when people start to go missing and unexplainable deaths begin to occur, Tesla realizes that there is more to Genesis than she ever could have imagined. As Tesla investigates the mysterious occurrences in Genesis, she discovers a shocking truth that threatens her world as she knows it. Now, Tesla must fight to expose the truth and put an end to the dangers that threaten the very existence of her home. With pulse-pounding action and a cast of unforgettable characters, including the tenacious Tesla Iota, "Final Genesis" is a thrilling science fiction adventure that will leave readers on the edge of their seats. Will Tesla be able to uncover the truth and save her home from destruction, or will she become a victim of the dangers lurking within Genesis? Find out in this gripping and unforgettable tale of survival and rebellion in a world gone wrong. [Another book: Princess Assassin] --- Instagram @merakiconstellation Discord: merakifiction Join my discord channel here https://discord.gg/7Q3VDZE3

merakifiction · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
72 Chs

Chapter 68

We scattered in different directions, each of us reacting swiftly to the sudden attack. How could Shelvy have used Mr. Ichirou's sincerity as a decoy to launch an assault on us? It was a despicable tactic, and my frustration and anger surged within me, intensifying my resolve to make her pay for her treachery.

Bullets zipped through the air, explosions reverberated around us, and the chaos of war enveloped the battlefield. My heart raced with adrenaline as I engaged in combat, my focus shifting between the relentless onslaught and the valiant efforts of my comrades fighting by my side.

Hester moved with a grace that bordered on the supernatural, effortlessly evading the hail of gunfire. She scaled walls and leaped between crumbling structures, defying gravity itself.