
Second Chance

A large winged armored dragon is flying above a forest. On top of the dragon is a saddle, and sitting on the saddle is a large magic user wearing plated metal armor from head to toe. On his chest piece is the family crestof the royal family. These mages were called dragon knights.

The dragon knights armor was designed to resemble a dragon. The plate armor had engravings throughput it that looked like scales. The helmet closely looking like the head of the same dragon he was riding.

Sitting behind the knight was the same woman that had run away from the creature she had seen in the forest. After reporting what she had seen to the military, they had decided to take her with to find the exact location and to identify the creature.

"Down there." The woman shouted so the knight could hear her.

The knight pulled on the reins he was holding onto to steer the dragon down to that spot. The dragon landed too fast and the woman fell off the dragon after it had landed.

"Don't you know how to fly that thing?" She complained while making sure she didn't injure herself. She quickly covered her mouth after realizing her mistake. Showing respect for a knight of the royal army was paramount.

However, the knight ignored her words and landed on the ground to pet the dragons head. "Good girl, we landed in one piece this time."

The woman couldn't help but to wonder what the knight meant by that. 'Did he consider that a good landing?'

She stood up and brushed herself off. When she looked at the knight again, she saw he was still petting the dragon. "Shouldn't we keep our eyes open in case it tries to attack us?"

"There's no need." The knight said as he walked toward the woman. "Out of the seven royal knights, I'm the fifth strongest. No beast can best me or take me by surprise."

'I sure hope so.' The woman said internally.

"Speaking of which, is this the right spot miss?"

"Diana. Call me Diana."

The knight inspected the area a bit more before turning his attention back to her. "Right, I guess we didn't introduce ourselves. You can call me Rex."

Diana ignored him and started looking around for any signs that the beast had been here recently. Rex was still talking, but it seemed he didn't know that Diana wasn't listening.

She looked around the area, but couldn't find any hint that the creature was here recently. She had hoped to find it quickly, but she knew it was a long shot. 'I don't want to spend more time with this idiot.' She thought as she hear Rex still talking.

"Anyway." Rex said as he finished what he was talking about. "It'll be hard to find it ourselves. I saw a house a few miles away. Perhaps we could ask the owner if they have an idea where the creature's den is."

"Its den?" Diana asked. "How'd you know it lives in a den?"

Rex ignored her and climbed on top of the dragon so he could fly to the house.

"That's not a good idea." Diana pointed out. "You can barely land that thing, and we might run across the creature on our way there."

Rex thought for a moment before getting off the dragon after realizing she had a good point. As he did though, he noticed something shiny on the ground. It was the ring that Fenrir had dropped when he had his first fight with the jackalope.

Thinking nothing of it, Rex decided to put it in his pocket for now and figure out what it was later.


Meanwhile. Fenrir made his way into the forest to hunt down the jackalope he lost to last time.

In his mind, there was was good chance he could win now that he learned how to use inscriptions to enhance his body. He also knew what to expect this time. He wasn't going to be caught off guard by its attack.

After twenty minutes of searching, he finally found his target. The jackalope didn't notice him yet, so he had the element of surprise.

However, just as he was sneaking up behind it, Fenrir accidentally stepped on a stick altering the jackalope to his presence.

It turned around to face Fenrir and prepared its attack. However, Fenrir wasted no time activating his inscriptions. He watched the jackalope closely to predict the trajectory of the lightning attack. As it was about to launch its attack, Fenrir dodged at the last second allowing the lightning to pass a few inches away from him.

He knew this was his chance to rush in before it could cast another spell. He ran as fast as he could towards it as he prepared to use his fist to punch the beast.

He wanted to use his claws, but the transformation ring didn't allow for it. His human form is incapable of performing such things.

Just as Fenrir had dodged the jackalopes' spell, it dodged his punch. As expected, it was fast for a small creature.

The jackalope casted another spell, and Fenrir once again dodged it. Fenrir used the trees as cover as he tried to close the gap between them. Fenrir made a slight error in judgment when he tried to attack as it casted another spell.

He wasn't fast enough to hit it, and instead, he was hit by its lightning. It didn't hurt as much as the first time, and he was able to remain conscious. However, it still hurt, and he knew he couldn't take too many hits from it.

Fenrir had come up with an idea after seeing how it attacked him. Whenever the jackalope casted a spell, it would stop to fire it. For whatever reason, it couldn't attack while it was moving. Fenrir thought it could be because it couldn't aim while it moved.

'That'll work.' Fenrir thought as he came up with a plan. 'This rabbit is as good as dead.'

Fenrir closed the gap between him and the jackalope. When the beast was about to cast a spell, Fenrir did the same. He shot a fireball out of his hand at the same time the beast shot the lightning bolt. The two spells collided and dispersed with a shackwave that kicked up some dust.

Fenrir never stopped running towards it, even as the spells collided. As a result, he was close enough to attack the beast. The jackalope didn't have enough time to react and ended up getting its head pounded into the ground.

Fenrir stood up and looked down at the result of his punch. The beast was dead. He felt a wave of satisfaction running through his body. All his hard work had paid off.

Just as he was about to pick up the beast to take back to Reginald, he heard a noise behind him.