

"You're sitting on my chair, idiot!" I growled at him, I know I was stupidly brave with no backup. "Sweetheart, your place is here" He said in a seductive tone, patting his thigh. "You..." I gritted. He slowly stepped into the moonlight, instantly recognizing him "God of Death" I muttered faintly. "Don't compare him to me. I don't take souls when their time is done but enjoy the souls that are offered to me to satiate my pleasure" He snarled "And now you can't escape from me" My breath hitched. "Who the hell are you?" I demanded He pulled me towards him, crushing my body with his. Lazily with an impend butterfly kisses down my throat, and I struggled in his tight embrace. "I'm the hell himself, baby. I'm The Devil you seek, My Queen" With that he crashed his lips onto mine. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Will it be a twisted fate or a fated twist for them? ~*~*~*~*~*~ "I'm no HERO, You shouldn't have treated as ONE" RUDRA VEER PRATAP RATHORE - 'Tainting this world red was never my intention but an obligation for finding her'. CEO of the Rathore.Inc, King of Jodhpur, and God himself sculpted the 'Devil Of the Sins'. One decision flipped his destiny, Everything shattered beyond his grasp, especially his Sunshine. His beast of Darkness turned into the Demon of Hell, together searching for their Master, their Queen. She was meant to Kill Him but one spark was all required... "I'm the Devil, My Queen" ~*~*~*~*~ "Princess is my Title, Monster is my Nature and I'm your Fucking Nightmare" LILITH ISHA ROMANIO - 'They say I'm a psychopath but I preferably say that I'm creative' Sussex of Spain, Queen of the Underworld, and Angels crafted her bit by bit from the pits of hell to eradicate the Devil created by God. At one point wiping out the forced Sin of Lust was her main priority, In the next second she, herself was attracted to the God of Lust. Like the Icing on the cake, He was God himself, 'God of Death' that she was tantalized. "This is my Hell bitch and I Make the Rules" ~*~*~*~*~

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7 Chs

Lilith Isha Romanio

"Please!! I'm begging you... I'm the acting manager of the association where the auction is conducted... and I've no contact with the 'Blue Blood' community... They employ me for shifting the girls to their location!!!!" The cries of the man resonated in the basement hall.

No man can contain the revolting sensation to his surroundings, the reeking of blood and death were evident in the air. For him time of death was nearing with each passing second as if it was pleasantly enjoying his agony that's been implemented on him by 'the Angel craved full of sins from the depth of Hell.

I scoffed at myself imagining the novelty of portraying myself as an Angel carved full of sins, what an oxymoron!

"Madam pardon me! I am just a mediator please pardon me... I'll do anything for you, please stop this... For the sake of God!" Huh! I love people begging but will I leave this fucker off the shook.

Fucking No! And will not stop till the 'Blue Blood' community is eradicated... to sum up the association is ten times worse than normal human-traffic in unimaginable ways that a soul can lose its essence and entangle itself in webs of darkness. Such a half-wit person, thinks that I will be swindled with his words.

"God?" I eyed him darkly " The word mercy was never my thing even in death, maybe God might pity you in hell because even there my non-existence presence will hunt you down..."

His arms and legs were bound on the chair in such a way that he wouldn't die until and unless I sentenced him to death. Rustic iron nails were hammered on his thighs, and nails, slowly poisoning his body bit by bit, and his teeth and some of his fingers were clipped off, making sure this fucker go through hell of what and all he did to the innocent people that were handed over to him.

"Am I looking like an air-headed woman to you? Imbecile! How much of this nitwit perusal are you going to put forward for?" My wicked laughter echoed within the basement, just then the drilling machine caught my attention. A malevolent grin passed over my face that made him tremble in qualm which influenced him to piss his pants off.

"Are you what five? Do you want me to cut that part off, this soon?" I snapped at him diminishing my hellish ideas but did it stop me, Nope! I slowly drilled his thighs which were strapped on the chairs and his low-life screams resonated, deafening me with tension of vibration in my ears.

"Shut the fuck up!" I growled at him and instantly zipped his mouth with low groans.

"Pardon!! Scusi! I'll say everything I know"

"Hmm..." I hummed at him "Now, now Jack-"

"It's Marc" He had the audacity to cut me off, I took the knife which was kept on the table, with one swift motion I slit his cock, bewilderment shadowed his face with his eyes wide open in shock. That bloody dick which was shoved into those innocent women, snatched their dignity, dragged painfully to their death leisurely, now laid lifelessly, rotting on its own blood. Yet I couldn't find it tallying with their deaths.

"Do you conceive yourself that your association system has the best security? And induce me with only the simpler version of how the women were auctioned through their groomers or the momentary passers selling their own family for money or those children that are sold for organs?" His eyes widened with astonishment but I grabbed his hair, straining his neck till the face of his directly viewing mine...

"Your system was just a spark in my search but the history was more than what you could ever remember off... Huh, yes! Weren't you enjoying those moments? Now you see I'm entertaining myself with you, bastard! You sowed a big association in your domain but unfortunately your linkage will reap it and I burn that association down with every fucking members in it, that too with my own hands!." Hatred and anxiety covered his face and I was swift enough to dodge his spit.

"So you know..." I crunched distastefully with his crooked smile show casting his yellow teeths. "Everything that happened till now was predictable including my death by the association, and yes I was enjoying those moments and also you enjoy it till your second life longs because the association worth asset can only be indulged by the associate and when it comes, I'm sure it will more entertaining and pleasuring you"

Second life? I frowned, for once I get that the association has put a target on me but what does he mean by second life?

"Stella" I called over my assistant, my right-hand who had been with me from my childhood yet she feared me the way I've handled the situations even with her.

She might look like a Barbie girl but her way of delivering death will make anyone forget your soul within you.

"Sí, mi reina" She responded.

"I want this fucker's family or any blood-related to him to be sold off in our auction. Including his children, no mercy!" I stressed those last words of mine because once I've made my mind I won't be changing that for anyone.

"Will do" She was a bit hesitant but eventually bowed to my command and that's the power I own as the Queen of the Mafia Clan.

"No, please! -" Before he could utter anymore, I lit him with the flame from my lighter.

It brought a little bit of satisfaction but still there are so many other fuckers roaming out without any sort of remorse, and soon they will face their demise in my hands.

I'm both the holy water and the hell fire, my nature lies in the hands of people kindling me. At first glance, I might look like an Angel who bestows good deeds and thoughts but the irony is that the very Angel has the wings of the Devil, horn of the Demon, and eyes of the Grim reaper. In total I'm a fucking nightmare, haunting the dreams of the people who have Sinned innocent souls.

"Well that was traumatising and I expected nonetheless" Ares rolled his eyes. I chuckled darkly,

"Did you just roll your eyes at me, Ares?" He gulped visibly and shook his head fervently, and I hummed in response while passing him on the stair, leading to my abode.

'The Elysium Manor' - a dwelling place of perfect happiness for the soul after death. To the utter contrast, the mansion brings nirvana for my soul and the dead to rot in hell. This private part of land in Spain was gifted by my uncle, my Godfather Pedro Lopez but the art of heaven belongs only to me.

"So why are you here out of the blue without any prior information?" I questioned him. Our footsteps echoed in the hallway in a synchronising manner without a beat reaching my Mini bar located at the centre of the Manor.

He served both of us a strong Irish scotch Whiskey and still my gaze lingered on him in a questioning manner for his sudden arrival.

"A Queen should be ascended rather than fooling around and dirtying your hands in useless creatures of the association. Moreover, acting like a psychopath is unbelievable, Ruiz has much more insight compared to you." With each word my eyes darkened with rage, if my glare could kill him then he would have been buried six feet down the ground. He raised both of his hands in surrender. "It wasn't my words!!!, your uncle tossed me into the monster's lair for getting you back to your senses as you kept on postponing your ascension, and all the mafia mens and the association are shitting out there, when will their nightmare come into reality... Except for one" High pitch sarcasm dripped with each sentence even though the last words he muttered under his breath, but I got the wind of it.

Ares Alexander King, Don of the American mafia. 6 '3 in height, ocean blue eyes, dark brown hair with highlights of lighter shades, and a sturdy built body wrapped up with a beige three piece suit. He was in mid thirties, giving off 'daddy material' vibes.

Not only him but also the other mafia dons.

Ruiz Maximo Lopez - Don of the Spanish mafia and the Crown prince of Sussex Spain, my cousin. Very much protective of familia and 10 times of me. I don't even know why?

Sometimes is very annoying when he spooks his nose in every goddamn business of mine but the other times, I feel the sense of being loved in my own fucked up bitchy attitude.

Lorenz Massimo Torcelli - Don of the Italian mafia and just like me he also a way much twisted fucker, silent listener, and my partner in crime. Moreover, I think I'm attracted to him... maybe? It's been a long time since we've met, so it might be just a infatuation.

Andrian Ivan Volkov - Don of the Russian mafia. The real bastard of the group, egocentric person either be his looks or flaunting his money on our faces. There was always a rift between him and the other Dons that I'm unaware of. In total, he's an asshole but that asshole always has his way over me because as the Queen I should tolerate his nonsense behaviour.

I cringed at the odd smell from the alcohol because all my olfactory senses are too damn sharp that makes me very picky in my choice of meals and personal odour. I poured the entire content on my blooded hands, washing away the scum's stench off my body.

"Ares, Ruiz is obligated to his familia's code but I've got none" I eyed him lazily, "A woman can avenge for another but what can a man be capable of when he doesn't understand rather than avenge for the sake of pride or status?" and marched towards the cabinet containing mine exclusive wine. I poured my share meticulously. "I do with emotion, where you got none"

"You hurt me, love!!" He dramatically placed his hands on his chest as if I spoke something hitting his pride but I rolled my eyes at this coward. Out of every Don in the mafia, he is the only person who let others to dirty their hands and he would enjoy seeing it.

"Noticing, the word 'psychopath' is a bit extensive but I would define myself as I'm creative in killing people" Amusement flickered in dilating his pupil. I shook my head playfully giving off a wider grin because we both know how to relish in those moments. "If this was your purpose of visit, you already have detected my answer, Ares. Spill the beans off" I shot back at him.

With class, he placed a faded letter in front of me,

"Your mom's will before she went into coma" My mouth felt dry with the information, a letter after five years, and an acknowledgement to her daughter after five years. I swiftly seal-opened the will which was waxed with the Royal symbol of Rome - the life tree...

Dear Daughter,

I am sorry for not being able to see for the last time, if time had taken a different route then I would've relished my last moments with you darling but fretting over it wouldn't change it. Right? I wish to have a daughter like you in my next life...

Huh? I am confused?? Why would she want me as a daughter in her next life? Wasn't I now? I huffed in annoyance of not knowing the meaning behind it. Either way my mom isn't dead, just in a coma. I continued,

I am proud of all the decisions you have taken but my darling daughter your life is more important, remember even if it's your fault... your life is more precious than anything.

Seeing you crowned was my wish but seeing you cry will perish my life dear. So, wipe those tears off and lead a happy life even if you want to sacrifice the title of being the Queen, a word to Ruiz will all it takes because we are there for you and will never leave you alone in any situations. I love you darling!

Yours lovingly,


Unconsciously, tears flowed from my eyes. The turbulence in my heart felt suffocating... What's this? A warmth surrounded me like a blanket, his eyes comforted my uneasiness as if understanding it's pain, knowing its origin of cause,

"Why?" I whimpered, my stone cold heart felt like exploding with this tremendous emotion whirling inside me.

"Everything will be alright, princess. Now sleep" He patted me gently with a kiss on my forehead slightly but the intensity made my heart at ease with that darkness consumed me.


"There wasn't a moment when I lost myself or my emotions became haywire in front of you, and you're saying that I never affected you?" His husky voice mixed with annoyance and staring into mine fiercely made my heart flutter.

"No-" He grab my chin, ultimately shutting my mouth

"Don't finish those words, I might do something irrational... Fuck!" He grumbled, dragging me forcefully towards the nearby alley, and pinned me against the wall.

"What the hell?!!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry but not sorry for dragging you over here" Audacity of this man "You hurt my pride and you think I'll let you go off the hook? You're mine, my beast's little love and his sunshine" He smooched down my neck and onto my collarbone "Once I claimed you, there's never going back, my Love"


I jolted abruptly starling Ares. Oh... holy fuck it just a dream but it was too real to consider it as a dream, his piercing grey eyes, and his husky voice fluttering my heart.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good" Still trying to remember what he looks like but all I can remember is his piercing grey eyes.