

"You're sitting on my chair, idiot!" I growled at him, I know I was stupidly brave with no backup. "Sweetheart, your place is here" He said in a seductive tone, patting his thigh. "You..." I gritted. He slowly stepped into the moonlight, instantly recognizing him "God of Death" I muttered faintly. "Don't compare him to me. I don't take souls when their time is done but enjoy the souls that are offered to me to satiate my pleasure" He snarled "And now you can't escape from me" My breath hitched. "Who the hell are you?" I demanded He pulled me towards him, crushing my body with his. Lazily with an impend butterfly kisses down my throat, and I struggled in his tight embrace. "I'm the hell himself, baby. I'm The Devil you seek, My Queen" With that he crashed his lips onto mine. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Will it be a twisted fate or a fated twist for them? ~*~*~*~*~*~ "I'm no HERO, You shouldn't have treated as ONE" RUDRA VEER PRATAP RATHORE - 'Tainting this world red was never my intention but an obligation for finding her'. CEO of the Rathore.Inc, King of Jodhpur, and God himself sculpted the 'Devil Of the Sins'. One decision flipped his destiny, Everything shattered beyond his grasp, especially his Sunshine. His beast of Darkness turned into the Demon of Hell, together searching for their Master, their Queen. She was meant to Kill Him but one spark was all required... "I'm the Devil, My Queen" ~*~*~*~*~ "Princess is my Title, Monster is my Nature and I'm your Fucking Nightmare" LILITH ISHA ROMANIO - 'They say I'm a psychopath but I preferably say that I'm creative' Sussex of Spain, Queen of the Underworld, and Angels crafted her bit by bit from the pits of hell to eradicate the Devil created by God. At one point wiping out the forced Sin of Lust was her main priority, In the next second she, herself was attracted to the God of Lust. Like the Icing on the cake, He was God himself, 'God of Death' that she was tantalized. "This is my Hell bitch and I Make the Rules" ~*~*~*~*~

Selene_Romanio · Urban
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7 Chs

Lilith Isha Romanio

"Drink some water" he passed the glass from Stella to me, "I forgot to say an important news before I gave you the letter... Your family might arrive any time soon" He sighed. I nodded without giving a damn about the gravity regarding to the situation because all I care was- to whom is those piercing grey eyes belongs to. When I woke up, all I remember was the very eyes which conveyed the immense possession, care, and obsession towards me. Who is he? A sudden sensation of pain broke my train of thoughts,

"Do you want your fingers to be snapped?" I hissed at him.

"I called your name several times and yet you didn't bother to answer!" I smiled sheepishly, "What is running in through your mind?" Once again he tried to flick me but one glare was enough to stop him in his tracks,

"Nothing" I retorted while some sort of uneasiness or maybe pain enveloped my heart, kept on indicating that something... I don't know what but something as if a deep secret treasure was locked firmly and yet longing to be opened.

"Are you sure?" He questioned me with an raised eyebrow, I was startled a bit but kept my composure. Nothing can escape his eyes, as if he knows me better than myself.

"Hmm..., I have decided, Ares" I changed the topic but he didn't budge, though I continued "Regarding my uncle's piece of advice. It's a high time for me to face my family rather than opting an easier path of rash violence towards the association. A brute force will not solve this problem; rather , we've to find their weak spot to crumble the association clean." I stated, ruffled my bed sheet apart to welcome my family but he on the other hand looked at me as if I grew horns on my head. "What?" I snapped at him. He shook his head with a slight smile making me pop question marks on my head.

"It reminded me of a long lost memory..." Okay, he has officially lost his nuts. I concluded not to probe him more and the other figure stood staring at Ares for the past half an hour, what kind of friend circle I got into myself?!!

"Stella, did my family arrive or not?" I asked her, as she obviously stood ogling Ares from her place. I sighed thoughtful of their relationship. Neither of them are taking the damn step further and mostly Ares is oblivious when it comes to these things. I'm sure Stella is going to suffer in the path she has taken. "Stella?" I called her once again and flinched back to reality.

"Sorry Boss, I was lost in your previous conversation" I know, not in my previous conversation but in drooling, I thought "As for your family, they've arrived and are waiting for you in the drawing room" she replied. I acknowledged her while both of them accompanied me to the drawing room.

I was greeted with my uncle Pedro, my cousin brother Ruiz, and an unknown lady in the room. My question gaze fell upon Ruiz, as he intertwined his fingers with hers, Oh... after changing girls like bed sheet, now out of nowhere he is declaring that he's going to settle down soon because I know my brother wouldn't be bother to bring a woman during family meetings on top it showing off intimacy.

Her slightly waved blonde hair with deep brown highlights, baby blue eyes with a beautiful garden of royal enigma laced her looks and body structure but a true beauty with no comparison.

"Long time no see, my daughter" Uncle Pedro stated grimly.

"It's been a long time. Hopefully you're doing well, Uncle Pedro" I answer politely.

"Good indeed! But I'm disappointed in you, Lily, as I know Ares would have conveyed my message to you, yes?" I nodded "My sister-in-law or my brother wouldn't want their daughter to be like this, do they?" I shook my head in negative "but I hope you take my advice sooner than later" He lit his cigar as I stood watching him with guilt like a fucking child.

It's not like I didn't want to be officially taken upon the title, I just want to make myself worthy of the title and my contemplate gaze feel upon Ruiz who sat silently besides his beloved,

"Anything you wanted to add in this, brother and make me feel more guiltier?" I asked sarcastically

"You!!... little twit!!" My uncle started coughing from his anger, together with his smoke he looked like a steam engine, it does portray him hilarious!

"Stella brings some bupropion with the traditional medicine of cough. It would be very effective in revealing both the toxin and sour throat of uncle" I naturally said which stupefied everyone except for the lady.

"Aren't you you and medicine are enemies? When did you became lovers without announcing me?" Ares mocked me with his eyebrows twitching in amusement.

"Well, even I thought so but this enemy was undeniably attractive, so my heart diverged into its realm" I smugly looked at him on the contrary his expression hardened with provoked glance towards Ruiz but he completely ignored him. Are they in odds?


During the dinner, uncle Pedro sat at the head of the table and towards his right, Ruiz sat along with the unknown lady. I placed myself at the other end of the deep dark meshed with black and brown dining table along by my left side Ares and my right Stella.

The chandlers reflecting warm orange light with contrast to the cream walls lead to a cordial atmosphere.

The dinner went peacefully without any hindrance but I on the other hand was on a constant edge of curiosity about the lady and sensitive concern in my decision on the matters I've taken upon the throne of Rome which had previously belonged to my mother.

How can I tarnish the legacy she created with her sweat and blood? Even though the title was nothing but a burden, how will I be able to abandon it? Will I be able to live with it?... Burdened in heart where I'm immobilised to help my mother on her deathbed, and burden in mind where I'm tied with responsibility towards the throne and mafia. Frustration in total!

"Is there something you want to discuss, Lily?" This sudden question impeded my thoughts. Finally my uncle placed his utensils down indicating the dinner had come to an end.

"Yes, indeed Uncle Pedro. I wish to know your sudden visit to my territory? Because knowing you wouldn't take rash moments of that sort" I indirectly questioned him while staring at the unknown lady at the table.

"Ah... I almost forgot my purpose for visiting here, dear." His face lit with happiness and pride as if he hit a jackpot "This is my future daughter-in-law Princess Diana of Wales and the future Donna of the Spanish mafia" Well he did hit a jackpot. I rolled my eyes inwardly.

Hopefully my brother wouldn't make Diana another birth machine just like his mom...

I gave her a warm smile... "Welcome to our family, sister. Hope wouldn't mind me calling you that" She was dazzling with a little smile. Now, I understand why my brother would be head over heels for her. When will I find a man of that sort where I find myself revolving around him? In dreams! Suddenly those grey eyes reminded me of that man appeared in my dreams, was is it just a dream?...

"I wouldn't" Even her voice was dripping with honey. Honestly, I'm tantalised by her and silently vowed to protect her from any cause, be it home or society but strange, she has quite the resemblance of her ancestor having the same name. Interesting but more importantly,

"Uncle" Again all their attention fell on me "I've decided to take the throne and the title officially" I announced.

"Uh!! I know my dear daughter will not disappoint me any further. Diana-" Uncle Pedro stressed his last words specifically indicating Diana's presence wouldn't be needed further. I'm pissed, previously he controlled mother to his whims, his wife just for status, Diana activities also reside in his control, and now does he want to try the same fucking formula on me? Never! I'm ain't the person that be easily dance to your tunes but I might seemingly dance with the tune of yours, when there's slight break, your head would be place beneath the butcher's knife unknowingly and I'll the butcher cutting you off! Even the knife would yield to my rhythm!

"Yes, your highness. I will take my leave" Diana replied without any hesitation but disappointment clouded her eyes.

"King Lopez!" I decided to interrupt the moments of both my uncle and Diana "As the future hostess of the family Diana's presence is necessary during our discussion because even her decision is required in matter when it comes to the mafia clan not just an adornment, perhaps are you afraid that she has the capability?" I had a head on gaze with calm and sweet words thrown at him.

His face twisted ugly with harsh glares were shot towards me and his son for staying silent "Lilith, are acting high and mighty in front of me just because we recognise you as our Queen?" He roared, resulting in a pregnant silence "Do you think the title was merely passed down to you just because your adopted mother was the Queen?"

"Dad!!!" Ruiz warned.So he does have a mouth and I raised my eyebrow nonchalantly with a little smirk curled up at the corner of my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up!" Oh... where is the etiquette of the Royal family? "She's not even your own sister, why would you protect her? And you" He pointed at me "My one word made you the Queen of the mafia clan and that also means I can throw you out-"

"Go ahead" I completed his statement. He was dumbfounded with my answer because he wouldn't have thought I had grown my very own spine from the previous me, of being a spineless chicken. The temperature in the room dropped with each passing second as neither of us were willing to give up our intense eye battle.

"Ares Alexander King" His voice boomed with authority and vibrated the entire room "Call all the mafia Don for the meeting, immediately" He barked but I leisurely swirled my wine sipping it with ecstasy.

"Sorry your highness but without the Queen's call I can't act upon your orders. We, American Mafia bow down to the Queen. This is the oath I took when I ascended as the Don of the American Mafia and I'm bound to it. I'm sure even you're aware of it, your Highness" Ares remarked without giving off any emotions.

Emotional damage!...

"Right..." He retorted darkly "So this what you all of chosen, right? To heed over this imbecile" Uncle Pedro chuckled darkly "You may not remember who you are Tanu-"

"Father, you promised!!" Ruiz roared ferociously but what was he implying at me? Again this dumb cold heart pained slightly but impact was severe.

"That was a close call" Ares mumbled to himself. Huh?

"I did but did you forget it in what notation, Ruiz?" Uncle Pedro asked and continued in my direction "As I was saying, during your accession my single devote decides your fate, Lilith" Uncle Pedro warned smugly.

"Your vote wouldn't be necessary uncle" I replied

"Are you trying to threaten me, my darling daughter?" He folded his hands and sat down regally.

"No" I smiled mockingly "But, Stella would you mind showing my uncle those documents of proof that he killed my father" I viciously stated to his face and all I can see was his horrors of nightmares endured by the very man who killed his own brother for power.
