
Fated Lovers.

Someone once wisely said "Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. ... Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you don't ask for and don't usually like" Fated Lovers revolves around the Love Story of Hannah Adams and Alexander Black who began a relationship after meeting in High school but unfortunate circumstances drifts them apart. Five years later, fate brings them back together and they are faced with soo many challenges that tests their love. Find out what fate has in store for Hannah and Alexander in FATED LOVERS. #R18 #love #trials #fate #fatedlovers

Iscream2 · Masa Muda
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: Stalker.

Author's POV

Unknown to Anna and Sophie who were excited about the diamond earrings that Samuel had just given, a certain someone at the extreme right of the class looked at the earrings like he was about to destroy them. Matt who had being watching Alex's facial expressions since Samuel approached Anna, felt like Alex would do something crazy if he is not stopped moreover Alex and Samuel had never being in good terms and now Samuel is going after someone Alex is interested in, so he immediately went to Alex "calm down man, you look like a dragon about to breath fire" Matt said to Alex, "why do I feel like my chest was going to explode, why am I so upset about that fool giving her a gift?" Alex asked sounding really frustrated "wow bro, I have never seen you like this over a girl" he paused, observed him then told him "You seem to really like her, why not tell her how you feel? Remember not to act rash in front of her so she doesn't get the wrong impression of you." Matt said and walked away.

Alex was not someone who acted rashly, he was always calm and collected, he liked to think things through before making decisions but when it comes to Anna he is unable to control himself plus Samuel a foe, he had always being in a competition with Alex unknown to Alex.

Alex, Matt and Samuel were once close friends, they attended the same schools, played together and even went on vacations together until 3 years ago after their final exams in middle school, Matt overhead Samuel talking to someone over the phone about how he hates Alex and is tired of him being better than him at everything, he planned to pay someone to change Alex's grade. Matt immediately went to tell Alex and they both confronted him, Samuel refused to apologise and that was the end of their friendship but Samuel has not stopped trying to compete with Alex in everything and is always getting on his nerves.

Alex gave a thought to what Matt said and decided to closer to Anna and thought to seek Matt's experienced knowledge on relationships, he was still in thought when the teacher walked in and classes commerced again, he found it a little bit difficult to concentrate.

At exactly 2:00pm the bell rang and classes were over for the day, Alex immediately left the class because he already saw Diana approaching him and he didn't had the calm and energy to accommodate her shenanigans, he then left Matt a message that he will be waiting for him in the car.

Matt, Sophie and Anna were about walking out of the class when, Diana approached them, looked at Anna strangely and asked Matt for Alex's whereabout, Matt told her that Alex had to rush home "okay, would you help give this to him? Tell him I got it for him during the vacation" she said giving him a black gift bag "sure" Matt said, took the bag and left because he could not stand Diana anymore, "to think that she bears the same name as my sister" Matt thought angrily.

" I am sure Alex ran away to avoid little miss fake nose but she is so stupid she didn't get the message " Sophie said and they all laughed, as they walked through the hallway, they got their things from the locker and headed for the exit. When they got to the parking lot, they said their goodbyes and the girls took a taxi home while Matt went into the car that Alex had been waiting for him in.

When Matt got into the car, he gave Alex the bag and told him who it was from, "this girl doesn't just understand no" Alex said sounding irritated and Matt laughed, "do you have time after dinner? I want to talk to you about something" Alex tells Matt, " sure bro I have time" Matt replies while on his phone.

A few minutes later Matt and Alex arrive home, Matt went straight to the kitchen to get water, Alex was about to go upstairs when he heard the voice of a middle aged woman,"welcome young master" he heard her say and turned to her, she was the Head maid of the house, "Good afternoon ma'am, is my mom home?", "no she isn't home yet, she had said she will be back after dinner tonight so you all shouldn't wait up for her" she repiled, "okay thank you" he said and was about to go when he remembered something."give this to Joshua please , I haven't seen him in a while, and please send my greetings" Alex told her giving her the black gift bag that Diana had given him, Joshua was her son who was about his age, she had brought him to the house once, Alex and Matt liked him so he gave her the gift bag, he figured that it was too expensive to throw away and he wouldn't wear it because he didn't like it, Matt wouldn't want it either, he would rather give it to someone who appreciates them, he immediately walked upstairs quickly, he knew she would start a section of thank yous and prayers and he just wanted to avoid that so he don't feel embarrassed.

Alexander's POV

I get to the room, had a relexing hot bath and went down to have lunch, Matt, Abi and Diane were also having their eating , it seems we are having buffalo chicken wings for lunch," welcome brother" they both said to me as I took my seat, I looked at Matt with the"what's going on eyes? "and he laughed" same thing happened when I came down for lunch, I was shocked but that was when I remembered that they were grounded and probably wanted us to pled on their behalf "he said. When I looked at the girls, their faces read "guiltily as charged". "we promise to be well behaved from now on Diane said" and also to respect other people's personal space" Abi added, they both looked pitiful. "We will think about it" Matt said and they both chorused a thank youuuu.

After lunch I went to the study room to get some reading done, Matt was already there, after a while of studying Abi and Diane asked Matt and I to review their school assignment since mom wasn't at home.I took a look at the time and it was around 4:00pm so I went to my room to take a nap because I felt really exhausted.

I wake up a short while later, I felt too lazy to get up so I remain in bed and picked up my phone to go through my socials then I noticed that there were a few messages, some from the friends group chat, a few from some girls I don't remember or even know a there was also a message from Diana asking if I got her gift. I ignore the messages and opened the group chat and I noticed Sophie had added someone else to the group, so I checked the profile of the person and my face instantly lit up"Sophie! You are amazing" I said to myself.

I opened the profile that read Adams Anna and I started going through every single picture and even saved some of them "so beautiful" I said to myself, I found out a few things about her from her profile. I was so into what I was doing that I didn't hear the knock on my door or when Matt came in and caught me" I can't believe you are stalking her on Instagram already" I heard and I was frightened and hid the phone "when did you get in here?" I asked feeling glad it was Matt who caught me not my big mouth sister or my mom.

Matt laughed " I knocked at the door a couple of times and I didn't get an answer so I decided to come in to ensure you are okay, I can't believe you didn't hear me come in" I sighed "I saw noticed Sophie added someone to the group so I wanted to find out who it was and I stumbled on the profile, I wasn't stalking just going through the profile" I said. 'if you say so" Matt said with a sly smile that proves that he doesn't buy that story. " dinner is ready let's go down, Mr lover boy" Matt said, I threw a pillow at him and shouted "f**k you man" as I watch him run out of my room, I looked at her picture one more time and went down for dinner.

After dinner I freshened up and decided to go and talk to Matt, so I went to his room, knocked and went in without waiting for his response. I met him on a call with Sophie so I sent for a maid and asked her to get me a bottle of wine with low alcohol, two glasses and chips.

The wine and chips arrived in few minutes and thankfully Matt was down with his phone call, "it seems there is something serious to be discussed" Matt said while pouring a glass for me and I poured a glass for him and we drank, we only talk over alcohol on serious issues . "I have decided to tell Anna how I feel but not immediately, I want to get to know her more first" I said, " yess this is the Alex I know, the one that goes for what he wants, not the one that admires what he wants from afar, Anna seems like a really nice girl, I am glad you've met someone you really like" I laughed "that sounds weird, I hope she likes me though, do you think I should text her on Instagram or ask her for her number or socials to her face?" I asked " I think you should first approach her before texting her, I will speak to Sophie to find out what she thinks about you" Matt repiled, " thanks bro" I said "anytime man" Matt repiled

We drank in silence for a while then Matt looked at me" he will back tomorrow, how do you feel " he asked, I smiled and repiled" a little bit tensed but I will be fine" We both smiled and continued drinking and talking about a lot things.

I wake up the next morning with the sunlight on my face and a bad headache, I noticed I was in Matt's room, we must have slept off yesterday without knowing, I wake Matt up and headed to my room to get ready for my workout.

After getting ready for school, I came down for breakfast, only the girls were on the breakfast table, we said our good mornings. "where is mom?" I asked while taking my sit and taking some buttermilk pancakes for myself, Matt then came down for breakfast" she came in late last night and wanted to sleep in for a while before having breakfast" John the butler said and he went into the kitchen and came out with a maid coming behind him holding a tray containing two bowls of soup, she placed one in front of me and the other in front of Matt "have this before you eat breakfast " John said, it turns out it was hangover soup, John is indeed very good at his job I thought "thank you John" myself and Matt said and began to eat, the hangover wasn't too bad but the soup helped a lot.

Anna's POV

Mom!!! I can't find my uniforms anywhere, I yelled while checking my closet still in my bath robe, ", I told you to pick it up from the laundry wardrobe yesterday " mom said as she placed the uniforms on my bed, "awnn thanks mom what would I ever do without you " I said and gave her a quick hug. "don't try to butter me up young lady, I give you 5 minutes to get downstairs, I don't want to be late" she said as she left the room.

I get dressed as quickly as I can, thankfully I had packed my hair and laid my edges, I spent about an hour on it. I sprayed my perfume again, grabbed my school bag and phone and ran downstairs, mom had finished cooking and had dstarted eating so I dropped my bag on the couch, took some orange juice from the refrigerator and placed it on the breakfast table. I took a serving of scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage ate with bread and stepped it down with some orange juice.

After breakfast, I stood in front of the large mirror in the living room and applyed some lip gloss "i have always know you like trouble" mum said laughing, " what do you mean by I like trouble?" I asked as we left the house, locked it and approached the car. "Didn't Diasy warn you about stealing her man yesterday?" mom said smiling, I told mom everything that happened at school yesterday and even showed her the gift, it seems she will use it to taunt me for a while " first mom, it's Diana not Diasy, second Alex is not her man and what does that even have to do with me liking trouble?" I asked, "well my baby is effortlessly beautiful and she seemed to have put some effort on her looks today and she looks like she is on a mission to make Alex fall crazily for her" mom dramatically said, I laughed and said "I am not on any mission because I haven't decided if I want Alex or not, plus I must be an Angel to make Alex fall since he doesn't like humans" I said and we both laughed. We talked a lot and mom gave me some tips incase I decided that I wanted Alex for myself.

It was excatly 8:00am when mom pulled up in from of my school, "have a nice day at work mom" I said and placed a kiss on her cheek "you too baby and be good" she said and gave me the house key card, "byeee mom " I said and waved to her as I closed the car door, "byeee baby" she said and drove off.

I was about to walk into the school gates when I heard Sophie's voice " wait for me my love" I turned back to see her walking quickly towards me. "Did you go to the salon yesterday?" Sophie asks as we hugged "no I got imy hair done myself this morning" I told her as we walked into the school "it looks great, and it makes your face look brighter, uwww a lot of boys will have heart attacks today" Sophie said, "oooh Sophie you are too much, I always pack my hair like this I just made the pony tail higher and braided one at each sides" I said and laughed, "what can I say, your beauty is fatal" Sophie said and we both laughed.

I like how myself and Sophie always give each other sincere compliments, Sophie is very beautiful, we have similar features but she has blonde hair and a very attractive light brown eyes, Sophie is totally adorable, I on the other hand has black her and deep brown eyes that looks more like black than brown.

A/N: Hello lovelies, please don't forget to leave your comments and support this author.

Love and light. ❤️+💡