
Fated Lovers.

Someone once wisely said "Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. ... Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you don't ask for and don't usually like" Fated Lovers revolves around the Love Story of Hannah Adams and Alexander Black who began a relationship after meeting in High school but unfortunate circumstances drifts them apart. Five years later, fate brings them back together and they are faced with soo many challenges that tests their love. Find out what fate has in store for Hannah and Alexander in FATED LOVERS. #R18 #love #trials #fate #fatedlovers

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Chapter 4: Meeting the school hunks.

   But what did you mean by this was the only chance these girls had? Anna asked again. Hmmm Sophie sighed well you know how there is a queen bee  and her minions in every school? She asked and Anna nodded, well there is one in this school too sadly and she is obsessed with Alex, she bully's any girl that approaches Alex and they can only leave gifts and letters secretly in his locker , she believes that she is the only one allowed to stand closer to him, and since she isn't in school today , the girls have their chance to go after Alex, so they are waiting for him to come back to class so they can express their feelings openly to him Sophie said dramatically and the both laughed.

   Alex and Matt walked into the class through the back door and the girls who had being waiting, ran towards them and took turns in introducing themselves while giving their gifts and letters. Anna and Sophie who were talking earlier couldn't help but watch the girls actions, and Anna wisphered to Sophie, they are like a celebrity fan club but very orderly and they both laughed.

    Matt found his way around his fans and walked towards Sophie and left a kiss on her cheek and Sophie smiled widely and immediately stood up and hugged him, while they were displaying their PDF, I can already guess this is Matt, Anna thought as she looked at the two, Matt was really handsome just as Sophie said, he had a dark brown hair an was so tall probably around 6ft, you could say he looked like those models on magazines and Sophie was a very pretty girl, they were soo cute together, Anna thought while smiling she then made a sound to let them know she was there and Sophie laughed and pulled Matt towards Anna "Matt meet my new bestie Hannah Adams, she is the new girl that just came in today, Anna this Matt that I have being telling you about all day.

    Ohhh finally I get to meet the famous Matt, Anna said and they all laughed and Matt stretched his hand towards her I am Matthew Collins but you should call me Matt, nice to meet you  Anna said and shook his hand. All three of them started talking, Matt tried to get to know Anna and he found her to be a very interesting person, "of course she is very interesting for her to have caught the attention of his friend" he thought with a slight smile on his face.

   On the other hand, Alex who has being surrounded with a lot of girls was starting to get very upset, and looked around only to see that his best friend has abandoned him to face all these alone, he was about to look away when he saw Anna talking and laughing with Sophie and Matt, "she looks breathtaking when she laughs,arrghh what's wrong with me he says in his head. He immediately takes his phone from his pocket and texted Matt.

   Matt who has being enjoying the company of his girlfriend and Anna gets and message and smiles, please excuse me ladies I need to attend to something important he says and gives Sophie a quick kiss on her lips and then her forehead" I will see you later baby" he says "okay babe" Sophie repiles and he goes to go and rescue his friend or rather rescue the girls from his friend because they have no idea what Alex can do when he is upset.

Once again I came to your rescue Matt said while taking a seat beside Alex, I would have saved myself Alex repiled while trying to get rid of the numerous letters and gifts that were in his desk. What were you talking about with the new girl? he asked trying to sound uninterested, that was the confirmation Matt needed, he had guessed earlier that his friend was interested in Anna  and now he is beyond happy, his friend is finally interested in a girl, even if he was interested in a boy, he would mind he thought, Alex who had being expecting a reply from his friend turned to see see him looking staring at him with a foolish smirk and he immediately knew that he had caught unto him " I am asking because I am curious" he said immediately trying to cover up. Why being all defensive? Matt asked while laughing, and please, drop the act man, since when were you ever curious about anyone, especially a girl? Matt asked. Just forget I asked Alex said, Matt was about to reply when the teacher walked in so he looked at his friend and said "this isn't over yet" and went back to his desk.

   The bell rang at exactly 1:30pm, Anna sighed "first day of school is finally over" she said to herself, Sophie who heard her looked back at her and said "I know right" and they both laughed. They both stood up the leave the class when Sophie asked that they take a picture so she could upload on social media, Anna agreed so they took soo many selfies. We look soo pretty Sophie said, let's take a full picture together then, she then walked up to Matt who was having a discussion with Alex to pass time while waiting for his girlfriend so they could leave school together " are you ready to go now?" Matt asked her, almost done babe, but we need to take a picture, would you please help us? She asked sweetly, he knew how much his girlfriend likes pictures, she had even taught him how to take perfect picture and turned him to her personal photographer, not like he was complaining though, anything for you babe Matt said and turned back to his friend, "don't leave without me I'll be back in a couple of minutes" he said and Alex nodded his head agreeing to wait for him and he went over to take pictures of the girls.

  Alex took out a book to get busy with while he waited for his friend, but when distracted became of the beautiful view in front of him, soo beautiful he said to himself. After a while he noticed that they were done with the pictures and were walking towards him, so he immediately pretended that he was seriously engaged with the book in his hands.

    Sorry for keeping you waiting Alex, Sophie said to him, ohhh trust he didn't mind, Matt replied while smiling at his friend and Alex looked at him and was about to reply when "I almost forgot to introduce you to my new friend" Sophie said holding Anna's hand, Alex this is Anna the new girl who came in today, Anna and Alex stared at each other for a short while, and Anna, Sophie continued speaking while looking at Anna, this is Alex  after which Alex stretched his hand towards Anna and said "nice to meet you Hannah " nice to meet you too Alex, Anna said as she took his hands.

   This action left Sophie very stunned , Matt in the other hand who had guessed that his friend liked the new girl just got a confirmation because he had never seen his friend initiate physical contact with a woman before.

  The sound of Anna's phone ringing brought everyone back from their thoughts, She then excused herself and walked a few steps away from them to take her call.

   That was new Sophie said to Alex immediately Anna left, what do you mean? Alex repiled acting oblivious to what she meant. Oh you know what I mean she said giving him a knowing smile, well I don't know what you are talking about, Matt tell her I don't know what she's talking about Alex said. Don't bring me into this man, you know Sophie is trying to find out why you were nice to a girl for the first time in your life Matt replied. What are you guys trying to say? I am always nice to girls Alex said. You are always cordial with girls not nice but if you refer to that as being nice that's fine but you have never being so nice to the point of initiating a handshake and even smiling, that I have never seen Sophie said which left Alex speechless which made Matthew laugh, I was just being nice no feelings attached Alex said to them and before Sophie could continue teasing him, Anna came back.

   I'm sorry guys, that was my mom, I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long? She said, no it's fine Mattt replied her, alright guys let's be on our way then continued and they all left the class and walked through the hallway where they stopped and got a few things from their respective lockers.

  Is your mom coming to pick you up Anna? Sophie asked while they were walking out if the school premises.  "she was supposed to be but she called earlier saying she won't be able to make it in time to pick me up as she was stuck at work, so I'll be taking an uber because I am not familiar with this city.

" ohh that's better so you won't get lost,  I'm taking an uber today too bacause my parents are working late. Where do you stay?"  Sophie asked

  "Second Avenue of Goshen Estate " Anna repiled while trying to order an uber on her phone.

" are you serious? I stay in the Second Avenue of Goshen Estate too, what street do you stay?" Sophie asked excitedly,  " Street 2,house 4" Anna said smiling, ohhh I stay in street 2 house 10, that's quite close though, I knew we were meant to be together forever Sophie said while giving her a hug and being all excited.

  Matt and Alex on the other hand just looked at the girls and shook their heads and laughed , they were used to Sophie always being dramatic about the littlest of things.

   Alex sighted his driver who was always punctual to pick him up from school, Matt and Alex offered to drop the girls at home but they turned them down since their house wasn't on their way, not too long the Uber arrived, Matt gave Sophie a hug and a quick kiss and they all got into their respective rides.

   "I am really excited that we stay close, regular sleep overs won't be a hassle" Sophie said excitedly while they were on their way home, "you have no idea how at peace I feel, I was soo scared that making friends will be very difficult for me, thank you for being my friend" Hannah said and gave Sophie a hug. Awwwn now don't go getting all chessy Sophie said and they both laughed.

  Not long, the car pulled up at the gate of Goshen Estate and they got down there because taxi's are not allowed into the estate, so when are you giving me a tour of this city? Anna asked as they walked home, Sophie smiled and said that would have to be during the weekend, are you free Sunday afternoon, sure I am absolutely free Anna repiled. Okay then a tour it is on Sunday afternoon, but you know what? Because you are very special to me I will start the tour now Sophie said sounding like a tour guy, now? Anna asked feeling confused , yes I will start but showing you my favourite place in this estate and where is that miss? Anna said playing along with her friend.

    I present to you SWEETS AND JOY Sophie said while pointing to a very cute shop, it was painted baby pink and had a very catchy design and had a light up poster with "SWEETS AND JOY" boldly written on it, Anna began to wonder how she had missed this place on her way into the estate last week when they moved in and this morning on her way to school. Come let's get a little treat before heading home Sophie said and dragged Anna into the shop, awwn this place is like heaven Anna said while looking around the shop, the entire shop was painted with pink, a little lemon green and white, it didn't look too girly but it gave a comfortable feel, maybe because of the cute sofa and table or the Marvelous scent of ice cream and pastries that filled the air.

  What flavour of ice cream would you like and what snack would you prefer? Sophie asked and Anna's mind stopped wondering " Strawberry and Vallina with lots of topping and a croissant is fine" she repiled. Sophie order same flavour of ice  cream for herself and a meat pie.

    The girls decided to take it home with them since the house was just 5 blocks away, they got to house 4 which was Anna's house and they decided to have their treat at Anna's house.

  "Welcome to my house or should I say my mom's house?" Anna said and they both laughed, as they dropped their school bags on the sitting room couch and occupied the dining area to have their ice cream before it melts.

   The girls talked a lot and when they were done, Anna showed Sophie to her bedroom upstairs, it was a normal sized bedroom, it was painted purple and almost everything in the room was purple and white, and there was a huge BTS(the Korean boy band) poster on wall close to her closet, immediately Sophie saw the poster she screamed excitedly " o my God! I can't believe you like BTS too, I knew we were ment to me friends she said while hugging the huge poster". Anna was shocked and excited, "I am soo happy you like BTS too, most of my friends in my previous were not really fans of BTS and I didn't really have someone to discuss them with apart from the online fans group"

Well now you have me, I even have a huge poster of them in my bed room too Sophie said while giving her a hug.

After few minutes of talking Sophie decided to go home because it was getting quite late, "Give me a minute let me get changed so we could go to your place" Anna said, Sophie agreed and Anna picked a simple black gown from her closet and went to the bathroom to freshen up, while she left who was Sophie busy on her phone.

A/N: Hello lovelies, please do not forget to leave your comments and support this author.
