
Fated Lovers.

Someone once wisely said "Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. ... Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you don't ask for and don't usually like" Fated Lovers revolves around the Love Story of Hannah Adams and Alexander Black who began a relationship after meeting in High school but unfortunate circumstances drifts them apart. Five years later, fate brings them back together and they are faced with soo many challenges that tests their love. Find out what fate has in store for Hannah and Alexander in FATED LOVERS. #R18 #love #trials #fate #fatedlovers

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13 Chs

Chapter 3: New Friend.

Anna's POV

I put on on blazer and walked towards the school feeling confident and I could feel eyes on me, I located the the administrative room and met the school's Principal Mrs Grace, she was a tall average looking middle age woman who wore glasses, the typical Principal look if you would ask me, she took me to have my school ID photo taken, thankfully it came out great. She then walked me to the staff room, and she showed me to my class form tutor then she left us, He had a gentle smile on his face as he introduced himself as Mr Philip , he is a very tall man and looked around 33 years old, he looked nice, I smiled back and introduced myself. I heard the bell ring and he asked me to come with him, he made small talks my asking me what school I transferred from and if I like it here in city Z.

   Not long we walked into a classroom, and most of the students who were making small talks with each other quickly went to their respective seats and greeted Mr. Philip while I stood next him in front of the class. Mr Philip greeted the student and told the students that I was their new classmate and asked me to introduce myself, my gaze went round the class looking at the students "my name is Hannah Adams" I said and they clapped, most of the were passing comments about my looks thankful they were all positive comments at least the once I could hear, they all welcomed me. I smiled and said thank you  and they clapped again, while  I stood there smiling sheepishly while my eyes scanned round the classroom  they all had their eyes on me except this one boy whom my eyes caught, he was as seated towards the right end on the third roll of the classroom, his eyes were on a book he looked so handsome. I tried to take a better look at him when the teacher showed me my seat which was adjacently in front of him, I went to seat and the teacher said a few things before leaving the classroom.  

                                       Alex's POV

  I was in class reading a book, I was lost in reading it that I didn't know when our form tutor walked in, I heard him say something about a new student but I wasn't interested so I didn't look up until... "My name is Hannah Adams " I heard someone say, the voiced sounded so appealing I had to see who it was, I immediately looked up and boom I am faced with beauty at it's peak, and I realised that it was the same girl I had seen earlier. I finally get to have a good look at her I thought, "earth to Alex" I hear Matthew say as he snaps his fingers in front of me and laughs and I immediately look back at my book. I took a little peak at her again after the teacher left and I notice she was seated adjacently in front of me, and had a lot of people around her, I guess there were trying to know her but I noticed a lot of guys were around her and I suddenly felt strange, was this Jealousy? I asked myself , before I could break my gaze and understand what I felt and why, I felt a tap on my side, I look and it was Matthew, "ohh no he caught me staring again" ."oh wow this is new, now Mrs Black's mind can finally be at ease" I heard him say " why do you mean?"


   Alex's POV

"oh no need to pretend my friend , I saw how you were staring at that new girl with that look in your eyes" Matthew said to me, "what look?" I asked him " you know what I am talking about, the look that screams" I AM IN LOVE" he said and laughed, I have never seen you look at any girl like that before, I mean.. I understand she is hot and almost every guy in this class is checking her out but I didn't expect you to do the same, you don't even look at girls for more than 30 seconds but your eyes were literally glued to hers, Mrs Black would be so happy when I tell her he continued. "what does my mother have to do with this?" I asked him "she has being so worried about you," I looked at him looking more confused then before, she called me during the holidays and asked if you had told me about anyone you liked, I told her no she said you have never brought any girl home neither has she heard you have late night conversations with a girl. She was literally complaining that you were 18 and still a virgin , she is scared that you are gay he said as he laughed hard. My mom is always pressuring me on having a girlfriend but I didn't know she had started to think I was gay, for crying out loud what kind of mom wants her 18 year old son to have sex  I said in my head while I face palmed myself. You will will not tell her anything, understand? " ouuuh so you are agreeing to having a crush on her?" he said winking at me. I didn't say that, moreover, how can I have a crush on someone I am seeing for the first time I said. " I fell in love with Sophie the first day I saw her, so it's possible he said while taking his phone from his pocket, i am one hundred percent sure he wants to text Sophie I thought while I shook my head.

Anna's POV

Immediately the teacher the class, a left the girl who was seated directly in front of me stood up and looked at me and said ohh you are soo pretty, I smiled shyly and said thank you, you too, "my name is Sophia but you can call me Sophie" she said , she was very cute, she was same height as a was a 5''5, she had her hair in a high pony just like mine but she was blonde, she had a very beautiful smile and seemed to love fashion, "you can call me Anna" I said  and we began to talk, we talked a lot, and we clicked immediately, she collected my phone and saved her contact, I collected her phone and did the same, a lot of people came to my seat to introduce themselves and get to know me better, I smiled and thought " thankfully they are nice people.

Author's POV

  Class begins few minutes later with Mathematics and Hannah tries to get comfortable with the new environment, times flies after about three lectures and it was time for lunch break, the students start leaving the classroom. Sophie who was about to go to the cafeteria looks back and sees Anna still on her seat looking confused, she walked towards her, laughed and asked " aren't you hungry little miss?" Anna smiled "I am veryyy hungry ma'am but I don't know the way to the cafeteria and my new friend who was supposed to accompany me was about to leave without me, so what can I do" Sophie bursts into laughter, holds Anna's hand "stop being to dramatic, I came back for you at least my love"and they both laughed"you know what girl, I think you will fit well in the drama club though" you think? Anna asked, yes girl, you are too dramatic Sophie repiled and they both laughed as they walked to the cafeteria.

   The girls lined up with other students and took their order, "What club are you in?" Anna asks as they sit to have their lunch, I am in the Music and Drama club Sophie said while taking a bite of her burger, "then I think I will have to join the Music and drama club too" Anna said and Sophie yelled excitedly and got the attention of almost all the students in the cafeteria " I am soo happy we are going to be in the same club" Sophie said leaving Anna confused, was that why you yelled Anna asked her, yes of course, thank you for doing this for me Sophie repiled and continued eating while Anna just laughs and shakes her head thinking "and I thought I was the crazy one" I am not joining Music and drama club just because you are there, I am joining because I actually have a thing for music she said and Sophie immediately looked at her looking sad and said" here I was this thinking the love was mutual" Anna laughed and said "but I didn't say I didn't love you Sophie" , then what do you mean huh, Sophie said acting like she was hurt, you know I actually abandoned my boyfriend so I could have lunch with you, so this how you pay me back? Sophie asked. I am sorry my love, I was just pulling your legs I am joining so I can be close to you Anna said while giving her a hug and they but laughed.

  So you have a boyfriend huh? Anna asked Sophie as they walked towards their lockers to get what they would need for the next class, yes I do Sophie repiled while smiling. Ohh wow, what's his name? Does he take the same classes with us ? Anna asks her excitedly slow down I will tell you everything she repiles while Anna looks at her anticipating the information she was about to receive.

    Well his name his Matthew but everyone calls him Matt apart from me though, I call him "babe" or "daddy" Sophie said sounding naughty and they both laughed. And yess he is in our class, he is tall, sexy and is truly a gentleman. I will introduce you two when we get to class she continued. Oh wow I can't wait to meet him Anna repiled while laughing.

Anna and Sophie walks into the class while still talking and laughing when when something catches Anna's attention, a group of girls gathered around a particular table and Ann looks at Sophie and  whispered to her "what's happening?" Sophie follows her line of sight, laughs and drags her to her seat " well they are trying to ask the school's prom king out for prom besides this is the only chance they have" Prom? But isn't prom until the end of the year? Anna asked looking confused and Sophie nooded.

   Anna still had a confused gaze so Sophie decided to free her from such confusion, well the thing is Alex and Matt are the school's hunk, every year they always get voted as the school's most handsome guys so everyone knows that Prom will be either one of the two, even if voting has not started and are doing all they can to get them to ask them out for prom plus this might be the only chance they get to ask him.

  But isn't Matt your boyfriend? And who is this Alex guy? Anna asked, yes Matt is my boyfriend and they all know but they still leave him love notes and gifts in his locker everyday Sophie said plainly like she was was talking about something very random, and you are okay with it? Anna asked. Well I used to be very jealous at first but I have gotten used to over time, plus Matt always gives me that sense of security, so I trust him 100% plus I get letters and gifts to from guys so it's like a two way thing, moreover there is nothing we can do about it, we have tried exchanging lockers and there is always PDA between us but those girls don't care. "Wow that's a lot" Anna repiled.

   "How about this Alex guy who is he and does his girlfriend have to go through this too?" Anna asked, Alex is Matt's best friend they have being friends since kindergarten and no he doesn't have a girlfriend, he always acts like he is immune to love, he is very cold to everyone yet the girls worship the ground he walks on, he is the one who seats adjacently behind you, immediately Anna looks back and points at the seat, you mean the guy who seats here? Yes Sophie repiled.

    Ohh wow, he is really cute though Anna said, yes he is but you mustn't fall for him, I don't want you to be like those fan girls and have your heart broken because I don't think he likes humans or even have an heart Sophie repiled, yes ma'am Anna repiled and they both laughed.

A/N: Hello lovelies , I noticed the previous chapter was very short, I am very sorry about that, I will try to make the remaining chapters longer. I have also made some changes to be previous chapters so you can go back to reread. Please guys don't forget to leave your comments and support this author.
