
Fated Lovers.

Someone once wisely said "Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. ... Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you don't ask for and don't usually like" Fated Lovers revolves around the Love Story of Hannah Adams and Alexander Black who began a relationship after meeting in High school but unfortunate circumstances drifts them apart. Five years later, fate brings them back together and they are faced with soo many challenges that tests their love. Find out what fate has in store for Hannah and Alexander in FATED LOVERS. #R18 #love #trials #fate #fatedlovers

Iscream2 · Masa Muda
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Daughter In-Law.

Hannah's POV

I was awaken by my very annoying loud alarm clock, after putting it off I tried to go back to sleep when I realised that today was Saturday. Ohh sh*t, Sophie will be here by 9:00am and it already 8:00am, I quickly got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom, after brushing my teeth and having my bath I sit on the chair of my vanity mirror in my room to moisturize my skin with my body cream when I hear a notification sound from my phone, I picked it up and noticed that it was a text from Sophie asking if I was ready,

Anna: Still getting ready, how bout you? Sophie :I am on my way to your place already🙄. Anna:Great, at least you could help me pick out what

to wear..😜 Sophie ::You silly girl, just put on a Jean and a top. Anna:Yes ma'am, I will be ready in no time!!

I texted back and placed my phone back on the table so I could get dressed, I took out my flat iron and straighted my hair, I decided to leave my hair down today, so I made a center parting and let it fall to the back, I wore my casual butterfly neck chain and my matching earrings

I walked to my closet and picked out a purple Jean trousers and a white long sleeved body hugging top with purple butterfly details on it and got dressed. I pick out a pair of white ankle socks and my white Sneakers and sat on my bed to put them on when I heard a knock on the door, I guess it's Sophie, before I could say come in the door opened and Sophie came in "I can already guess you woke up late or you took your precious time in the bathroom, so which one is it?" Sophie asked as she walked into the room and sat on the bed, she was wearing a blue Jean trouser with a white top and white Sneakers, we seem to be in sync, he had let her hair down and she looked cute. " I am sorry love, I woke up late, you look soo beautiful" I said and gave her a smile which she returned "I see you are trying to change the topic miss but I will let it pass because you look beautiful too girl" she said and we both laughed. I sprayed my favourite Euphoria essence perfume from Calvin Klein brand then look another look at the mirror, applied my lip gloss and placed it in the cute purple hand bag I was taking with me.

"I am done" I told Sophie who was busy with her phone, I guess she was ordering a ride for us "okay mama, the uber will be here in 5 minutes " she said and stood up from the bed, we took a few pictures and videos before going down stairs. "Good morning mom" I said to my mom who was having breakfast, "morning baby, you girls look beautiful" she said "thank youuu" we both said "you both have fun and take care of yourself and text me when you get there" mom said " okay mommy, what time will you be back?" I asked "probably 7pm, take your keys with you and remember to pick the list of things I asked you to get and the credit card, I kept them on table in the sitting room" she said and I walked to the sitting room, picked them up and placed them in my bag. "alright mommy, our ride is here, see you later" I said and gave her a hug, "no breakfast?" she asked "my friend's mom requested we have breakfast with her so we will be eating there" Sophie repiled, "okay, bye girls" she said as we left.

We got into the taxi and in about 25 minutes, we arrived at the gate of Woodville estate, since taxis are not allowed inside the estate because of security reasons, the guards at the estate gate asked us to either take the estate car service which we would have to pay for or walk into the estate, Sophie then showed him a card, they looked at it and let us through with the taxi. It turns out Matthew had given Sophie an access card so we wouldn't have to walk or pay extra, "I wonder why we don't have an access card for our estate, because we wouldn't need to walk" I told Sophie and she laughed "the only reason we they let us in is because, this estate is owned by the Black's and that card is the Black's family card" she said and I was soo stunned "Omg, they own this estate? I didn't expect Alex's family to be this rich" I said and Sophie laughed " well not just this estate but many more, do you think there are so many girls around him just because he is cute? There are three families in this city who are really affluent and powerful and the Black's are topping the list then the Collins family are next so girl, they are not just rich but veryyy rich " Sophie said leaving me a little bit skeptical about going to have breakfast at their home and Sophie noticed it " I understand you might feel so kinda way but trust me Alex's family are not like that, they are really cool and his mom is really nice so you have nothing to be concerned about, okay" she said to me with a smile "okay" I said and returned the smile.

We arrived in front of a mansion,we paid for the ride and got down from the car, I have only seen houses like this in movies, it was painted white and was huge, it also had huge black gate, if I didn't know better, I would have thought this was the white house.

Sophie put a call through to Matt to let him know we were at the gate and then pressed the bell, the guard at the gate opened the gate and let us in, it seemed like he recognised Sophie. We said hello, he responded and shut the gate after us, I know I said this house was huge but right now I think it's massive, there are a lot guards around the house dressed in all black both male and female. I admired the house as we walked towards the front door, as we got to the front door, there was a guard there "welcome miss" he said as he opened the door for us to go in, we thanked him and walked right in. Immediately we got in we saw Matt walking towards us with a smile on his face, he seemed very excited to see Sophie, "I am so glad you both made it" he said as he got closer "hi baby" Sophie said and they shared a hug and kiss " hey love" Matthew repiled and looked at me,"welcome Anna, I am glad you decided to come with us" he told me, and gave me and quick hug, "thank you" I repiled with a smile "Alex just got out of the bathroom, he will be down in a minute" he said as led us into the main sitting room.

The main sitting room was really grand, it looked like a Palace, everything in it looked exquisite and expensive, from the chandelier to the sofa and even the tiling looked fancy. "where is Aunty? I have missed her" Sophie asked after we sat "she has being in the kitchen, making sure everything is ready for breakfast, ever since I told her about you both were visiting, she's being really excited let me go and let her know you are here already" Matt said and walked towards the kitchen I guess.

"I didn't know Alex's mom is going to have breakfast with us" I whispered to Sophie after Matt left, she laughed and held my hands " hunnie don't worry she is really nice, I so sure she would love you" she said with a reassuraning smile which I returned. It's crazy how I am a little scared of meeting Alex's mom when we are really just friends, it's like I low-key want her to like me, Omg I am not thinking straight.

"You are welcome Miss Sophie and Miss Hannah, can I get you something to drink while you wait?" a middle aged man dressed in a white shirt and black trousers said to us, he seemed to be the butler, but how does he know my name. "O hello Mr John, it's nice seeing you again, just water will be fine thank you" Sophie said and I said hello to him before requesting for water to. "nice seeing you too, I will get the maids to attend to you, please excuse me" he said and left and I looked at Sophie, before I could ask her how Mr John knew my name she laughed and explained to that Mr John is very efficient in his work, he knows about every guest that will be visiting the house before they arrive, he also knew my name on the day I first arrived, I was as shocked at you were.

Author's POV

Unknown to Alex, Mrs Black who already sensed something fishy during lunch yesterday when Matt reminded her of Sophie's vist and that she was coming with a new friend named Anna, went to ambush Matt in his room after dinner looking for answers. Flashback from yesterday night after dinner:

"Alex has never gone out with a female friend or invited one home for breakfast, even if Matt invited her, Alex seems too excited about it, I saw the smile on his face when Matthew mentioned her name. Alex will never tell me anything, I will go and meet Matthew and get him to tell me who excatly this Hannah is and why Alex is fine with bringing her home" Mrs Black thought and she headed for Matt's room.

She knocked at his door and he opened up "Aunty! You are here, Come in. Is anything the matter?" Matt asked as he let her in, Mrs Black sat on the sofa in Matthew's room and Matthew sat on the sofa next to her. "Though you call me aunt, you have always thought of me as a second mother and you care about me and also especially for my health" Mrs Black said and Matthew immediately knew what she was up too, she always emotionally blackmails himself and Alex whenever she wanted them to let her in on something.

"Aunty!! What is it that you want to know" Matthew asked and she smiled and wriggled his nose" you are soo smart my darling, so tell me who this Hannah girl really is and why Alex is excited to have her over?" she asked looking really expectant and Matt laughed," Aunty she is a new student in our class who is now Sophie's best friend maybe you should ask Alex why he is so excited about her visit" Matthew said trying to avoid the question, he didn't want to betray Alex but he couldn't bring himself to lie to Mrs Black even if he tried she would pick out the lie, she is really smart.

After hearing what Matt said, Mrs Black smiled, "I am very sure you know something, we both know Alex will never tell me anything because he doesn't want me to meddle, I am just a poor mother who just wants to see her son happy, I promise not meddle" she said sounding really pityful, she just knew how to get him.

Matthew sighed "aunty, remember you promised not to meddle right?" he asked and she nodded "okay, Alex has a crush on Hannah, but he hasn't told her yet" he said and Mrs Black's face lit up instantly " I knew something was up with that child, finally he likes someone, I am soo happy. She must be be a real beauty to get my son's attention, tell me is she cute, does she like Alex too?" she began asking and Matthew shook his head, he knew she would act like this " Aunty, you will see her for yourself tomorrow just calm down and I don't know if she likes Alex" he said. "ohhh I can't wait to meet her, I really hope she likes him. Do you think she likes meat pie, what does she like?" she asked and Matthew laughed " Aunty!! She is just a crush not his wife, I am sure she likes meat pie" he told her. "who knows she might end up as his wife, thank you my darling, sleep well. I will be on my way now, I need to make sure John got all the ingredients for the meat pie" she said and was on her way out,and Matt said " Good night aunty, remember you promised not to" before he finished his sentence she completed it " meddle, yeah I got it, I won't" she said and shut the door and Matthew laughed.

Back to present :

Matthew got to the kitchen and met Mrs Black instructing the maids, she had a smile on her face and was wearing a yellow gown which was her favourite colour. "aunty, Sophie and Hannah are here" he said and she smiled even brighter "thank goodness, breakfast is ready" she said then instructed the maid to set the table for breakfast before she went to the living room to see the guest, while Matthew went to inform Alex of the girls arrival and finish dressing up.

Immediately she walked into the living room, both girls stood up, Sophie went to give her a hug while Anna just stood there watching them "Good morning aunty, how have you been? It's being a while" Sophie said "I am fine my darling, I can see you are doing great. I am a bit sad that you didn't come to visit or even call to check on me" Mrs Black said and Sophie apologised "I can't stay mad at you, I forgive you, ohh you must be Hannah, come here my darling, you both look beautiful" she said looking at Anna who was really surprised, she walked towards her and gave her a hug "Good morning aunty" Anna greeted her and Mrs Black smiled "how are you doing?, you are very beautiful, come let's go and have breakfast" she said and held their hands to lead them to the dining room "thank you" Anna repiled with a smile.

Mrs Black engaged the girls in a conversation while waiting for the boys, she liked Anna a lot after meeting her and asked her a few questions in order to get to know her. Hannah felt comfortable during the conversation with Mrs Black, while they were talking Abi and Diane came downstairs for breakfast, they met Anna and immediately started asking her lots of questions.

Not long, Alex and Matt both came down, Matt sat next to Sophie, Alex wanted to sit next to Anna but Abi and Diane both sat at her sides, he just sat next to Matt, disappointment was written all over his face and it didn't go unnotied by Mrs Black.

The food was served and everyone started eating "I have missed your meatpies aunty" Sophie said and Mrs Black laughed "I can tell, visit often and you will get meatpies, I hope you like the meatpies Anna" she asked " yes I do, they are amazing. I think I would need your recipe" Anna said and Mrs Black laughed "too bad my darling, it's a family recipe. You only get it if you become my daughter in-law" she said and Anna blushed while everyone laughed, Alex also had a blush on his face "but aunty even if I succeed in making your son decide to get married to me, the wedding won't happen for another 6 to 8 years, that's too much time for me to wait for this meatpie" Anna said and everyone laughed again "okay that's true, then your visits will have to be frequent so I can make them for you" Mrs Black said. "but don't be like Sophie who came here when she and big Matthew were having a fight just to eat meatpies, she didn't even spare him a glance" Abi said "Big brother Matthew almost cried, because he thought she came to see him but she left with saying a word to him"Diane continued and everyone laughed. I will be taking a break from work soon, Matthew's mom isn't in the country and I don't want to be bored so you girls must visit often to kept me company okay? " Mrs Black said and to the girls and they repiled simultaneously" yes aunty! "

After the meal, they were ready to leave for the mall, Mrs Black only let Anna leave after she promised to visit frequently." Make sure to get something nice for Anna okay? " Mrs Black told Alex as he gave her a hug, okay mom he repiled. Since Alex already got his licence, he decided to drive, Matthew sat at the front seat next to him while the girls sat at the back and then they were off.

A/N: Hello lovelies, I hope we are all doing okay? I am so sorry for the late update. Please remember to support this author and to leave your comments, they really go a long way. ❤️+💡