
Fated Lovers.

Someone once wisely said "Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. ... Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you don't ask for and don't usually like" Fated Lovers revolves around the Love Story of Hannah Adams and Alexander Black who began a relationship after meeting in High school but unfortunate circumstances drifts them apart. Five years later, fate brings them back together and they are faced with soo many challenges that tests their love. Find out what fate has in store for Hannah and Alexander in FATED LOVERS. #R18 #love #trials #fate #fatedlovers

Iscream2 · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter11: A day out.

Alex's POV

While driving I couldn't help but take several glances at Anna through the mirror, when I came down the stairs earlier for breakfast and I saw her seated in the dinning room, she looked extremely beautiful I couldn't help but stare at her, when she smiled, I got lost in her smile and lost consciousness of my environment, I just stood there staring at her until Matthew tapped me and brought me back to reality, thank goodness nobody else noticed.

"Are we visiting the mall first or the amusement park?" Matthew asked and after a little deliberation we decided to visit the mall first, " it's being a long while since I went to the park, I can't wait" Anna said and Sophie began to tell her about other fun place and the city.

After about 45minutes of driving we got to the mall, thankfully there was no traffic, Sophie suggested we go to the boutique to check if there were anything we would like before getting groceries and we all agreed, since the boutique was on the third floor we took the lift, immediately we got inside the boutique Sophie dragged Anna to the clothes section and asked myself and Matt to sit in the waiting room while they shopped, we were no strangers to this, our mom's had put us through this several times while growing up and called it training since we would one day have girlfriends and wives.

While we waited, an attentant served us some biscuits and fruit juice, it wasn't long until Sophie and Anna came out of the dressing room wearing similar clothes of different colours, Sophie's dress was blue while Anna's dress was white and she looked heavenly, it was a simple knee length body con dress, with a thin strap. The dress showed off her womanly features, with her hair styled like that she looked sexy, I struggled to take my eyes off her " how do I look Alex" I heard her ask me "you look stunning" I told her almost immediately while taking a good look at her and I caught a blush on her cheeks "so you think I should get this dress?" she asked feeling a little bit shy "that is if you like it but I would love to see you in it" I told her and she blushed even harder "stop trying to flrit with me young man" she said and I laughed "I am telling you what I think" I told her and she smiled "let me ask Sophie what she thinks of it" Anna said and when we turn to Sophie she seemed busy with Matt, "can you both get a room" I said and they pulled away from each other and we all laughed.

The girls agreed to take the dresses so we moved on to the shoes section, we all selected a pair of sneakers but the girls also bought a pair of sandals each and new pairs of socks . We were on our way to the counter to pay when Anna and Sophie saw some lip gloss they liked and stopped to get it, Matt wanted to get Sophie an ear ring so we excused ourselves and went to the jewellery section.

Matthew selected a pair of matching diamond earrings and a necklace for Sophie, we were about to go when I caught sight of a diamond butterfly shaped necklace, I thought it would look great on Anna so I picked it, we were about to pay when one of the sales assistant informed me that the necklace had a paired earrings, I asked for it and paid for it before going to the boutique's counter to meet the girls. When we got there I handed the cashier my card, and our items were packed separately.

We took the lift to the ground floor which is where the supermarket was, in about 20 minutes we were all done shopping and went to the counter to pay, after which we headed to the car to drop the things we got.

It was already past 1pm so we decided to pick up something to eat before leaving for the park, we ordered some take outs from the eatery and went on our way. I had to juggle eating and driving, Matthew did the honours of feeding me while I drove.

"I really hope the park isn't packed with people by the time we get there , I don't fancy queueing up for the rides" Anna said and we all laughed. "trying to be positive huh? the park is always packed on the weekends especially the city park, so there is really nothing we can do about that" I repiled, "I low-key hope on that too Anna, because I don't want to wait to long before getting on the water splash , it's a new ride and I haven't tried it out yet" Sophie added.

In about 45 minutes we arrived at the park, thankfully there wasn't any major traffic on the way. We parked the car at the car park and went in "ohh my goodness, it's so much bigger than the ones in my former city" I heard Anna say as she looked around, I looked at her and could literally see the sparkle in her eyes "the city park is the biggest park in the city, wait till you see all the rides" Sophie said as she held her hands.

"What ride are we getting on first?" Matthew asked and the girls simultaneously said "Water Splash!!" myself and Matt laughed "okayy then, let's go get out tickets" he said as we all walked towards the ticket booth. We got 4 tickets for the water splash and got on the line, it had 20 rides that looked like a small box, it could only take two people in a box, which meant that a maximum of 40 people could ride at a time. As I watched the ride, I noticed the boxes go up slowly and when it's about to go down, it goes down really fast while water splashs on you, It has two peaks, on higher than the other but they both have similar sequence.

We did not have to wait long before we had our turn, Matthew and Sophie got into a box while myself and Anna got into another, the boxes were on a trail that had water in it, we strapped in our seat belts and held onto the iron like thing in front of us, a guide came to make sure we had our seat belts on properly. "I didn't know it goes that high, I am a little bit scared of height" Anna said and I laughed "I can't believe you were very excited to go on this but you are scared of heights, there is no turning back now" I told her and we both laughed, "just close your eyes if you feel really scared, you can even hold my hands" I looked at her and told her and she smiled "thank you" she responded.

The ride started slowly then it became a bit faster, while we were moving up, I felt Anna hold my hand, I looked at her and she smiled, when we got up and were descending from the second peck I heard Anna scream as she held my hands really tightly and closed her eyes, I looked at her and couldn't help but smile, she was really beautiful.

After we descended, I told her she could open her eyes, she looked at me and I noticed she felt a bit embarrassed, we both laughed "did you enjoy the ride?" I asked her "yes I did, thanks for letting me hold your hands" she said with a smile or was it a blush? I couldn't tell "you are always welcome" I told her, the ride finally stopped, I got out of the box and helped Anna out too.

We saw Sophie and Matthew who just got out and we walked towards them, Sophie and Hannah immediately started talking about the ride and how it was a bit scary, "let's go collect our pictures before we go for the next ride" I said "pictures?!!! " the girls asked " yes, while I was getting the tickets, they asked if we wanted our pictures taken during the ride and I agreed" I announced "ohh that's why a ticket is $5, let's go see the pictures" Sophie said and we went to the photo booth, we were told to put in the number of our tickets and our email address so they could send it there, we did and left.

"Can we go to the arcade?" Anna asked "suree, I like that we think alike" Sophie said and they both laughed.

We had so much fun playing games and thanks to Anna and Sophie we took so many pictures too, I also helped Anna win a stuffed rabbit from the claw machine.

We were famished and decided to get some snacks, we sat at the hangout spot under a bamboo shade to eat and relex before heading back home. "I had so much fun today, thanks to you guys" Anna said with a smile on her face, "ooh quit being formal with us, we are all friends. I am just really glad you agreed to come with us" Sophie told her. " Knowing Sophie, she would have found a way to bring you here even if you had refused to come with us" Matthew said and we all laughed.

Matthew and Sophie decided to take a walk together, which left myself and Anna alone, I knew they did that on purpose because they wanted us to bond and I really appreciate that. "is there anything else you would like to do or something you want? " I asked her, "nothing really, but I can sight an ice cream truck from over here, let's take a walk there please" she asked me with a smile , I looked towards the ice cream truck "alright then, let's go" I said and we both stood up and started walking.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?" I told her and she smiled "Mr Alex, I hope you are not trying to flirt with me again" she repiled with a bit of playfulness in her tone and I laughed "why do you always feel like I am trying to flirt with you every time I give you an honest compliment? I asked her because I was really curious." well, I guess it has something to do with your reputation "she repiled and I laughed again than stopped walking, she noticed and turned around to look at me," so you mean, you already have opinions about me without any first hand experience huh? That means you also know that I never tell lies, meaning any compliment I give to you is a 100 % geniue, I mean every word I say." I told her looking straight into her eyes. Anna smiled and kept on walking towards the truck and I also smiled to myself and immediately caught up with her.

" What flavours would you like? " I askd Anna when it was our turn to order, "banana and vanilla flavours with some sprinkles" she said which I ordered and chocolate flavour for myself.

While we ate our ice cream we took a walk around the park, "so tell me, what's your favourite place to visit?" I asked Hannah, "I love the beach and boat cruises" she said, "I think you love water a lot" I replied and we both laughed. "well I agree that I love water a lot, but I love to do other things too, like attending concerts, watching movies, cartoon and football matches. How bout you, where is your favourite place to visit?" she asked me. "I don't really have any, I also enjoy the beach and many other things.Next time we go out, we should definitely go on a boat cruise. What do you think?" I asked her and she smiled "that would be great" she said and continued with her ice cream.

Myself and Anna talked a lot, I got to know so much about her, we also took a few pictures together. I enjoyed talking to her, it felt like time had stopped, until a call came from Matthew asking us where we were at so we could go back home since it was getting kinda late, that was when I realised how much time we had spent talking, I really enjoy talking to her. I told Matt where we were and agreed to meet at the gate, by the time myself and Anna got to the gate, Sophie and Matthew were already there, so we all walked to the car together.

Author's POV.

"ouuuh our pictures from the water splash ride has been sent to our mails already, check your mail, I just received mine" Sophie said while they were on their way home.

"Really? Let me check for mine, I hope the pictures came out great" Hannah repiled as she immediately went to check her mail.

"The pictures came out okay, I think they did a good job, have a look at this one Alex" Matthew said and showed Alex a picture while they waited for the traffic light to turn green.

Alex took a look at the picture, it was a picture of him looking at Anna while holding her hands during the ride, he smiled to himself and said "yeah, they look great" and continued driving.

At excatly 6:00pm, a black Mercedes Benz limited edition car pulled up in front of Sophie's House and they all alighted from the vehicle, "I had so much fun today, we must do this again soon okay? " Sophie said with a big smile on her face.

"You are soo right, I agree." Matthew said with a smile. "I had so much fun today, thanks to you all, my place is a three minutes walk from here so I will get going" Anna said.

"Please let me drop you off, you can't carry all the stuff you got all by yourself, plus you will be doing me a favour since, I don't want to be a third wheel in their PDA" Alex said they all laughed.

"Alright then, let me come to your aid" Anna repiled, she gave Matthew and Sophie a hug and they said their goodbyes before going back into the car with Alex.

"My place is the next building" Anna said as they approached her home, "I am starting to feel like you are trying to avoid me" Alex said as he parked the car into front of her place.

"What do you mean? I am in no way avoiding you" Anna told him, "oo come on, you were willing to walk for about five minutes with all these bags even when you knew that I didn't mind giving you a ride plus you said it was only a three minutes walk" Alex replied her sounding wronged and Hannah laughed.

"I could really manage, it had nothing to do with avoiding you honestly" Anna said trying to look at him in the eye with a slight smile on her face.

"If you say so, I was scared for a moment and began to wonder if I was really that ugly for you to pushed me away" Alex said with a smile.

"I doubt if there is anyone in the world who finds you ugly so why will I push you away?" Anna asked. I am beyond grateful that you find me attractive"Alex repiled her.

"Whatever you say Mr Alex" Anna said they both laughed, "honestly, thanks for today. You were great company so I had soo much" she continued.

"No need to thank me, I enjoyed your company too . I really hope we can do this more often, plus I got something for you and I hope you like it" Alex told her as he brought out a Cartier branded nylon bag containing the necklace that he got her earlier at the mall and handed it over to her.

Hannah was so stunned she didn't know what to say and a little hesitant to take it from him "awwwn, you didn't have to, thank you soo much" she said with a huge smile on her face.

Alex noticed her hesitation and said "I just really hope you like it, I saw it at the mall and thought it would look great on you, please accept it". He noticed she was about to open it to see what was in it so he stopped her "don't open it yet, as much as I would love to see your reaction to the gift, I don't know if you would like it so open it when I leave please" he said and she laughed.

"Even if I am sure that I would absolutely love your gift, I would grant your request" Anna told him and he nodded his head and smiled. "Thank you again for everything, I will see you around at school" she said and alighted from the car, he also got down from the car, opened the back seat and passed her the nylon bags that had her stuffs, she took them and walked into her house after saying "thank you" to him again. He watched her go in before he got back into the car and drove off.

A/N: Hello lovelies, I really hope we are all doing okay both physically and emotionally. I have being having a hard time posting new chapters but I will do my best from now on. Remember to support this author and also leave your comments, there really go a long way for me ❤️+💡.