
Fate/Rebirth Chronicles

This story is a fanfiction as that has the main world set in Fate and many other works mash up, what I mean I took several character or organization and throw it to make a new worldview, the story will focus on the Fate world first but he will slowly go to other world so expect world hopping but the main will always be Fate. The story won't Immediately start with fate character coming, it start on making the Mc have a backstory in the world first, there will be scene from few of character here and there for about 10-12 chapter. I write this fanfic because I thought I should try it, because it sounds fun. DISCLAIMER : beside the OG character and plot of the Fanfic I don't own any other character that appear in this fanfic. the book cover is search from google so I don't own it.

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101 Chs

Unconscious Alex

on the other side of both Ritsuka and Mash arrive at the singularity.

"Senpai it seems we have arrive at the singularity." Mash look towards Ritsuka, seeing Ritsuka didn't answer her she was about to grab Ritsuka shoulder, but when she walk closer to Ritsuka she looked up and saw a huge ring of light appear in the sky.

"Mash what is that?"

"I don't know Senpai, how about we ask Sensei?"

"Alex what is that?" she ask immediately.

"hmm, Alex don't ignore me." 

both Mash and Ritsuka was confused since there's no answer coming from Alex, so they turn around to look for Alex, when they turn around they found Fou who is standing on top of Alex body.

"Sensei what happen to you?" when Mash saw that Alex was lying on the ground she immediately rush to his empty body to see his condition.

"Senpai can you contact Dr. Roman, it seems Sensei is in a state of sleeping."

"wait a minute I will try, but Mash we should fine somewhere to hide and establish a source on a magic vein so the connection to chaldea will be stable."

"ok Senpai, I will help carry Sensei body, let's fine somewhere to hide Sensei body and then establish the connection to the magic vein."

with that Mash pick Alex body and carry him on a piggy back, both decide to find a cave where they can use as a safe place for now.


after establishing connection to the magic vein both of them decide to contact Chaldea.

"Dr. Roman can you hear me?, this is Mash can you help check Sensei condition?"

"wait a moment Mash-chan, can you please explain what happen first, did something happen to Alex?"

"Mash you need to calm down first, Ritsuka can you explain what happen?" DaVinci tried to calm Mash down while asking Ritsuka that is more collected to explain.

Ritsuka recounted what happen and the condition on the singularity including the appearance of the large ring of light floating above their head.

"Roman this is very troublesome since our trump card is now unconscious, and there's now a mysterious object on the sky, now I understand why he ask us to deal with singularity on his own."

"after he is missing we can easily panicked and become a headless chicken."

"Director you need to calm down too, Mash and Ritsuka please relax, just do the same as the first singularity you have, leave Alex to us here, you both also need to scout the surrounding and gather the servant scatter around French."

"ok Roman, Mash and I will do that, I will leave a golem to guard Alex body while both of us deal with the singularity while DaVinci and you try to search for a solution here."

"ok good luck both of you."

after saying that ritsuka and mash exit the cave and started to scout the surrounding.


after walking around and searching the both of them encounter a group of French soldier seeming to be from a scout unit, both of them decide to make contact since they want to gain information.

but because the both of them didn't speak French the soldiers think they are from the enemy side, and seeing this they intend to capture both of them and take them back.

Mash and Ritsuka decided to repel them without hurting anyone of them since this is a paradox of an altered timeline, after repelling the soldier they followed them from the distance and saw the group of soldiers entered a fort ruins.

they both decide to enter the ruin and saw the huge amount of wounded soldiers resting and healing in the ruin.

both of them asked roman and the other to help them translate their conversation, and started ti=o inquire information, both of them discover the news that the Saintess of France is resurrected and now seeking revenge and the news that she killed King Charles.

the no resurrected Saintess  is now called the dragon witch by the people, hearing this Mash and Ritsuka expect the Singularity is cause by the resurrected Saintess.

"Dr. Roman do you think it is possible for a person that is given a title saint to do something like this?"

"I am not sure but since this is a singularity everything is possible, and both of you DaVinci said that there is several possibilities of Alex becoming unconscious."

"the most likely one is that Ring of Light in the sky, maybe the person behind the scene think Alex is a threat so he prevent him from taking action."

"Roman can we solve the problem, so that Alex can regain consciousness."

"it seems not at the moment, and Ritsuka be prepared the radar sense a group of hostile unit are running towards your position."

hearing roman warning Ritsuka and Mash climb on top of the Wall to see the situation clearly, they saw a horde of undead skeleton are swarming the fort, and from a far a group of wyvern is closing.

Ritsuka and Mash shouted to warn the soldiers of an incoming siege, both of them immediately prepare to rally the soldiers that can fight and help them guard the wounded people.

Ritsuka was very thankful of Alex since he taught her how to create simple golem that she can summon, and as a Master the most impactful action she can do is to act as a commander, she created group of golem to become the front line of the defense lessening the burden of the soldiers, she then ask the highest ranking person to command the soldiers to destroy the skeleton that was let through by the golem.

Ritsuka also ask Mash to help deal with the attack coming from the wyvern while Ritsuka order some of the golem to use range attack and ground the wyvern so the soldiers can attack the wyvern that lost the ability to fly.

even with the help of both of them the pressure the soldiers are facing is still very overwhelming since they just escape and just about to rest their tired body, if the battle continue on they will be wipe out by the horde of skeleton.

seeing this Ritsuka trying to think of a solution, suddenly a girl with long blond hair that have a braided ponytail style rush towards the frontline.1

"Soldiers of France don't falter, follow me." she then raised her banner.

the confused soldiers become exited and their morale are raised, the girl command the soldiers with finest like a seasoned general.

slowly the siege from the wyvern and skeleton started to lessen allowing the Mash, Ritsuka and the group of soldiers to repel the siege.


A word of thanks to :

ReimAscart VictorWalker 0zymandias Hosea_6679 DeadCat5757 ThreshGasm Dream_More Gitbhang Luis_Contreras_248 Lion_KingSimp1 Phi0fany_11531 Unknown_Wizard SirFawzi Joshua_Gagnon ParallaxDawn kainebartz16 Kliuy2k Greddy_wolf. Saurian_mp4 BIMMM galks Dtrackt  Aphos  JJ123  GuessTheGender  Judy_Morgan_5854  Dtrackt  DAO_of_UmU  DanKress  jaden_cadawas  The_Trailer_Master  MaXsuL08  NordicRazor  Dragler  TAYROS_LINK  See_rer  Rose_BloodKill  jkrsa  Crystalsinger81  AltrEgo  jaden_cadawas  Parsakzz  King_8997 PureWhite248  AetherBlacklight  UchihaMadara  Akito_  Crystalsinger81  Atalyn_Navia  ChromeFate Aaron_Evangelista  Aamzazap  Ethan_Farias  Daze_Imaginator  Aozu  Rainhawk  True1ironDragon

for the Power Stone

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